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The sky is already a plethora of fiery colours when the group returns to the house.

The elevator dings, and they're back in the living room again. They chat, quarrel, and make noise, as usual. Mingyu and Soonyoung began to debate on whether or not aliens on the moon were real, Hansol and Junhui shared their remarks about the no-drinks zone, and Seungkwan and Minghao began to have a fashionista battle with the things they stole-I mean borrowed from the dressing room.

"We're heading out on official business, so see you later, children!" Jieun called out after they sat themselves on the floor and the sofas. "Try to introduce yourselves to one another or reconcile or whatever!"

Kiro joins her and gives them nothing but a glare, making the boys simultaneously gulp and salute in fear. Man, was that agent scary.

"Bye!" they called out once the two adults slipped through the glass doors.

"Take care!"

"Don't fucking tear each other's throats out!"

"Don't forget to use protection!"

They all snort at the last one-Dino said that. "What?" he protested, seeing the others laugh. "it's important! they should use protection against the wind! It might rain later on!"

The older boys blink at him. It's Dino's turn to sigh. "Ah, you doofuses...not that protection! Seriously, you all have dirty minds."

The room turns silent again. The boys stare blankly at the floor, wincing at the awkward air suspending all around them. So...what now? What was there to do?

Seungkwan leans in close to whisper something in Mingyu's ear, a habit of his boisterous and talkative nature. "Look at soonyoung, that dumb bitch. Probably regretting that he talked to his ex-"

Jihoon's head coincidentally snaps upward. "Huh? was someone saying something?"

To prevent any tea from spilling, Mingyu put his large ass hands on Seungkwan's mouth and said, "no one was saying anything, have a good day, in fact Seungkwan was suggesting that we introduce ourselves to one another!"

Seungkwan turns to Mingyu with a look of horror on his face, while Seungcheol only claps and points a finger. "Exactly! How about we start clockwise? Say your name and how old you are, then where you study and what your hobbies are!"

Some of them, like Seokmin and Jisoo and Dino, nod and smile brightly, all up to be friends and to actually get to know each other. Some of them...don't. Take Minghao, for example, who simply rolls his eyes. "We're back to kindergarten, arent we?" he snorts, but complies anyway.

"Ready, start!"

No one says anything for a moment. All eyes were turned to Minghao.

"The fuck y'all looking at?" he blinks back, before it settles into him. "Oh, yeah. Okay, I'll start. I'm Eight."

Seungcheol raises an eyebrow. "Eight? As in, just Eight?"

Minghao clicks his tongue. "Uh, yes, bitch? What you gonna do, fight my kneecaps?"

"Alright, let's calm down there," Jeonghan puts an arm over Minghao before the boy could sass Seungcheol into oblivion. "proceed calmly, babe."

A few beats pass before Minghao continues. "My name's Eight," he says. "I'm sixteen, I'm, uh....good at pickpocketing, I guess? Also at magic, but instead of showing off for free I rob you of your money in the end."

That earned some noises of approval, but Dino just gaped- "THAT'S SO COOL!"

Minghao winks at him. "I know, kid. Eight is the coolest bitch to roam this earth."

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