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The dream team's assembled in the living room again. Kiro came with a tablet in his hands, while Jieun returned with her trusty ol' megaphone. The space was spacious and neat, with two fluffy sofas, a black coffee table, and cabinets that held warm blankets and pillows. There was another bed under the stairs that Hansol immediately took refuge in. A tall wooden cabinet stood beside it, though they wondered what that was for...

Agent Kiro cleared his throat. "Okay, i'll disclose information and facts about the facilities we use here. First, the garden. The garden contains various types of plants and can be used for both medical and investigative purposes. The indoor pool, meanwhile-"

"Ugh, come on, Sir Kiro! you already told all that to us a while ago!" Dino threw his hands up, big and curious eyes glancing around the room. The young boy singlehandedly voiced everyone's complaints at that moment, and even Seungkwan managed a small grin at dino's bluntness. "Where's all the fun? I thought we were gonna train here? Where's all the deadly razor-sharp obstacle courses?"

Kiro opens his mouth to say something, but he promptly closes it after. Well, the kid did have a point. Jieun tries to suck in all her laughter as she repeatedly hits her partner. "He got you stumped, man!"

The Japanese agent then shoots her a glare and narrows his eyes at her. "Don't try me, woman."

Jieun wipes her tears away. "Okay, okay. Your friend was correct. This isn't a beach house, of course-this is where we're gonna train you to become functioning members for this project. Now, the reason we gathered you here is because we're gonna let you have a glimpse of the training room-"

"Uh, miss?" Mingyu cuts her off. He stood in front of the seemingly normal wooden cabinet, eyes wide and hand over his mouth from the shock settling in him. The others turn to look at him, and Seungcheol was already brewing up a lecture on why Mingyu shouldn't touch or open random things. Instead, they found themselves gasping in awe, shock, and curiosity, too. "w-what's this...?"

A nervous chuckle flies out Jieun's mouth. "Oh, you found it, Mingyu!"

If you were any normal viewer or passerby, you'd think, why would these people be so surprised to see a cabinet? it's not like they haven 't ever seen a cabinet in their lives, right? gosh, what a mad bunch. Then you'd skip away, not bothering to spare them another glance.

But in our case, it wasn't just any cabinet.

because there was an elevator inside the cabinet.

"Okay, it's what it seems." Jieun explains. She points to the steel walls in the open wooden cabinet. "It's an elevator. It leads you to the training area."

The boys blink at her, before Seokmin lets out a strangled squeal. "This place is so awesome! is there a karaoke machine down-or up there? Can we go now? please? pretty please?"

Seokmin's friends laugh at his antics, while the others were weirded out and amused. Jisoo finds himself smiling for no particular reason. "These kids are a mess," Kiro sighs into his palm.

Agent Jieun walks over to him, ruffling his hair. "Sure thing, Seokmin! Alright, into the elevator you all go!"

Seungcheol protests and raises his hand, "But miss, aren't there too many of us? It's possible that we may send the elevator crashing into the floor-!"

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