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for the last time in four consecutive weeks, an alarm blares off in the silent area of eda neighborhood.

you might know that alarm fairly well by now. the familiar madness that "wakey wakey, motherfuckers!" carried rung throughout the block house as usual, except it's not the automated voice that jieun set up for them that wakes the boys up anymore: it's seungkwan holding two megaphones and screaming at full volume that does.

and hell, did they need it. the boys begin to stand one by one, hurrying to get the first spot in the shower. an air of urgency replaced the usual lightheartedness that they carried with them. they wouldn't be able to bask in the sunlight, laze around and sleep in, or even crack the usual jokes that they'd throw around— and that was for a single reason only.

today was the day.

may 26, the day of their final mission. yes, the very mission that sent them stress/panic/power-eating through breakfast, the very mission that made jisoo (out of all people!) almost lose his cool, the very mission that made them read and read over the flow of plans like their lives depended on it. (and maybe it did. who knows?)

the boys prepare their fake identities and false appearances. like any other time with them, the preparation took several minutes and tons of screaming. take the literal war going down in the dressing room, for example:

"mingyu, i told you to not touch my fucking hair!" screamed minghao.

"are you blaming me for actually being a nice friend?" mingyu screamed back, shoving a box of hair dye to minghao's face. "let me dye your hair so that no one can know whoever you are!"

minghao shrieks and throws a stray sock at him. "fuck off, lamp post! first, you worms cut off my mullet and then dye my hair blond— it's not even blond, more like a salty shade of junk food cheese— and now you want to dye it again? are you sending me to the fucking hospital for baldness?"

"i don't know what you're saying!" mingyu nearly bawls out.

minghao pulls out his nunchucks from his bathrobe. mingyu takes cover in one of the racks, screaming as minghao rapidly corners him, and the two disappear within the forest of clothes.

"this is fun," said seokmin in the corner, munching on a box of popcorn.

or the commotion happening in the second floor bathroom:

"open the fuck up, jun, or i'm going to dump your gadgets into the trash can!" jihoon yells at the closed bathroom door. there's a questionable noise coming from inside and it oddly sounds like jun.

soonyoung and wonwoo approach from behind, towels already in hand. soonyoung points at the door. "yo, is he okay?"

"if a person has been stuck inside the bathroom for about forty minutes now, what else would you think?"

"you have a point." said wonwoo. "anyways, we have to hurry. there's still plenty of us that haven't showered."

the trio sighs and turns to the door again. "jun, are you okay there? do you need any help?"

"no!" a squeak comes from the inside. three crashes. something drops to the floor. "i'm almost done! wait for me!"

soonyoung sighs and leans on the doorframe. "for all we know, you're just tickling your pickle again—"

the door swings open and soonyoung nearly slips on the floor. jun laughs at him like the unashamed madman that he is. "i may be tickling my pickle, but at least i wasn't the one who cuddled with one of our best bros last night!"

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