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four months later.

"wakey wakey, motherfuckers!"

"what the hell, jun!"

a pink throw pillow flies across the room as three boys stir from their sleep, all of them frowning at the source of noise. said source of noise— who was the infamous, most beloved wen junhui— only grinned cheshirely and stuck his tongue out at his friends.

"it's time to wake up, kids!" jun chided, poking the sides of jisoo, hansol, and dino with a mickey mouse backscratcher. when he received no response, jun let out a groan and threw the backscratcher down. "damn. why do i have to suffer like this?"

only the soft rattle of the air conditioner answered jun's question. it spoke its metallic rattling for a few moments before one of the kids finally opened their eyes:

"it's too early." mumbled hansol, weakly throwing a pillow at jun. he burrowed even further into the mess of blankets on their blue couch. "give me...hm...three more hours."

jun threw the pillow back at him. "sol, i swear. we gotta meet up with some people. haul your butt up."

someone flails under a heap of green pokemon duvets. with a groan, dino hurled a pikachu plushie at full force in jun's direction. "shut up!"

jun wanted nothing more than to burn the room down. "oh my god please wake up. open your eyes and start the day. please. i'm begging you."

no one dared to respond. jun's eyes glance over to the sleeping faces of his friends, and when they really looked like they weren't waking up any time soon, a lightbulb went off in junhui's head.

on light feet and little laughs, feeling very much like an evil cartoon villain, he brought out his phone and pretended to pick up a call.

"oh, seungkwan? yeah, don't worry, we're coming over later— no, no, they just won't wake up...wait, seokmin's there? hi min! haha, no, we're fine. wait for us! and say hi to soonyoung for me!"

and then by some miracle, hansol, dino, and jisoo's eyes shoot open at the sound of their friends' names. junhui put his phone away and sassily jutted out his hip.

"ha, got you!" jun sassed, flipping his bangs for extra sass factor. jisoo grumpily flung his life-sized totoro stuffed toy at jun, and the poor boy successfully fell down to the floor.

"you suck so much, junhui. i hate you."

"why? what the fuck's going on— is it throw-everything-at-wen-junhui-day today?"


as the four boys get ready for the day in the internet cafe's many gaming rooms, another group of friends in a classy diner-esque building have already woken up, fresh and funky since the crack of dawn.

"and that's a score for me!" a blond-haired boy with bright eyes exclaimed. it's soonyoung, with his new hair and new clothes and a whole new set of vibes. he took it upon himself to play billiards with mingyu and seungkwan for the first time in many years— and it was definitely better than just locking himself up in his room and watching conspiracy theories andasmr videos until evening came.

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