Chapter 9 : Secret training

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We are the next day. In the gym field. All against me again. But this time just with Lily.
According to Professor Kraine, if they know my moves in martial art maybe they will be able to determinate my futur moves and fight back when I’ll be with Ashe.
But it’s just because I prohibited to do anything with Ashe today. They’re not ready with their wounds and I don’t want them hurt before Monday.

Lewis is here too. Before the fight I ran to him to ask to forgiveness. He knew it wasn’t my real fault but was really surprised by my reaction. He accepted my apology and smiled at me. A true smile.

Now all of them are panting in front of me, exhausted by my endurance. They have some wounds, me too but not too bad. I think they’re not ready to a true fight. Nevermind. I’m not here to teach them how to do it, I’m here to train them.

"Again !" I scream on top of a tree. " You need more endurance, so let’s go now !"

"But we are training since this morning, it’s alsmost the end of the day ! " Whines Ryan.

"Yeah, you’re not even tired ? What kind of training did you have in France ?" Asks Matt , always panting while he stands up.

"I have been training since age 4, so I’m basically more stronger and physically train for that !"

Then I jump from my spot to the middle of the class. Take them by surprise. I punch one of them in his face and Lily attack one of the girl in behind. I crounch down to dodge an arrow. I see Sam alone, behind everybody, making an armor for Matt. I jump beside her and knock her out. She will hate me to do that one more time today.
But they don’t understand what the word " team" means.
They all act like they’re in a solo game. That why it’s easy for me to win. They need to protect the support, attack hand in hand. Matt and kat can combo their power. Ryan and William need to cooperate to doing a blizzard. They know my weakness is the cold, but they don’t know how to deal with that.

I sigh. After 10 minutes I win again. Even William seems out of idea. He’s the only one who can handle my attack since he can fly but when I found a way to go to him, he can’t fight aback. I search the teacher from one eye. He’s talking to Miss Barly again. I know they are talking about me and my train but I’m also terrifed to what will happen next.

"Hey Magi" Calling me Luna from the field. "Why are you so tense? Did we’re not good enough today?"

"No.. No it’s not that. Maybe I’m pushing you too much?"

"I have a question." Asks William while he walking to me. "You said earlier you followed a train since age of 4 but... don’t the course of training are in the High School and not in primary or middle school?"

Fuck. He’s smart ! When I said that I really don’t thinking about it. But it’s true. What do I do now?

"Hum.. Yeah.. You right, but..hum.. Well I love doing sports and all my familly are like that you know? Wanting the best for their child and took sport class."

"But why sports like Karate or Taekwendoe? It’s a little bit rude for a child, don’t you think?"

"Because I’m a girl and to prepare for the futur? Well I don’t know what are the motivation for my parents ok? No deal with it."

It’s not true. Lie. Lying again. I hate it. I know why. I know the motivate. I’m so guilty. But I can’t telling you. Not righ now. Before someone asks other question, Miss Barly and Professor Kraine talk to them about the end of the training and they will let us the gym room open for us for the weekend and get some rest tomorrow for the last classday before the tournement.
Like if it’s the event of the year. One week with them and I’m already a classmate, a freak, a monster and a teacher. Maybe I’ll let myself go and asks Ashe to do something aswell.

"Magi come for a sec please."

I look up to Miss Barly and the teacher. The others get up and go to the lockroom to change.

"I need a favor." Begining Miss Barly. "I want you to train William for us."

"What.. Why? Why him? He’s not already your best student from the both class?" I say with some shock.

"When the time will come, you will need him."

"What? No ! I’ll not tell him what’s happening !  And I don’t want him for partner !"

"Magi... You don’t have the choice. Like you said he’s our best student."Tries to convince me Professor Kraine.

"What about Luna? Or Sam? They are support! I need this type of partner, not a damage one!"

"Hanna you.." Starts the Professor.

"DON’T CALL ME LIKE THAT ! Never again!"

" Sorry.. It’s just.. You need to listen to us!"

"So what ? What should I do?" I sigh in defeat.

"You don’t need to tell him the reason, but you need to train with him in team. We now it will be difficult because he’s.."

"He will refuse in one second if it’s me who told him that."

"Ok we’ll tell him tomorrow. We have a special room for you, in the basement. I’ll show you the way tomorrow after class for both of you. Then we have an accord, so you can go. See you tomorrow Magi." Says gently Miss Barly. Smiling at me, happy that I agree her deal.

I stay here while both of them go back in school. How can I deal with that? Why him in particular? It’s because he asks so much questions about me? Like he already know about something? No. Impossible. Unless.. A spy ? Like in my previous school? Don’t be paranoi Magi.. It’s not like the last time. I’ll never let do this going again. I need to protect this school. I take a deep breath and go back to the locker room.

The morning in class is the worst thing ever. I’m so sleepy from yesterday training, and I know I'll go training all the night again, and again this week. But No pain, no gain. No? Professor Krain told me before the class he will be inform William in the lunch period. And then I’ll die in the minute after. I look at the clock. In two minute my sentence will be prononce. I write a note to Sam to tell her I’m not hungry and I’ll go to the library to study for the next test. Sure another lie. But I need to not be there when he will know. I give it to Foxy and then the bell ring. I take my bag and run outside.

When I come back to the class a hand takes me and tries to pushing me against the wall but I sens him. William. I felt him like a mile away. So I anticipate and push him before.

"Didn’t I say you can’t beat me the last time?" I whisper in his ears.

"We need to talk." He growls.

"Then ask gently, want you William?" I say, releasing his arm.

"Like I’ll be a nice guy with you, freak."

"Like I want to be pairs up with you loser!"

"What did you say?"

"Listen, I’m already tired of that. You don’t like me, and I don’t like you. We doing our job, nothing more."

With that I go in class without waiting for him to talk. His eyes betrayed is excitment. Why in the hell he will be happy to be with me? Trying to beat me? Trying to bullying me without any eyes in the room to help me? Like if I need help. No.. It’s more like.. We said to a children Santa Claus will come tonight.

After a long afternoon, the bell ringing the end of class. And the begining of my life in earth. With a deep breath I stand up and say goodbye to my friends. Did I say friends? Well, maybe I move on more quickly than I though. Professor Kraine Waitning for me and William. I take us to Miss Barly’s office.  Without a word. Or a look. When we arrive, she’s waiting for us. Then we walk to a room beside the cafeteria. A secret door with stairs. I look at William, he seems normal. Like everything is normal.

Downstairs is a huge room. Big enough for Ashe to be here. When she said they have a room just for me , i really didn’t think about that. It’s an empty room, juste grey walls, no windows, not other door. Two bench not far enough to the stairs. Also somes camera. But not a single fire alarm. Ok they thing about everything about my power. Space and nothing more. Nothing to hurt someone in a fight against me. Against William.

"I give you the keys. Both of you have to be quiet about this." Says Miss Barly.

"Like what.. A secret training?"  William asks in a sacarsm voice.

"Exactly. No one must know. If they ask you something, I’ll give you some work for me, that’s why both of you disapear in the night. Ok?"

"Wait.. That the worst excuse I ever heard!" I say in a nervous tone.

“"Yeah, they’re not that dumb!" Says William in a serious tone.

"Don’t worry, I’ll give some work for the others too, just not like yours."

I sigh and nod. Maybe this will work after all. William put his stuff on the bench and take off his shirt. I didn’t see it but there are our suit on it. Wait.. Seriously? But there have no room to change? I turn around but Miss Barly is gone. Great. I change timidly behind him. After that we stand in the middle of the room, facing each other.

"Before calling Ashe. Can you just tell me something?" Says William with a nervous tone. It’s a first.

"What is it?" I answer, trigger.

"I want a deal. All the time I beat you, you tell me one thing you hiding to us."

I froze at those words. How does he know I’m hiding something?

"It’s obvious. I have all the hints."

"And how can I be sure to trust you?" I finnaly say with a small voice.

"You think I’ll betray you?"

“Yes.” When I say that he giggles, like he’s mocking me.

"Trust me, it’s the first time something interesting happen here. You arrive and everything is going away. Lewis almost die. And I didn’t foreget you about that. So you owe me that."

I sigh in defeat again. To much defeat in few time.

"Ok deal, but only when you win. And you know I can’t keep control."

"About that.. I’ll help. I don’t want to die every night. Call her now."

I do what he say and some smoke surround me. Ashe is standing by me. My head is hurting me again. But less than before. And it’s like I feel the power but not the fear. I look up to see Ashe, looking at me without a growl. Like she is just a big dog, wanting to play. What is that?

"I assume you didn’t call her in a peace time yet. Always when you where in danger, right?" He speak without looking at me, analysing Ashe.

"Yeah.. But what the point?"

"How did you control your other pets?"

"I.. Don't remember..  the first time it was long time ago." I think about years ago but the first time wqs when I was a child..

"Then remember. Quickly." He hurries me, clapping his hands.

"Foxy was always kind to me. But Lily appeared the first time to help me with a fight."

"And what? What happen next?"

"She.. We fight against each other and I win, so I’ll be her master for her. And now she obeys"

My head hurts me more. And fear begin to take me. I’m loosing control.

"What about Ashe, the first time?"

"She.. I was in anger and danger.. She.. Appeared and then I lose control directly."
A growl in my mouth and some smoke around me. I literraly want to spit fire. But why now?

"Willy... my pooor Willy. Why asking question and not fight? It’s more fun."

"No. You’ll fight against her."

"Her? You want me to fight Ashe? Why? She’s a fucking Dragon. She my thing. And I didn’t need her. I’m the best here. I’m the queen."

"Righ now, you’re a bitch."

"Hum.. But that’s what you said to me the first day, remember?" With an open mouth, I look at him with a laugh. "Yeah, that hurt to hear that? You said I’m a bitch but you’re excatly the same Willy."

"Watherver. Fight against her."

With that he go back and sit on the bench. I look up to Ashe.  She’s ready to play with me. Some smoke out of her nose.

Well, that will be interesting.

Hello guys !

I hipe you'll enjoy this chapter ! Tell me in comment what you think about it 😊

See you next week !❤️

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