Chapter 10 : All versus one

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Monday morning.
I passed all the weekend to fight against Ashe and William helped me to keep control. Actually it’s working ! I can keep control like.. 20minutes. Yeah it’s not enough but it’s more than ten.
The idea is to fight against Ashe to submit her to me. As long as I’m not stronger than her, I lose control and my instinct take my mind.

But, for today it’s will be enough. I know I need to keep calm and don’t be angry. We learn that, if I’m calm and focus I have more time. But I never fight against someone else than Ashe this weekend. William always be there to knock me out.

I get up from my bed to prepare for school. I really don’t want to go. My muscles screaming in pain. When I open the door I facing William and Matt in conversation.

"Oh Hello Magi, How are you today ?" Asks Matt with a smile.

"Fine.. " I growl, to early in the morning to speak.

"We don’t see you all the weekend, are you sure everything is okay ?"

"Please.. don’t ask. I’m not in the mood Matt."

I let them and go to the kitchen. I need some tea. I look at the other who are eating and wave at them. They have all some wounds . Sam and kat have bruises all their arms and Ryan have bandages all his hand.

"Hard practice ? " I say while I making my breakfast.

"Yeah, since the field was open for us and class 2-2, we practice all the weekend. And you, your job ? " answers Ryan tiredly.

"Hard too. Ready for to take a kick in your ass ?" I tease with a smirk.

They all groan in annoyance. I giggle and eat. Then my phone ring. It’s a first since I have it. I look at it, I don’t know the number so I don’t respond. All the guys looking at me with « why » eyes.

"I have only yours and my mom number. So I don’t want to answer.. probably some publicity. "

I do the dishes and go to school with William beside me. It’s something normal now, we don’t talk but we go in the field like it was ok. Knowing exactly what will happen here. Like in the training course.

All the class 2-2 is already here. Only the girl and the two others boys I know are looking at us with disdain. Great. A good day in perspective. We wait for the other guys of our class and the teachers.

In this time I take a look to them. I don’t know their power. William decided to not tell me because in real situation I’m suppose to don’t know either. Smart move so I don’t talk about teams up with classmate. They need to know that in first place. Somes boys are looking at me with a suspicious look. I think they don’t know if I’m really that strong or if I’m just a normal girl.

I sigh and turn around to see something else, relaxing my stressfull butt. Then something catch my eyes. Blue birds. They looks like Europeen bird I like to see in my country. Tiny blue and grey birds. Before I can go to them Sam take my hand and turn myself to face her.

"Hey, I called you for a while. Are you okay ?" She said in worry tone.

"Yeah.. Kind of." I smile a little, keep my attention to the tree.

"The teachers are here, they waiting for you to start !" She drags me to the middle of the field where everybody is already here.

The two teachers and Principal Barly are standing in the middle of people. The second teachers is a old man, maybe over 60 years old, but he looks like energic and ready to win today. Am I a trophy for the teachers too ? Let me alone please..

"Great, today is the perfect day to take down all your rivalry and cooperate in this mission." Begins Miss Barly.

"Yeah, all of you are suppose to know , Magi right here, has a powerfull pet and had a powerfull training from severe years. Even she can’t keep control of here Dragon power, she is stronger than you." Keep going Professor Kraine in a monotone voice. So sleepy.

"Your mission is to take down your opponents. Ashe, her Dragon, is also your ennemy. She will be able to attack you and hurt you. But no one here can kill. You are future heroes, we train you to help the nation and take down the famillies who don’t follow the rules." Finish The second Professor.

"Professor Bana has right, no one has to die here, is just like a game. If you can’t fight you going directly to the nurse office. If Magi is out of control, we are here to interverne."

While all the look are on the three adult, I pull of  my clothes to be only in my suits. I feel like Superman with my suit under my uniform. I come back to them and Professor Kraine put a hand in my shoulder, a soft smile in his lips. I smile back, my eyes locks in his. I’m not really ready for this but he helps me with this smile. Like if everything is ok.

"Magi.. when you ready you ca.." Starts the Principal.

"Ashe, come to me please.. " I cut off Miss Barly, faster I begin, faster I finish this.

When the smoke surrounds me, I wait for my wings to take the advantage of this to fly in the trees behind the field. Only Ashe is on the field, ready to fight.

" Ashe, fight all the damages powers. I will take down the healers. "

"And if I don’t want to ?" Asks Ashe with a teasing voice.

"If you obey, I’ll play with you tonight."

With that she starts to move and I can hear some screams or see some powers. I remark that Ashe act like a dog , like Lily. She needs more attention or more playtime. And more I spend time with her, more I can keep control.

I stay here for five or six minutes, just for analyse the unknowns powers. Water, fire, teleportation and some other. Great powers, but like Thursday, all the healers or supports are behind, without any protection.
I sigh, but I fly till them and I knock out two of them when finally some oppponents come in back-up.

Ryan and Kat. They are improve their moves because they can combo their power together. Ryan making an ice sword while Kat electrify it. I  try to punch him at the begining but the lighting is too powerfull and hopefully, doesn’t burn me.
I groan and spit some fire on Ryan but surprisly, Sam makes and armor against my attack. Nice team work. But I’m stronger and I fly to counter the glass and with my claws I scrarch some kat’s flesh who screams in pain.
I turn to face Ryan, horror in his eyes. I giggles and spit another round and his ice melts in a second. I jump on him and take him in the air with my foot claws. He tries to let me go but when I think it’s high enough, I let him fall.

Sam screams for helps, seeing his friends fall from this far. I wait for 3 second and fly to catch him just in time.

He collaps in fear.

I giggle. Before some healers come to him, I roaring and Ashe comes here and with her big paw, overturnes everyone.
I fly again to take a view. Then a big pain in my leg make me turn around. The guys with red hair in the other class cast an other fireball to me. Fire against fire ? Why not ? Not my best chance to shine.

I groan when another pain in my back. I see William on the ground smirk at me and talk to Matt. 
Ok I need to take Matt down, his power can immobilise me with my shadow. But I can’t be on the ground. Great ideas guys. I must be in the air if I want to survive. And they try to finally cooperate.
Let me see, if Matt can control the shadows, maybe I need some clouds to hide in them. But William can control the wind, so if I make explosion he can dispel the smoke.

Nice strat, I’m stuck. And if I move they throw their powers on me, forcing me to fly on the same spot.

"Hey Willy, if you want to forcing me to be angry, it’s not enough !"

While I say that, my heart miss a beat. Fuck, am I this far on the time ? I though it been more time to fight before loose control.

"Ashe, I need your help. I need your tail, if you know what I mean. "

I say that while I try to fly to distract them a little bit. After some second Ashe jumps behind them, confusing all of them in the same time. With her big tail she pushs them with strongly. Only William, who can fly, dashs out and be safe.

« Only you and me, gorgeous ! » I say with a smirk.

He growls but seems to be happy. After days training me with my Dragon, he may fight me this time. He creates a sword in air and dash in. I try to escape but a big pain in my ribs stops my momentum.

Fuck it. They capture Ashe with Matt’s power.

I shake my head , only to focus on my fight but I can feel all the wounds in my body. Ashe is in danger. And I can feel I’m losing control.

William sees that and don’t waste any time. He obligates me to fight, attacks me again and again. So I can’t go help her. I groan in annoyance and ripost with my claws in his chest. In hand to hand I’m stronger but actually I’m feeling dizzy. Why now ? I can see in his eyes, the look of someone fighting to win this game, but also something else. I don’t know why and I don’t care right now.

I try to spit fire but suddendly I can’t breath. I’m suffocating. Like if all the oxygen in my body had disapear. I look in fear to William.

"My power can do that. Surrend or you will pass out."

He says simply. No weapons in his hand anymore. I refuse that. Losing against him like that. Why I don’t even think about this possibility of power ?
It’s an evidence.. He can takes control the air, he can takes away the air in body. Nice move. But why now ? Why not in the training ? Before I can ask the question, I faint and fall in the ground. I only hear the wistle, indicate the end of the match.

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