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"Ow! That hurt!"

Jisoo lays outstretched on the blue sofa, pant leg rolled up so a small scrape can be treated. Currently, Hansol was treating it, dabbing a wet cloth on the wound.

"Sorry." Hansol murmurs, wiping the skin with a dry cloth. "I don't know how to do this."

"Let me." Junhui says from behind Hansol, scurrying over from where he played Mario Kart on his switch. He took the cloth and gently pat Jisoo's leg. Then he took a bandage from Hansol and placed it on the older's leg.

Jisoo makes a face. "Teddy bears? Seriously?" he chuckles, admiring the design on his fresh band-aid.

Junhui shrugs and sits beside Jisoo on the couch. "I dunno. Hansol bought it."

"There were no more plain band-aids!" the said boy protested.

The trio burst out laughing. What was so funny? They didn't know. Maybe it was Hansol's face, or maybe the design on the band-aid that looked more like a teddy bear made for murder rather than a cute one.

"Ah, seriously..."Jisoo breathed out, almost exhausted from all the laughing.

The four friends agreed on staying over at Junhui's place (which was the computer shop, since his family technically owns that too) before heading out on their own. Complete with surround-sound speakers, strips of orange and blue neon lights, arcade machines, computers, and every video game you could ever think of, the computer shop was a complete paradise for the boys. So it's no doubt that they'd agree on sleeping over, but they decided against it since Jisoo, Hansol, and Dino's parents might come knocking on their door.

"Hansol," Junhui called out, tossing him a CD case. "Put this in."

"Alright." the boy complied, and he put the disc inside the player without hesitation.

The trio waited for the movie to play. Hansol got comfortable on the soft carpeted floor, and laid down on the hundreds of plush pillows and stuffed toys laying around.

"Ah, this is the life." he exhales, stretching his legs. "My back and stomach's freakin' sore from all the running a while ago.

Jun scrunched his nose and grabbed the remote, turning the volume up. "Yeah, me too. Those brats were fucking nasty, bro. I mean, you saw the way the small gangster guy tackled Shua like a-like a dog?"

Jisoo burst out laughing, covering his mouth with his hand as he did so. "What the heck, Jun? A dog?"

The said boy snorted. "Just say fuck, Shua. It's not gonna hurt you."

The elder rolls his eyes, focusing on the movie playing on the small TV. "Wait, is that- Star Wars?"

"I'M HOME!" Dino came bursting through the door, carrying multiple paper bags with him. "HYUNGS! I GOT DINNER!"

Hansol's already bounding up to the door, helping Dino out with the bags. "Aw, yeaah, food!"

The duo left on the couch chuckled at their younger friends' antics. Jun paused the movie and sniffed the air. "Do I smell Chinese takeout?"

Dino beamed at him, nodding so vigorously his hair bobbed up and down. "Yeah! I ordered it on the way home when I was buying chips, and the manager told me he'll give me extra since it's a Friday!"

"WOOOOOH!" the group broke into applause, yelling as if they've won the lottery. Junhui even waltzed with Hansol around the room. There were so many reasons for their spirits to be lifted up today-and getting extra Chinese food was just one of them.

After clearing out the paper bags and setting the food on their glowing coffee table (yes, it glows) adorned with lava lamps and other knickknacks, the group settled down on the carpeted floor and the plush pillows, inhaling boxes and boxes of their delicious dinner.

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