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the ride down to the basement was chaotic.

of course, inside the teeny-weeny elevator were the thirteen boys, currently doing activities of their own. on your left you'll see seungkwan and dino arguing again (with hansol vibing in between them), and on your right would be eight and wonwoo mindlessly chattering their mouths off as jihoon tries to ignore soonyoung's shoulder that was literally next to his face. look ahead at the front and you'll see jeonghan teasing jisoo about his jacket and seungcheol sulking away in the corner. the others that i did not mention? well, they were either squealing their lungs out (seokmin) or were half-asleep (junhui and mingyu).

before they knew it, the ride was over, and they were in the lands of the basement floor. it only goes down from here, so i-your designated tour guide for today-advise that you take a front row seat and enjoy the show.

the first thing that greets them upon opening the doors was a big red foam mat, laying flat on the floor. a bench was also there, and sat on its uncomfortable seat were two agents. kiro-who was absent at breakfast-sat in gucci from head to toe, and jieun was hunched over a red electric guitar. jisoo and soonyoung were quick to break away from the group to gush over the pretty instrument on the agent's lap.

"woah, is that a gibson guitar?" jisoo asked, hearts fluttering in his eyes. soonyoung crouched down beside him and gasped, too. "that's a nice piano!"

kiro snaps his book shut and narrows his eyes at the boy. "what the fuck."

as the two gulp in fear, jieun only smiles and shoves her beloved instrument to kiro. "now, hold this for me, ki," she says, getting up from her seat. "yeah, it's a gibson guitar. i stole it from a music store about five years ago," she said, though the last part was quieter. jisoo and soonyoung look at each other, mouths open in awe as they digested what they heard.

jieun strolls over to the mass of the group (who were currently trying to pull dino and seungkwan away from each other as they'd started a diss rap battle), and clears her throat. they jump in fear, but not before the two shared a last glance.

"i hate you, boo swollen-kwan!" dino (held back by junhui) seethes angrily like a wet cat. seungkwan strains against seungcheol's arms and screams back, "i'll chop your teeth off one by one, dinosaur!"

jieun's face twists in concern. "i-what's the reason for this?"

"we're trending on twitter, dude," hansol deadpans as he thwacks dino's head. "and they're arguing over who's being talked by who."

mingyu clears his throat. "whom."

"oh!" jieun nods. "alright then-you two! quit your cat fight or i'll throw you in the pool!"

"in freezing temperature," kiro adds from the bench. dino and seungkwan freeze, and they all straighten their backs.

jieun smiles brightly and began to speak. "alright, listen up. the thirteen of you will undergo training for the next three days-to determine whether or not you're competent enough to be a part of this mission. the activities will be more intense as the days go by. show outstanding performance in both individual work and teamwork, and you will be graded in points-the higher you score, the bigger chance you pass."

a wave of woah's and okay's flooded the room. seeing they got the point of their training, jieun began the first activity-practicing hand-to-hand combat. the members would have to take turns knocking down their opponent, sparring with them, or send them out of the mat within five minutes in order to accomplish the task.

seungcheol came up first to spar with jieun. he looked like a worthy opponent-tall, had a good built, and not to mention the fact that he introduced himself as a black belt in taekwondo yesterday. he and jieun circle each other for a moment-before the girl strikes a rapid succession of kicks and punches that soon made seungcheol go skidding like a bowling ball into the wall.

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