Chapter 23 : I want to live

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Babies ? Ok I was not ready about it.
I put a shaking hand on my belly and I can feel it. Two babies. That’s why I was almost dying right there. Two babies draining my energy to survive. To have my power. Does that mean.. One could have Foxy’s power and the other Lilly’s ? That’s why I can’t summon them? Because they didn’t belong to me anymore ?

I feel the fear on William’s shoulder. I look up to see him fighting in his mind. Looking me and then my belly. He’s not ready to make that kind of choice. He’s just sixteen. His future can’t be end like that. He doesn’t need to be a father. But if he chose to save me, he has to kill his children. And I know he doesn’t want that too.

“Save them.”

He opens his mouth to speak up but nothing comes. I smile softly, trying to reach his hand with mine but I can’t really move. I’m so exhausted.

“I can’t make it. It’s too late for me. I don’t have the energy. Save them. And run away. Protect them. I need you to be safe.”

I pant and whine at the first contraction. Immediately I feel his body against mine behind me, his fingers intertwined with mine so I can take his force while I push.

“I don’t want to lose you Hanna..” His voice was like a child to my ears.

“I don’t want that too King.” I cried harder, I really don’t want to die.

“Are you sure you can’t.. you..”

“Babe, I didn’t eat in five days. And.. you know about pregnancy curse for female. If.. If I hadn’t used.. my power.. to call.. Ashe.. I should have.. survive.”

I scream in pain when the first baby makes his way. My legs trembling because of all the energy I put on pushing. Sarah between my legs, ready to received the child. The pain was so intense and with the lack of energy I feel like I’ll fell unconscious in any minute.

“Stay with me princess, don’t sleep. You doing great.”

I let my head rests on his chest, pushing harder with all the energy I can have.  I pant, feeling the sweat on my forehead. I can’t. But I need to. I push a last time.

A scream.

A little baby scream. I sigh in relieved. I close my eyes and try to breath slowly. But I know my little pause will be short. I need to give to this little child a brother or a sister. I open my eyes when I feel William moving and feel the wind on my legs.

He cut the umbilical cord with his power. And with that, Sarah put the baby on my arms. The baby has tiger’s tail and ears. I cry at the sight. I knew it. I lost Lilly but she’s in good hand with this little boy. If only Ashe had this chance. But Foxy will be by his side and I was glad to have my pets has children now. They’re my blood. My family.

“He’s beautiful Queenie. My son is beautiful.” My blond king kiss my head while one of his hand caress delicately our child.

I don’t have the time to say something that the contractions started again. But I can’t. I’m breathless. The pain invade my body like a vicious snake. My back hurts , my belly hurts, my right hand hurts. The only things keeping me alive was Leo’s cries. Yes. I decided to name him like the King of the savannah. He’s my little prince. I need to tell that to William.

In the middle of the last push my body lets go. I feel the pain going away. I heard the little scream before falling in the dark.
Well I thought I was in the dark. But a little orange light floating not far away from me. Like all human in the world, I walked toward it. For the first tile in a while I feel peace. No more problem, no more pain, no more mission. It’s like I’m walking to the paradise I didn’t earn it.

When I got closer to the light I saw a bird. A magnificent fire bird. I never saw that kind of bird. His body is red and his wings are like the sunset. A great orange. But his feather are like fire. Like a real Phoenix.

“Nice to meet you Hanna. Or Magi. Wathever.” The bird talks in my mind’ like my pets used to do.

“Hum.. Nice to meet you.. Who are you ?”

“I thought you kinda knew, it’s not the first time we saw each other. Hanna.”

“Not the.. first time ?”

I’m confused. I never see that bird in my life.

“You were a baby. Anyway, I’m Phoebe, your very first pet.”

“You.. what ? How?”

How in hell I can have a fourth pet thqt I don’t remember ? And.. what is her power then ? But I’m dead. I swear I’m dead.

“No you aren’t.. yet. Again.”

“Again? What are talking about ? Who are you ?”

“Once upon a time, a little baby who received too much power for her tinny body. She was about to die in her mother’s belly. But she wanted to live. She used the power in too much. I make an appearance and used my power on her to save her life. But with that I made some damage. And her mother couldn’t give life again. The end.”

I’m speechless. All this time I thought it was a dream. My mother told me once I almost died. But she never told me I used my power on her. Thqt’s why my father hate me so hard. I ruined his chance to have a child like you wanted to be. Since me and my brother had inherited her power and not his, his was furious. But this. This it’s another thing.

“What is your power, exactly ? And what can I do with it ?”

“Mine is to heal and revive you if you want to live. Like now.”

“Revive? So I’m really dead ?”

“Not yet, didn’t you heard the first time ?”

“yes yes of course but.. it’s weird. And my power ?”

“Same thing. Flying and.. Revive the dead.”

I was in shock. I’m.. literally my father’s opposite power. I can revive Sarah. And everyone. I smile at rhe thought.

“You have a limit though.”

“A limit ? Why?”

“ You can’t summon me. You can only use your power when I resurect you. So maybe in the two minutes after your power will stop.”

Great. I don’t want to commit a suicide each time I want to revive someone.

“Can I revive Ashe? She was killed but her body disappears, I don’t really know why by the way.” I ask with hope. I really want her back. So Foxy and Lilly will be reunite.

“She isn’t dead.” This voice doesn’t come to the bird.

I turn around facing my baby fox. I cry and crouch down to hug her with all the love I can give to her.

“Foxy baby! How.. The baby.. did he died ? Why are you here ? Not that I don’t want you here but..”

“She didn’t want to abandon you. So she found me to ask to transfer Ashe on the fetus when she was about to die.”

I cry harder when Phoebe told me that. Ashe was alive, Ashe was now my baby. And Foxy stay with me. I never thought about that.

“Thank you Foxy, I don’t deserve you baby. You are the best. My best friend.”

“It’s time.” Phoebe cut us on our moment. “One last thing. You can fly faster than with Ashe.”

With that I knew exactly what she meant.

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