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The three boys stared at the ceiling first in shock, then at each other, processing what they'd just heard. Next level? So this whole thing was set up for all thirteen of them, and not just for one group?

Good thing the brown-haired guy was quick-witted, for before fox eyes or Seungcheol could react, he pushed through both of them by the shoulders and hopped on his motorcycle, his friends following behind him.

"Ha! See you soon, suckers!" he called out in a childish voice, and the last thing the rest of the boys heard was the sound of thrumming engines and laughter fading away in the distance.

He wasn't the only quick-witted one. A boy in a studded leather jacket and a head of shaggy black hair already drove past without waiting for ice boy or any of his team mates. Seungcheol ran back to his group, getting on his motorcycle and starting it without hesitation.

"So I was correct! This is our government-given mission!" laughs Seungkwan in glee, almost stumbling out of his vehicle. "We gotta go to the next building, right? So that's gotta be Building Eight."

"Yeah," Mingyu nods, already taking place beside Seungcheol. The buildings were connected together, similar to a set of jigsaw puzzles-and Mingyu knew a way to get out of one and into another. He's been here before.

His blood still boiled at the sight of the other groups a while ago, though. Oh, so they think they could be chosen? Mingyu thinks the fuck not-not with that attitude or cocky smirks of theirs, thinking they're cool or intimidating. Mingyu frowns and grips the handlebars tighter, knuckles turning white.

"Let's go get those brats; I know a shortcut."

"Eight-ah!" Jeonghan calls out as he tries to keep up with the younger, who took the lead and was going way too fast. "Slow down, you old geezer!"

"You can catch up, twink!" he replies, turning swiftly into a corner. He could already see the cement floors of Building Eight. "I'm just gonna take that cocky, brown-haired bitch and his lil' muffins down!"

"Shua, this is the right place, right?" Junhui asks, slowing down as they arrive in the empty parking lot of Building Eight. He chuckles and looks around, mumbling to himself. "Ah, those knuckleheads from earlier were annoying-eyeing us up and down like they were cool or stuff..."

Jisoo-or Joshua, he had two names-could only shake his head at Jun's question. "Let's just hope it is," he says. "By the way, I had this feeling..."

"What feeling?"

Jisoo shrugs. "I dunno- like this is, you know, the mission?"

Dino's ears prick at the mention of the word. "Mission? Hell yeah, I hope so! I've been dreaming of this my whole life!"

They laugh at the youngest, who vibrated with energy as he yelled in excitement. They dropped the topic, agreeing on inspecting the place and to roam around and check for signs.

Alas, they couldn't carry out their plan any longer, for the two groups arrived, too-with Wonwoo and his lackeys wearing smug smiles as if they've outsmarted them, and Seungcheol and his group mates looking beyond annoyed. Junhui wondered why one of them was closing an umbrella-heck, why did he even have an umbrella? But he brushed the thought from his head and focused on one thing: beating the other guys to hell.

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