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pretend you are a piece of dust, floating through the oh-so exquisite parking lot of patro buildings' corporate tower.

there is not much to see. just a bunch of cars, of course. some bentleys, a couple of ferraris, and a flock of jaguars hanging around here and there. why, this is a parking lot! to add onto that, a grandiosely exquisite building's parking lot. it was only natural to have these top-of-the-line mobiles lounging around in here.

then, a squeak.

was it a mouse, perhaps? you tune in closer. no, no, mice do not have tremendously childish laughs. or did they? but you discover that the source of the sound was not, in fact, a mouse. it sounded like pestering little whispers, mumbles of excitement and huffs of annoyance.

ah, humans. plenty of them.

along they went, some strolling quietly towards the elevator at the center of the parking lot, some making their way to the emergency stairs and up to the floors above. you notice that they all had starkly colored hair and differently designed clothes—jackets or coats of some sort. take the tall maintenance guy at one end bickering with his colleague with a slit in his eyebrow, for example. or their short friend with a mop of quite curly brown hair atop his head, looking as if he was ready to kick his fellow humans in the gut while the rest just teased him for it.

it's quiet in the parking lot, save for the thirteen—thirteen? that's a tremendous amount—friends' muffled laughter. a whole cluster of them pile into the elevator long before you knew.

we join them, of course. we can't just let them keep this mission to themselves. slowly, we settle on the first guy's shoulder, who had tufts of black locks on his hair and a handsome stare on his face. he grins at one of the others, who mouths something with a press to the side of his watch.

let's start.

"alright, the plan goes like this."

the team tries to avoid eye contact with one another (and fails) when seungcheol's voice booms in the elevator. seungcheol only clears his throat and continues again, not pleased at how fast time was running.

"jun hides the boxes around the first to sixth floors first. after which, jihoon will sneak into surveillance at the seventh floor. kwon and eight go deactivate the alarm, and that's when jihoon will be able to shut off the cameras in the building successfully. site one is finished just like that. once we've successfully gotten rid of all the eyes on us, disguises will be needed to get seungkwan into the chamber at the twelfth floor– i believe seokmin and dino have that covered— and we'll be grabbing whatever is ariah is hiding in this building. jun and hansol go fetch the twelfth floor team, and we leave the building. simple as that. wonwoo will be working to make sure none of this gets caught on the elevator cameras."

"got it," the team answers.

"as usual, mingyu and i are ready to speed out when we've reached our goal. the twins—shua and han— are on standby at the parking lot, ready to bail us out. in case you get cut or you can't contact us, send a signal to woozi. and, uh, don't worry about anyone discovering him, because we already knocked out the intern that was supposed to be on the job."

the boys sputter. "you did what to the intern?"

"we...well, to put it simply—we kinda put him in an unconscious state. shua took care of it. looked a bit painful, but the intern's alright."

they gulp. "huh. okay."

seungcheol's eyes are still trained on his watch, and he clears his throat again. "be careful with names and identities. do not interact with civilians. if our cover is blown, we'll be blowing up the place too."

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