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project: seventeen has now come to an end!

i want to start off this ending note with a thank you to oshi, who has supported me ever since this i first told this idea to them and has supported me until the last chapter, and to the real members of tw— o, a, r, j, kc, g, and rv (who are far from being wicked, i promise)— who have also inspired me to carry on with this story. thank you to b, al, and m, my fellow writers in last year's school magazine staff, who planted the image of seventeen robbing a casino and running out while money rains around them in my mind thanks to us laughing about money heist and making a soundtrack for it :'D thank you also to frances, whose comments always make my heart full!!!! i love you, and thank you again.

okay, now that we're done there— i also want to thank you, reader, for making it until the end! whether youre a silent reader or likes to leave comments every now and then, your support means a lot to me and i am thankful beyond words that you have made the time to read my story. i hope you enjoyed project: seventeen, and the adventure of the thirteen members of batch seventeen.

this is my first story that i have ever completed, one born out of me staring out of the car window on the ride home from school. it's not really polished yet— there are a lot of inconsistencies, typos, late updates, and i'm a hundred percent sure there are a lot of grammatical errors in there, but if even one sentence has made you happy, then i'm really happy already, too!

this has been inspired by a lot of things, mainly stella jang's song, villain. you can look at for the other inspirations!

now, before we really close this book once and for all, there may be some confusion about the ending in the last chapter and what it could mean. i intended for things to end that way, for it to have an ambiguous ending. and it's up to your interpretation as to what the phone call could mean and what it is about.

personally, i think it's tied to what emilia said– about gray spots and coexisting with others. who could've called the boys then? why? it could be a group of individuals around the world, being neither hero nor villain, but simply interested in bringing a gray balance to everything. it could be a prank call. it could be a metaphor, about having to answer the call of making your decision, of choosing where to stand and what perspective you'll see. any other theory works, too! but i think i'll go along with the first or third one. (wink wink)

the next chapter will be an epilogue, and i'll follow up with some bonus chapters if i can. i also might revise project: seventeen a bit in the future, clean up the small errors and add in a few details. in the meantime, i'll be finishing trains, a seventeen horror au, and first dates, a soonhoon au, the first book in the series i'm planning out. please look forward to it!

thank you again for sticking around until the end. have a good time wherever you are <3

until the next one,
jules (jjeonwons).

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