Chapter 16: Bad news

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I’m sitting on the floor with Foxy on my lap, facing all of them with fear. They all insisted for me to sit down and wait them to bring their gifts. I immediately said that I didn’t want gift but... Yeah here I am. I passed all the night with them, playing games, singing or dance, but when 11pm ring, they all wanted me to open it before midnight, when it’s still my birth day.

I see a table behind them, with so much boxes that I gasp, trying to get up but Foxy growl instantly. I look down to her and state in her eyes. Her golden eyes don’t move, but the determination to don’t let me get up. I stay still, looking up to Luna, who bring me the first gift.

I take it carefully and open the yellow wrap slowly. I smile at the view. It’s a black cap, with holes for my ears. I thank her and wear it, they all giggles when I move them to adapt the new feeling and look at Lewis who walked toward me. I unwrap the purple paper and I see a frame with a picture of all of us, on the field outside. All of them running, jumping or flying toward me, and me on the other way, standing, ready to fight.

"When did you take it?" I ask with widen eyes. It’s the first photography of all of us.

"I hided a camera for recording our training before the match. Just for studying it after and learn but when I see this, I thought it will be good to keep it. And after we learn it will be your birthday, I thought you could like it, be with us for good."

I grab his shirt and he crouch on the ground so I can hug him, thankful for his gift. Now I have two frames with my old and new friends in it. I smile and let him go. I can see his red cheeks before turning his back and go away. Kat and Sam walking in front of me with a small bag.

"Sorry, we didn’t have time to wrap it." They said in one voice.

I remember the insigne on the bag. It’s from the vintage shop. I laugh in my mind, already knowing what they bought me. I grab the soft fabric on my hand and the other gasps. Even William’s eyes sparkles at the sight of the dress. I chuckle and thank them with a soft kiss on their hands. I was about to say something when I hear something, something who even Foxy seems to had hear. Something I hope I imagine for a second but I heard it again.

Without even asking Lilly comes to my side and we growl together, looking at the window. The room shut dead silent in a second. I get up immediately, keeping my eyes on the outside. It pretty dark, but I know it’s here.

"Open the window, widen open please. And stand by. Don’t dare to move a toe." I command without leaving my spot.

My tail beating the air in such violence that we can heard the slap on my leg. They said anything, I know they don’t understand what going on but I thank them mentally for doing what I said. Only one hand land on my shoulder. I know William can partially understand but I growl, pushing him away with force. He didn’t expect that because he falls on his butt.

Before he can protest we all heard it. The howling. Lilly roar in response. I close my eyes, my arm standing in front of my body. But not in self-defense. Suddenly the howling intensifies and here she comes.
I open my eyes when the raptor enters in the room. A harpy. A south American Harpy. Ollie. The cruelest pet from my brother. I saw a box on its claws before it let it fall on the ground.  I wince a little when I let it land on my arm. Blood running and fall from it. I don’t move and either of the classmate. Ollie howls on last time, beating its wings in defiance before staying still on my arms.
Lilly roars again in response, walking in front of the window, ready to catch the big bird if it wants to escape by the window. I move my left hand to pick up the little piece of paper on its leg. Just when I caught it, the door swings open so violently that Ollie screams and fly over. Peter just crouch down in time to let it go.

"Magi.. What the fuck was that?" Asks Matt in such a panic tone that I commend him to shut up for a second.

I can’t believe it. They found me. Or at least, my brother found me. I look to the hallway where Ollie just escaped. A long and angry growl escape from my mouth, and if my friends thought they can move they just didn’t move again. Only peter did.

"Magi, you're alright. I’ll talk to Principal Barly, don’t think you are alone." He says, both hands on my shoulders but I can’t talk. Only growl. "Magi!"

I finish to look at him. Fear, anger and sadness on my face. I nod and let him go. Only then I can focus on the paper on my hand. I sigh and sit on the floor. I hear the other starting to move toward me without a word but I don’t mind it. I open the paper and my eyes becoming teary.

Hey Soeurette,

Long time no see! Hope you not doing well. Père est furieux de ton départ. (Father is mad about your leaving.) Especially since you killed our uncle. Not heroic at all.

Well, I find you because father asks me to bring back you home, but I just wanna play a little game. I give you a month.
I’ll send you our little playmates, if they can’t bring you back, then I’ll come at the first day of the next mouth.
I love April, it’s the beginning of the spring, more soldiers out there.

And you know how to deal with me this time. I give you everything for it. A little gift for a special day, don’t you think? I thought you'll need them.  Surtout contre lui. (especially against him.)

Joyeux anniversaire petite soeur.

PS: elle est vivante. (She’s alive.)

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