Chapter 4 : The training

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The sunshine wakes me up before my alarm clock. I didn’t eat yesterday because I needed to calm down. I know my power and i know my charactere. If I went on the kitchen I could hurt someone so I played with foxy and sleeped early.
Now all I need is to take a shower. Why in hell we don’t have a bathroom in our room ? I hate common bathroom, everyone know when you go to shower. And what if they can see you naked ? Gross !

    I pick up new clothes, my towel and my shampoo and my toothbrush. I pick up Foxy’s shampoo as well. It’s like a cat or dog shampoo, but she need more washing. I go to the bathroom. It’s already 6 am and I see nobody. Why that ? Maybe they all showered in the evening and not in the morning ? Maybe it’s too early to wake up ?
I take a stale and turn on the hot water. Foxy sit behind me, she doesn’t hate water but she prefer cold than hot. So she wait her turn. Since nobody was here i start humming and then singing. Mostly disney song know.. take the vibe. But I only sing in french because.. I learn them in french so it’s logic,no ?

   After our shower I turn off the water but  something is strange. Like the water drawn again ? Then it hits me.. someone is here.. and doesn’t say anything. Crap ! I hate when someone hears me singing.
I start brushing my teeth in an incredibly speed then go out before that person see me. When I arrive in the living room I see Ryan and a girl I didn’t know. I guess she is Luna. They turn to me and smile.

"Magi ! How are you ? We talked so much about you yesterday evening !" Tells Ryan with enthousiasm.

"Yeah I was here and you are such a badass ! And how you calm down William ! He was so confused all the night !" Luna says gently.

"Really ? But I do nothing. Just he was a dumb and I hate that."

"Yeah, everyone here had never the balls to put him in his place ! And you ! Oh God ! You came just in time and everything was amazing. "Exclaims Ryan.

I laugh at him. Seriously I do nothing. But maybe it’s the only way to protect them. Just be the leader  they need and help them to progress.

"Hey Ryan. Do you know what class we have today ? I’m not used to the schedule."

"Hum.. History, Science and Training all the afternoon, why ?"

"You said I was a badass yesterday but it was my Fox’s form.. you didn’t see my true combat form." I tease with a wink.

"So you are this strong ? Why aren’t you in last years.. so unfair !"

"Don’t blame me.. I’m not responsable of that.. "

   He nods and I go to the kitchen. I put my stuff on a chair and grab a bowl with cereal and milk. I grab also a little piece of meat and gave it to Foxy.
All the morning is so annoying. We learn about the history of familly with Power and in science how it was hereditary.
The only thing that maybe is interesting is the look of William when he came in class. I try to not look at him but Foxy watch him closely and telling me he turns so often that he miss the half of the class.

   When the lunch bell ring Professor Krain told me to wait and come to the Professor room. Sam and Matt looking at me and I tell them to go eat without me. I follow the teacher and come in a room with some others teacher in it. I swear I thought I can eat alone with Professor Krain but I’m so wrong.

"Ah Miss Magi. Come eat with us. We need to talk."

I nod in silence and take a seat beside the woman who talked to me. She looks old and wear an white blouse. Maybe the nurse of the school. Great. I don’t need a psychotherapy.

"Cherry is the nurse of the school. She can heal everything. When I said everything is really everything. But sometimes it makes like a week or more. "Explains the teacher.

"What does that have to do with me ? I’m not sick or else. " I say in a nervous tone.

"Well.. here we all know your power. Your true power. And we think you need to train it. "


I’m about to leave when a hand take my wrist and pull me back in the chair. It’s Principal Barely. What do they want to me ?

" You know I can’t handle it. I can’t master it. I’m afraid of it. And you know why !" I hiss in rage.

"Yes and that why you need to train ! You need to master it ! If not, all your past will come to haunt you. All your comrade here will be in danger." Says principal Barly calmly.

"No. They’ll be in danger because of it ! And I can’t train with them around me, they’ll be hurt. Even all of you."

"Magi, one day you will have to  protect this school. And faster you train with us, faster you master it."

"So.. you want me to come, this afternoon, in my real combat form ? In training ? With all of them ? " I whine in desperate tone. I really don’t want it.

"Not now.. this afternoon you will coming with Lily, they need to know your skill at combat. Maybe in a month."

   I sigh. I know one day they’ll try to train me with that. But not so soon and her voice doesn't mean something good. I think she's lying to me. I excuse myself and go out. I’m not angry anymore. Just afraid.
The end of lunch ringing so I come to the classroom. I hear footstep behind me. I turn around and see Professor Kraine with something in his hand.

"What do you want now ?" I say with sarcasric tone. I really don’t want to see him right now.

" Since it’s training today I asked to make a suit for you. I know you have one but I think this one will suit you more for your abilities."

"How did you know how my suit looks like ? Did you make search to me ?"

"Non sens, you mother shows me before you come here."

   Tks.. I take the suit and follow him to the classroom. He talking about stuff to prevent us to be carefull during the training class.
We walk to the building across the school. This one I saw when I came the first time. I change my clothes and wear the suit.
I’m so embarassing right now. Why in the hell he gave me THAT suit ? Is so.. sexy !
To compare my ancient suit was a full one piece of clothe, orange and in leather. Just enough to covering all my body,let my tail and protect me. But it’s true that I can’t really move and fight well enough but I loved it.

   This one.. well. It’s a pant with protection in black leather. I’m wearing no boots anymore but sandals, to let my feet exposed. I’m wearing a top in black learher too with laces in front and long sleeves. But my belly is without any protection. And, oh God, he knows I hate that ! It’s like animal instinct. But with that, I know I can finally do my moves.
I reach my hair in a ponytail and go out.
The room is huuuge ! It’s like I’m on a montain. There is huge rocks and trees. All the way, I hear some chat and glare about me. I sigh and sit in front of the Professor and beside Sam.

"You look so hot in your suit !" She says and claps her hands.

"Hum.. thanks.. I guess."

"You looks like a hunter in Middle Age or in a movie. So sexy !"

"Sam.. stop it already. I’m not ok to wearing it in first place so.. "
"Oh ok.. but you’re so gorgeous, just.. you know."

I look to the other. Some suits are good, other are.. weird. Like Ryan. He wears just a pant. Maybe he needs his body to make ice ? Matt and Kat wearing the same bodysuit. One in black, the other in white. So cool !
But my eyes lock in William. He has a baggy black pant and a sky’s blue tank top. I can see all this muscles. All his body is like he is the son of Greek God or something like that.
I stare at him until Sam snap at me. Then I see him staring at me as well. Fuck. I turn right away to face the teacher.

"So today it’s the first time for Magi to train with all of you. But , she has munch experience as you or more. Munch more actually."

I tense up. I can’t face everyone. Why has he to tell them that ? I’m not a Pro, not yet.

"Tks.. you think she’s better than us ? Not even in dreams.."

William says that with such a cold tone. My body shivers. Yes he stills mad at me for yesterday and yes.. I really understand this it a threat. He wants his revenge.

"Actually.. Magi can takes all of you in single round. But she is limited right now."

I get up in anger and glare a Professor Kraine.

"Stop that right now ! You know you can’t tell them that, especially since I didn’t fight them yet !"

"Magi.. is.. is this true ? You are this strong ?"

  Luna asks me shyly. Fuck. I stare at the teacher with a death glare. But all I have in return is a giggle. A fucking giggle.

"No Luna, one or two of you can easily win against me. All together will be suicide for me in real fight."

I take a deep breath and look at my classmate. I can fight all of them. In my true form they don’t have any chance. But in my second form they can beat me.

"Alright. Then.. Magi ?"

"Hum ?"

"Can you call her ? "

I sigh. I look down to Foxy and pet her head.

"Lilly.. come to me please."

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