Chapter One : HighSchool

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Blood everywhere.

I need to run. To hunt.

But my body doesn't want to move. I'm sitting on the grass, in the middle of... I don't even know where I am. All I can tell is that really smell like heaven. Is this me who smell like that? I look down to see my hands. They are covered of blood? My whole body is sticky. And red. What the hell? Did I kill an animal? All I can remember is eating the best meal of my life. Oh my god, did I kill someone? But. wasn't I with my friends one hour ago? Unfortunately, I can't see where are the others.

Why am I alone? Something's wrong.

I turn my head to see a giant creature beside me. These eyes. I can't help but they're like a magnet to me. I want to see them closely. Before I get up I can hear a noise. No. A laugh?

«Tu ne les reverras jamais... c'est entièrement ta faute. Ahahah.. »

No no no.. Who is talking? What do they want? I know that voice but. I can't remember who! All I need to do is to get up and run to that voice. I need to know why it said that. I want to see my friends. Where are they? Where am I?

I slowly get up on my feet. My head is killing me right now. I can listen that sentence again and again in my mind. Now it's like a whisper. And that laugh. I don't want to hear it! Make them stop!


I wake up suddenly, panting like if I was running a marathon. My hand on my chest, I look around to be sure I'm really in my room. It was just... a dream? No. Was it a nightmare? Neither. It was a memory. Since that day I never be able to sleep correctly. But today I need to focus. It's my first day in a new school. A new life.

I get up of my bed. 6:05 am. My alarm is supposed to ring in 25minutes but I can't go back to sleep after that dream. So I go to the bathroom to take a shower. Like if the water can clean that feeling. Feeling to be watched. Like if someone was here. But there is nothing.

I sigh and return to my room. I search for my uniform. I don't really know if I hate it or love it. I never wear an uniform. In my old French school, it was not necessary but here... in that " private school " of America, it's traditional.

It's just a white shirt with short sleeves, with a yellow tie. A black skirt, but I really want to wear the black pant. But I presume it was just for the boys. And at the end high socks. Am I in Japan? I smile at the idea.

I move to see me in the mirror. The uniform fit me perfectly. I'm just a short girl but with these clothes I really think I'm pretty. I had long and strait red hair, just below my chest. I had small golden eyes and a small mouth. The only thing who is different to the other guys is.. my ears. I have fox ear.

I sigh when I remember my history class. We live in a world of magic. But only few people can do magic. So all the families in the world who can do magic need to keep the secret. That was before a war. The first magic war. The big 3 nations of magic fighting for the power. After that war, the whole world knew about us and they decided that we need to keep the kids and they need to go to special high school to learn how to control our power. And after an examen, we have our license to protect the world. Why that? Because some families didn't want to cooperate and we need to fight them.

So basically, I am one of them. I call my power Animagi. I have a pet, here of fox, who gives me fox's traits. So I have fox's ears, tails and eyes. But with contact and a cap, I can hide them from the world if I need. The tail is more difficult to hide, that why I prefer pants to skirt. My power also gives me some fox's character. I'm a little bit sneaky, smart and I am extremely agile.

I really don't want to go to that new school. Since I move in America from France, I know anyone here. For my mom it's a good thing, like a new start. But all i wanted it's just... don't return in a special school.

"Magi.. everything ok? You know you can talk to me ."

I look down to see Foxy, my pet. I smile and nod. She's my best friends since age 8, when I discover my power. She always helps me when I'm lost or when I have an emotional lift.

I give her a pet then I grab my stuff and go to the kitchen. I make some toast and glass of juice. I hate breakfast, it's too early for eating. But since we have lot of train in special school, I need strength for practice.

After eating and doing the dishes, I pick up my keys on the table, my suitcase, my schoolbag and my laptop bag. In the special school we have dorms and I have no option to say no to go in.

After a long walk to the school I finally arrive in destination. The school is pretty cool and so big, it's like a big old manor with tower and full of small windows. When I passed the large portal with walls, I can see three other places. A large sport field, those found in all schools. A large building, I don't know what it supposed to be. And what i guess like a tiny supermarket? What? Are we supposed to live here every time? Like... are we not allowed to come back in town?

I look to my phone, it's already 07:45 am. I need to find my class, and my teacher. I look to Foxy and she understand immediately that I need her to explore outside while I'm inside. I need to know where I'll live.

Before I can enter in the building someone hit my shoulders when he passed beside me. All I can hear was a small laugh when my laptop fell off my arm.

" Hey! Excuse me! Why are you laughing at me? You're the one who should apologies here! "

The boy who pushed me is so tall, athletic and so hot. He turns to face me. He has sparky blond hair, brown eyes. And he smirked at me.

" Listen you little bitch, I don't know who you are but I'm the king of this school, you should be happy that I touched you." He said with satisfaction.

" What's that? Maybe I'm the new girl here but I'm not stupid. If you want to fight... "

" I will win for sure. Now get out of my face! "

With that he leaves me alone. I stay for a minute to process what happened. Ok maybe he is the popular guy here and maybe he is my enemy now but... why act liked that? He seems so angry, why that?

I take my laptop and push the door. This place is insane! It's full of old painting and tapestry. That so cool. I like all the vintage thing. Maybe that school was an abandoned manor and they used it for a special school. It reminds me Harry Potter. I really like it.

" Excuse me miss, are you miss Magi?"

I come back to reality when i heard my name. A woman stands in front of me. She smiles at me when I nod.

" Ok so I'm Miss Barly, the principal of this school. You are here thanked to your uncle and it's an honor to have you. I think you know your teacher, right?"

"Yes, miss Barly, I already know Professor Kraine. But i don't know where is my class and my dorm? "

I ask while I looked at my stuff. Where am i supposed to put them if i go to class before the dorm?

" It's not a problem, I will come with you to your class. And then someone will show you the dorms for you after class."

We walk for what it looks like an hour. I wonder if they have a map for me, I am so lost already. On the way we meet some students who look at me in the weird way. Some are yellow ties, other red or purple ties. Maybe it's for showing the students years? Like, my yellow tie is for the second years?

After a while we're stopping in front of a wood door. I can hear some chat from my future comrade. I freeze when Miss Barly knock at the door. Just before she opens the door i mentally call back Foxy to me.

"Hello students! " Said the principal when she enters in class.

I can't move. I just... stay here. Outside. Looking at her, be greeting by the other.

"I'm here to introduce you a new student. Magi? You can come... "

Hello !

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See you next week for the second chapter !!

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