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heavy angst ahead. you may skip if you're uncomfortable.


the boys hurry in after seungcheol opens the doors for them, hearts still queasy after what happened a while ago.

they're quick to form a line before jieun could say anything else. they felt a little scared, yes- of the way she glared at them with heavy eyes and walked like she was going to slice your head off-but that didn't stop them from passing apologies to her under their breath. sadly, they got nothing but a pointed stare in response.

the last activities of the day were always something they looked forward to: they get to try out new and useful techniques for different scenarios that would likely come up, such as how to avoid an invisible web of lasers or how to disable alarms. (no one ever really remembered it step by step except for mingyu, who'd tell them how to do it word by word the day after.) it made them feel like these cool, superhero agents from the movies or a part of the kingsman secret service.

this time around, they were to learn how to get into an armed place without getting hit by defense mechanisms- which in this case, were paintballs from built-in machines. in order to soften the blow of those hard, tacky, bulky and colorful bullets, the members currently strapped on some protective equipment that was provided.

"yeah, yeah, alright- no, i'm okay," junhui says into his phone all geared up, hurrying to end his call with the person he's talking to. "don't worry about me, xiening. okay, bye."

seungcheol raises an eyebrow at jun as he adjusts his protective gear. "who and what's so important for you to accept a call in the middle of all this?"

"oh, um," grins jun sheepishly as he puts his phone in his pocket, "that was my girlfriend."

seungcheol, mingyu, minghao, and anyone who was within a two-feet radius in this universe choked and had their eyes popping out of their sockets. "that was your what."

junhui's eyes pop out of their sockets too, flushing red upon realizing what he said. "no! god, not that girlfriend, i meant girl space friend, like she's my friend, but she's a girl-"

"yeah, okay, we get it," eight interrupts, rolling his eyes with a sarcastic smile as an attempt to hide his relief. "not everyone's like you, lady-killer."

"alright. listen up." jieun says, voice dropping low, grabbing their attention and making the noise die down. they gulp, backs straightening under her gaze.

"your goal today is to make it to a hypothetical secured room and take the teddy bear on the pedestal, which acts as your main goal- but there will be some obstacles you face along the way, so always be alert." she says as she strode to grab kiro's tablet laying around, fingers hovering above the screen. "partner up, avoid getting hit. if it doesnt strike a vital organ, keep going. always take cover. don't panic. do not leave each other behind. understood?"

chorusing a resounding yes! like soldiers going into battle, they hurry around to grab their partners before they sold out- wait, that sounded wrong. anyways, they cling on to the person next to them like their life depended on it- and in the end, it all boiled down to the following: jisoo and jeonghan as a pair, seungcheol and mingyu together, junhui and wonwoo, hansol and seokmin, soonyoung and dino, and lastly, eight and seungkwan as the self-proclaimed diva duo.

"everyone partnered up?" asks jieun, looking around at the giddy members shaking hands and bumping fists with their counterparts. seeing everyone was ready, she starts to dim the lights and set the course with a slow drag of her fingers on the tablet-

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