PROJECT: SEVENTEEN-initialization

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You shouldn't be reading this book.

Yes, yes, I know. What a threatening way to start this off, right? But in all means, reader, I have to threaten you. Why? You ask. I've been searching for a good book to read all night and I stumble across this book, momentarily thinking it's a good one, before you tell me I'm not allowed to read it?

I understand your pain.

But you see, you're missing the point here. You are not supposed to read this. Under any and all circumstances, you aren't, you shouldn't, and (hopefully after you read this chapter) you won't. Heck, even I, the obnoxious and painfully annoying person writing this, am not allowed to read anything that proceeds this.

Why? You ask again.

Getting irritated now, are we?

For starters, you're not supposed to read this book because it is a secret. But fine. If you're so persistent to read this book, then I may at least give you a glimpse of the world it's set in.

In this world, evil runs rampant. I don't know about yours, but in our city and in our universe, it's all big and bad. Bad intentions and bad actions lurk everywhere- around trashed corners, within a liar's mouth, a thief's hand, a bully's kick. Resting in a scammer's brilliant brain, in the pinkies of little children and their broken promises. Lying in the rubble of burnt glass and shattered dreams. Secrets and deceptions so dangerous fill up the world that the only solution to this mess is to send in the best to clean it up.

Who are the "best" we talk of? Policemen? Secret Service? Talking dogs?

You're nowhere close. Because in the eyes of the public, the best that we talk of are teenagers.

Yes. Teenagers. Angsty, weird, antisocial, and grossly hormonal pre-adults. In another world, teenagers are given soulmates or happy endings. But not in ours. Teenagers are sent to oust this evil through missions, making them seem like heroes and cool agents that save the day (well, because they technically are). Because of this, being chosen for a mission is every little boy and girl's dream, another star in the universe that they could always look upon.

But not all stories have happy endings. Not all secrets can be told. Especially not this one.

And sometimes, there are some things that not even I, yet again, can tell you.

-but still! you protest. A secret can't hurt you, right? It can't possibly make you end up in a bad situation. And what's so special about this secret, anyway?

Well, let me tell you this: as far as secrets can go, this one will hurt you. No, it can't reach out of the screen, send a punch to your liver and send you flying to the Pacific ocean, but maybe at one point in this book, it will. No, I'm just kidding. This secret can't hurt you physically, but it will- mentally, spiritually, and verbally. Seriously, the information will mess with you and your brain. As far as secrets can go, this secret can and will.

Oh, you're still here?

It's quite disappointing that my threat did not work. Alas, as you have shown earlier, you are quite the stubborn reader.

Which makes you the perfect person to share this secret with.

You frown, smile, display a flash of emotion on your face, genuinely confused. But you told us that no one's supposed to know this?

You're right. No one's supposed to know about this. But a secret's not a secret if it's a secret only one person knows. So I may do the deed of telling you this story.


Before you get too excited and head on to the next chapter, skipping everything important I have to say, you have to be warned. This is no ordinary secret. This is a government secret, and a very closely guarded one. This secret is not a secret you share with Mikaela during lunch, or tell Sammy about during break time. It's definitely not the one you tell to the police or the fireman or the mailman or the pizza man.

In short, if you fail to understand what it means to know this information, such as the legendary tale of thirteen boys and their days of glory, (whoops, spilled something again!) and fail to keep the secret a secret , then prepare yourself. Because as far as secrets could go, this secret is a dangerous one, and if you don't shut your mouth about it-

It could be one that could change your life forever.

Still there? Oh, I give up.

I will tell you that this is where we part ways. Where we cross the line. The border between two countries, or a separation of one. Lines can be very important; in our case, it guards you from what you need and don't need to know. This is the part where you, dear reader, take your time to exit this book and possibly prevent a life of crime and danger— of what you must and must not experience.

But then again, where's the fun in that?

You have come this far that I may have the slightest amount of trust in you. Just a little bit, like how little nutrients there are in vegetable chips when they promise you it's healthy. You are brave. And very stubborn. And if you are that type of person, stupid and curious enough to know the government's deadliest and most glorious secret— or story, that is— of the thirteen boys who will go down in history forever.

Would you take the risk? Will you step foot over the line, and cross the border? Will you turn to the next page, the next chapter?

I advise you to go back home, like the countless of times I have earlier.

But that choice is up to you, I guess.

Good luck.

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