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recommended songs to listen to while reading :

the beatles - penny lane

wetter - ggondae

tobi lou - waterboy (goes along well for that one swimming pool scene)

cherryfilter - sweet little kitty/romantic cat (jam along as the boys go all out on karaoke)

stella jang - day off

enjoy <3


it's a lovely sunday morning in eda neighborhood, and the thirteen boys are awakened by their WAKEY WAKEY, MOTHERFUCKERS!! alarm tone once again.

this time, though, no longer do they groan in dismay or wince at the aggressive ringtone. no more flopping on the bedroom floor like freshly caught fishes. they get up with small grins instead, basking in the sunshine seeping in from the window and revelling in the comfort of each other's presence. the kids have to admit that they've grown fond of the alarm- at some point, it even became one of the highlights of the day.

wasting no time, the boys hurriedly thunder down the stairs, already a whisk of noise and mumbling. upon entering the kitchen, not only do they see mingyu, jisoo, and jihoon waiting for them as usual- but kiro and jieun too, drinking from mugs of coffee jisoo had specially prepared for them.

"gooood morning, sunshines!" mingyu greets with a smile, pink apron tied neatly behind his back. a proud little grin settled on his lips after he placed a batch of steamed dumplings on the table. "i've cooked up a new breakfast special today, courtesy of kiro and jieun who bought us new stuff!"

"wooh!" the rest sleepily applaud, plopping down on chairs to start wolfing down their breakfast. the sight and smell of mingyu's cooking made their mouths water as usual- delicious pastries and stews making their stomachs go wild, steaming rice and flavorful garnishes on the side pleasing to all their systems. the boys thank mingyu for the food, jisoo for the drinks, and jihoon for the moral support- before diving into their meal and consuming the bountiful feast.

jihoon snickers at the rest of them as he downs his black coffee. "you're all so crazy about food. you look like a bunch of gremlins."

"i have an extra bowl of rice!" seokmin taunts from the other end— and boy, did jihoon become the epitome of you're all so crazy about food, you look like a bunch of gremlins when he emitted an inhumane gargle and feistily swept the bowl out of seokmin's hands. the boys stare at jihoon in pure horror. may irony never defeat us all.

"so, haha! it's a good day!" jieun (quite nervously) pipes up after seeing jihoon's rabid rice-stealing show. she was cheerful nonetheless, sitting on her usual place on the kitchen counter, wearing a black blouse with a print of random fish on it. "the sun is out, and the breeze is kinda cool. really nice, isn't it?"

"yeah, except for the numerous mosquitoes taking a stroll outside," kiro scrutinizes the outside world from beside her. contrary to jieun's fashion, kiro was dressed all out from designer head to toe. gucci sweater, dior pants, versace shoes-the agent rocked it all, looking like a model when he crosses his arms and pushes his gold-rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose. "i'd rather stay inside than have that."

jieun blows a raspberry. "you're no fun. very yucky, ki."

"and you're irritating, bitch. even yuckier, ji."

the duo continued to bicker on. the boys share glances from the table, putting their hands over their mouths and ogling at the two with knowing eyes. soonyoung (like the little shit that he is) even brings out the computer shop boys' instant camera and snaps a picture of the two-not knowing the flash was on-which resulted in the two agents stopping their chitchat and looking dead into soonyoung's eyes.

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