Chapter 30

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The room is HUGE. Books line every wall. In the center there's a table and at the end... Snows thrown. Pictures of him hang on the parts of the walls that are not being occupied by books.

"Come in! Come in!" Effie says in a happy yet sad voice.

Everybody's already there. Haymitch, Beetee, Enorbia, Annie, Effie, and sadly Gale.

I walk with Peeta. We go over to the couch and sit down.

"Why are we in here?" Beetee begins. "And who are those people?" He points to a small cluster of people standing against the back wall.

"Those people are Snows relatives," Effie says, in her thick Capitol accent, walking towards them. She stops in front of them and looks at Peeta and me when she talks again. "This is Snows aunt, uncle, three cousins, and his granddaughter."

They all look to be in their thirties. Except his granddaughter. She looks to be about Prims age. Just thinking about Prim make me hot with anger. Snows relatives being in room is not helping.

"Why are they here? Better question, why are we here?" Peeta says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

I sigh and snuggle up to him. "It's Snows final goodbye!" I say my voice muffled because of Peetas shirt.

"How did you figure that out Sweetheart?" Haymitch says standing directly in front of Peeta and me.

I look up and shoot him a dirty look.

"What do you mean by final goodbye?" Gale says walking over and standing next to the couch.

I give him the same look I gave Haymitch then answer. "I mean that this has something to do with Snow... Right? So it's going to be bad. Snow may be dead but he won't go down without a fight. He hasn't had his 'final goodbye'. It's- Its his..." It takes me a minute to find the word. "Will."

"Your right again Sweetheart!" Haymitch says laughing. "This is the reading of his will. And we are all here because every person in this room is included in it."

I begin to tremble. Peeta notices this and pulls me into his lap. His arms wrap around my whole body and squeeze tightly. I bury my face in the crook of his neck. My body continues to tremble and Peeta continues to hold me tightly.

This is not going to end well. Snow may be dead but like I said he's not going down without a fight. What else could he do? He's already killed my father and my little sister. He's already killed millions of innocent people. He's already tourtured and beaten thousands of innocent people. How much more damage could he possible do?

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