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"and that is why, dear council members, i believe that our mission will now succeed this time."

a round of applause and a number of grumbling and mumbling emit from a certain meeting room, where a dark-haired intern stood in the same spot she was in almost one week ago. she looks at them with grateful eyes, chapped lips almost grinning tiredly from their reactions. some were quite satisfied with what she had to deliver, like miss gemina and miss jane who wished her luck on her project. others-well, were not.

once all the other council members have left the room, our dearest and slimiest f.m.a-man (or mr. gerard, if you insist on being polite) marched on heavy feet over to the intern, fatty fingers curled into a fist.

the intern simply turns to him, eyebrow raised. "sir? you need anything?"

"yes, i do." he spat out. he rose on his toes and towered over the girl (with great difficulty), cursing the way she was so damn tall thanks to her wobbly heels. "i need a plan, some final members, and a guarantee that TW will be fucking stopped, intern, and that's the last warning i'm giving you. if you don't, get ready to say goodbye to your little project seventeen."

with every word, his face inched closer to hers until only an inch of space was left. emilia only blinks back with steel eyes, her gaze unwavering.

"alright then, sir." she stated calmly. "you may go now."

sneering, gerard spins on his heel with a huff, and slams the door on his way out. emilia inwardly retches from how bad his breath was. she sighs, looking around, and hurries up, cleaning out the meeting room. those council members really are a bunch of toddlers, aren't they, she thinks, picking up a candy bar wrapper that looks like it belonged to good ol' jonathan. satisfied with her work, emilia arranges the last of the chairs and went up to close the lights.

before a knock on the door startles her.

"am i too late?" someone chuckles, voice muffled by the door between them. emilia raises an eyebrow and scurries over to the door, sighing upon seeing who was there to greet her.  she lets them into the room, certainly not expecting a choppy-haired agent and a boy in a crimson leather jacket to be here at six in the evening. the intern raises her eyebrow as she sat at the head of the table. "a couple minutes late, jieun, the meeting ended five minutes ago. and you were supposed to be here at five-what took you so long?"

"well, sorry, it's not my fault that traffic decided to be heavy!" the agent protested. she sat on jieun's left, slapping down some papers on the heavy wood. "oh, and i brought my boy jeonghan with me today. i hope you don't mind."

emilia turns to him, and jeonghan sits on her right side and offers the intern a smile. "hi, i'm here to explain things in case jieun gets carried away."

emilia makes a face of approval. "alright, fair enough." then she turns to jieun again. "well. you have anything for me?"

a mischievous smile flickers on jieun's lips as she tosses some papers to emilia. "surely."

the sight is familiar-thirteen files stacked upon another desk. emilia looks over them, eyes curious. "do they have any roles in the group yet, or do you have one in mind for them? seriously, stop arriving late to meetings, jieun."

jieun shrugs nonchalantly. "you're the one who's good at this, boss! help us determine who could be who so we could get to the plan." then she does a gesture resembling a fancy rider on horseback announcing news from the king, speaking in an equally grand voice-"now, if you will, let us report to you the battle that we have witnessed over the course of five days!"

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