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if you go through the doors of the hotel, check in at the receptionist, walk straight down the hall, and enter the ballroom lobby, you can just blend in and be part of the lavish party going on right now.

the first stop on the itinerary is to walk through the exhibition hallway, so we do just that. music rises above murmuring chatter as guests walk down the aisle. bracelets made of pure gold glint on sculptures' wrists. luminous pearls and gems are proudly bared to the world in mannequins' hair and earlobes. the spectacle of jewelry continues on and on, displayed on countless of statues and glass boxes— but nothing compared to the 17 carat, a gleaming diamond the size of a fist, sitting in a large crystal box near the end of the hallway.

guests stop to marvel at the diamond, even moving to shine a light on it. the diamond effectively splits the light into seven, causing colors to spill all over the room and bathe everyone in colorful light. people gasp and gawk over the diamond like the amused circus crowd that they are, shining the light over and over again.

they're all escorted away by ushers and usherettes before time was wasted in staying at the exhibition hall. soon enough, everyone's whisked away into the ballroom— which successfully drew out even more gasps and words of awe at the exquisiteness of the place.

who couldn't? it was all a sight to behold: silk drapings of navy blue hung from the ceiling, joining together to accentuate the chandelier dripping with crystals and gold. two pristine marble stairs snaked from the small balcony above and all the way down to the equally pristine floor. candles on the table lit the dim room like tiny fireflies. appetizers and small desserts sat at the food bars, slowly decreasing at every moment thanks to the guests beginning to devour each one.

the subtle talk of each guest, wearing expensive skirts and dresses and suits, the crisp air of luxury, the rich music and tasteful food— it all felt so charmingly perfect, accentuated even further under the soft light of the chandelier and the candles.

and then, darkness. people fall quiet once they are only left with the cool air and the flames of the tiny candles.

a subtle tapping of drums. a few strings here and there. there's a solo coming from the trumpet, slow and rich. the notes get louder, escalating higher and higher, spiralling into the air; and before it reaches the very top, the music swells— a combination of saxophones and trumpets and clarinets blending to create one magical sound— leaving the audience to applaud in awe and watch the ballroom come to life before their eyes.

"gooood evening, everyone!" a man on the stage said. in the midst of the glittering lights that suddenly shone above, his tuxedo is a glowing silver and hair a bright blond. the spotlight focuses on him, letting the purple ribbon around his neck gleam bright like his smile. "good evening! before we formally start the event, i would just like to thank each one of you, on behalf of AWL group, for being able to come here today."

the audience gives him a round of applause. the man smiles again. "alright, very good! ah, i believe i haven't introduced myself yet— i am boo seungkwan, and i'll be your host for tonight's party, with the theme of the diamond: earth's personal star!" they all clap for him again. seungkwan grins at the crowd even more. "oh, i know, i know— we're all very excited for this party. but before we start, may i ask for mr. kang, vice chairperson of the organization, to please give his opening remarks?"

a man in a deep blue suit comes up to the stage, garnering more polite claps from the guests at the tables. seungkwan makes way for him on the podium, listening intently as the man rambled on about his speech.

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