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the night falls pretty quickly. electricity fluctuated through the air, every room in the house up with tension and excitement. after the boys had inked down every detail of their plan into their brains, no once could keep still or quiet about the last mission they were about to pull tomorrow— everything about it was thrilling, unnerving, and amazing all at the same time.

that didn't mean things would be any different. seungkwan and dino bickered back and forth upstairs, with hansol blasting chill hiphop in his headphones while he sat in between them; mingyu and seokmin hurried around the kitchen to make dinner; about a quarter of the team were just waking up from their long afternoon naps; and two familiar masterminds hung around the basement, still reviewing their course of action over and over.

jeonghan yawns and stretches out on his favorite couch in the comfort lab. "come on, jisoo. it's been, like, forever. can we go up now?"

"just a minute," jisoo is on the phone, hurriedly writing down something on a piece of paper. he ends the call not too soon and gives a light shove to jeonghan. "you're so impatient. anyways, i think we have enough money to fly us out of here and back. and the number of the gadget's seller you gave me actually worked! we were able to agree on a time and place to meet up on tomorrow."

jeonghan stops, mid-yawn. "wait, you're booking a flight for us?"

"yeah, i'm gonna call the airlines later. why?"

"no, no need to do that anymore." dismisses jeonghan with a wave of his hand. "we're not spending any money here. junhui and i have it all covered."

jisoo snickers at him. "there you are with your rich boy antics again."

they both chuckle, still too lazy to go up and start helping the others set the table up for dinner. as different as they were, jisoo and jeonghan clicked in so many ways that sometimes they'd always think and feel the same.

"also, han, i had a thought," jisoo began after a while, slightly tilting his head. "if you had the number of the seller, why didn't you just call them yourself? not that i'm saying that you should've, but, like...just why?"

only the ticking of the clock on the wall echoes through the room for a minute. jeonghan sighs and laughs nervously, shifting in his seat.

weird, jisoo (and the rest of the eleven boys, for that matter,) would constantly think. jeonghan's been acting all jittery since the morning.

"i— it's just the way that it is," jeonghan says through gritted teeth, like he longed to say something but couldn't put it in the right words. "i've had tensions with that seller before. besides, you're better at talking to people than me. just— just trust me, okay?"

at his last words, jeonghan looked up to jisoo with solemn eyes and a firm, defiant stare. with the distant voice of seokmin coming down to call them for dinner sounded near the hallway, jisoo helps jeonghan up from the couch and gives him a pat on the back.

"of course i trust you," jisoo says. "you're my friend, my evil twin, remember?"

dinner goes by like usual. the boys feast on plenty of different dishes and they chatter about plenty of different things. unlike the past nights when things were at least a little okay, though, kiro wasn't there to eat with them anymore. which didn't matter to them because kiro sucked and the fact that what he did was actually real...well, it kinda hurt all of them too.

at least jieun sat on the counter with them for today. she went on and supported them one last time, joking around and making sure none of them were going to do anything too stupid. but they don't tell her anything about the plan. when they do, it's always something a little vague, a little white lie— it's not like the team fully trusted her as well.

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