Chapter 11 : Revelation

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I wake up only few minutes after the fight, always in the ground. Only Matt and Sam by my side. I need to breath; I cough a lot and my throat hurt like hell. I look up to Ashe, she looks like she goes out the showers. I need to thanks Luna. I try to get up and they take my hands to help me.

"How are you? " Asks Matt in a worry tone.

" I didn't know William can do that against people! " Exclaims Sam, shaking my hand in anger.

"St..stop.. " I say before taking a deep breath. "He made the right thing to do against me."

" But he could have to kill you! " Sobs Sam, hugging me.

" Shh.. But he didn't. I'm good, don't worry. » I take her shoulder and look at her with a smile. « Our class win the fight, no?"

They nod and cry out.

"By the way, why in hell I was on the ground and not with the nurse?" I asks, rubbing my lower back.

"Well.. Ashes doesn't let us take you out." Giggles Matt, his hand rubbing his neck.

I look deadly on Ashe, but say nothing. It's something she could do in protecting way for me. While we talk and go back to the school, Sam and Matt take my hands. Both. I shyly look at Matt. I don't know what to think of that. He takes my hand to help me to walk, right? Or because Sam doing it? I look at Sam and she wink at me with a smile. Oh god. I know. He likes me? Seriously?

I sigh. I'm not ready for this. Or maybe it's the things to do? Or maybe it's nothing and it's my imagination. Yeah, probably. He is just a friend. Friend. Before crossing the gates, I call Foxy. With more time I could appreciate my Dragon form but not right now. Sam let go my hand to pet Foxy but Matt keep his grip on the other. He smiles at me without looking right in my eyes. We walking like this to our classroom. When Sam open the door, everyone stands up and run to me. I see Williams eyes looking down to my hand, locks in Matt's. I let go immediately and smile at the other, like if nothing happened.

"He looks angry Magi "

Foxy groan to me. Then she jumps in his desk and look at him in his eyes. I can't believe this. What is she doing? But before I move, I see something I can never imagine. William petting her like it is something usual. I barely listening what the others tells me. Just "you're so strong... " and other shit like that.

"All right guys, sit down." Says Professor Kraine in a monotone voice.

"Sir, we need to celebrate this victory! Our class win the battle! " Exclaims Kat and Ryan in same time.

" Yeah, I understand your excitement but not now. We need to talk about the fight. What have you learned today?" He says, sitting down in his desk.

"Hum.. we need to focus the pet before the owner? " Asks Luna shyly.

"No.. we need to fight in team. Without Ashe, we have almost Magi in our hand before she asks for help. " Says Matt in a serious tone, his hand in his chin. I love when he doing it. Nerd.

" Yeah that's a start. What else?" Nod the teacher.

"Always protect the other. " Keep going Luna. "She always focuses the healers in first, and we're without defense before some comes to help us."

" Yeah, and we can combo our power with others, we need more practice but it's possible. " Adds Ryan with a soft smile. He's like a child who discovered something smart!

"Never show your true power till the end. " Says William.

All the students shut their mouth down and look at him. Knowing why they won the battle. Because I passed out in suffocation. Even the teacher looks at him in anger.

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