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but the boys themselves don't know that just yet.

because amidst the buzzing chatter of millions of people across the country and maybe even the world, they're still burrowed underneath soft blankets and a warm night's sleep. as the sun rises and a new day melts into the sky, the thirteen boys are soundly asleep in dreamland, unaware of the chaos their days will bring.

suddenly, their phones go off.

WAKEY WAKEY MOTHERFUCKERS!! it screamed, and they jolt like fishes out of water on their beds. even their eyes were wide open like a tuna's.

two boys jump straight into the air in one room. "what the snick snuck frickity fuck?" seokmin aggressively rubs his eyes, searching wildly for the source of noise. "am i dreaming?"

"ya, what'd you do to my phone?" jeonghan sits up, half-asleep. he groggily reaches for said phone. "lee seokmin, seriously, what kind of sick joke-"

"hey, it's not me!"

"im sorry, but it's fucking annoying! turn it off!"

"i can't!"

"you can!"

screech. "HYUNG, I CAN'T TURN IT OFF!!"

the same thing was going down in the biggest room. they all flopped around like freshly caught fishes on the floor of your boat, waiting to be thrown in a pail of water as they tried to escape the wrath of the wakey wakey motherfucker alarm.

"ugh, mornings." junhui groans, muting his phone to stop the WAKEY WAKEY, MOTHERFUCKER!! voice from dragging him out of his dreamland. he rolls to his side, stretching his arms-

"haha you might be fucking forgetting there's a human beside you," a voice threateningly snaps from under junhui's arm, and he jolts like a fish again, eyes wide and eyelid-less.

"e-eight!?" jun gapes, recoiling from where his longass arm landed on eight's face. said boy smirked beside him and flipped his hair-or rather, his bangs. "ha, good morning, uglybitch."

the boys struggled to turn it off, but no matter what they do, it just. kept. on. blaring! so one of them did the only logical solution a recently woken-up person would do: he grabbed his phone, and with the most power he could muster, hurled it across the room.

all heads turn to him. all the phones stop ringing.

"what?" hansol yawns as he ruffled his messy brown hair. "i'm tired." then he flops down his mattress and sleeps.

silence passes over. they blinked the sleep out of their eyes, and tried to process the fuckery that was unravelling right now.

a deep, robotic voice similar to the one in the parking lot blares through some invisible speakers. "ALRIGHT, THAT'S ENOUGH. COME DOWNSTAIRS, KIDS," it sighed. grumbling, they have no other choice but follow.

mingyu chuckles warmly as he places a sizzling egg on a clean plate. "jieun's plan really did work, huh?"

the boy beside him smiles, eyes disappearing in crescent moons. "yep, i guess so," jisoo says, tending to a tray of warm coffee on the table. beams of sunlight swirl through the big glass windows, creating a pretty yellow glow. he sighs in contentment. "ah, i really like this place."

"huh. you could say that," another voice joins. jihoon sat at the end of the table sipping a black coffee, black hair hanging messily in front of his eyes. "this place is so fucking...cool. sigh, alright, i was gonna say something bad but-" he shrugs and slams down his mug-"i accept my defeat."

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