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After waking the passed out members, it was time to enter the last room.

Kiro opens the door to the first and only room with a light-colored theme. "Welcome to the comfort lab, kids."

Let's pause for a moment. Now, what's the comfort lab? is it:

a) Some kind of weird science laboratory where you make...pillows out of chemical elements?


b) Just a room with many comfortable things?

Sadly, it's none of the things above, but I'm sure that Jieun would ageee to the first idea.

Alas, the comfort lab is far from what it is. it's a war zone-the strategy room, the meeting place, the conference hall, the birthplace of art. Heists and deceptions are calculated meticulously within its four beige walls. There is no such thing as comfort here-

Jeonghan squeals in excitement. "Look, a bed!"

Okay, maybe there is.

It's smaller than the main wing but larger than the no-drink zone. You'll notice that it does quite live up to its name, too-for there are mood lamps and fairy lights, refrigerators filled to the brim with snacks and junk. A sofa bed resting on the corner is the first thing to greet you once you enter. Chalkboards and whiteboards and corkboards are pinned up everywhere. In the center is a large, white, circular table with multiple beanbag chairs. A messy desk sits in a corner, probably the result of the previous batches never caring to clean up anything.

And pinned on the walls are picture frames. Timeless and old, without a speck of dust on them. there are young people-some smiling, some frowning. For some reason, it was hard to tear your eyes away once you saw it.

"Yes, welcome to the comfort lab." Kiro repeats, "This is where the group planning takes place. The previous batches liked to strategise here."

Before the agent could even get to finish his sentence, he looks up to see the boys already collapsed on the floor. Jeonghan took up the entirety of the sofa bed and held up a peace sign. "Sup, children?"

Minghao smacks him in the face with the back of his hand. "You're not my mom, twink."

"Pff, if there was a twink between us, you'd be surprised that it isn't me."

Jisoo and Hansol are the last to enter the room. "This place is so cool," Jisoo piped up, eyes twinkling at the pretty room. Hansol stood beside him and they bump fists. "I know, right?"

Agent Kiro's seated at the white table, and he rolls his eyes. "Of course. i show you state-of-the-art training equipment and rooms and you choose the one with couches in it." Sneering, he looks down on his tablet, hurriedly tapping on something. "teenagers," he mumbles under his breath.

"Hey, shut it," Jieun scolds beside him, "it's not like youre any older, you crusty cornflake." then before kiro could snap back at her, she rubs her hands and smiles. "Okay, listen up everyone. I have something to ask."

Seungcheol turns around from where he grabbed a couple thousand drinks from the fridge. "Yeah, hit us up!"

"So, what do you think of this place?"

Jihoon rests his head against wonwoo's shoulder, sitting on the couch after they disposed Jeonghan to the beanbag chairs on the floor. "It's useful and practical."

Mingyu nods brightly with the sharp canine grin of his. "and, like, so cool! Even if I knocked like...all of the displays in the other room..."

Minghao crosses his legs and sighs dreamily. "The dressing room was, and forever will be, a goddamnedt paradise."

Junhui arranges himself on Hansol's lap, who didn't even bother to look up. "I liked the pools."

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