Chapter 2 : Presentation

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Ok breath. Magi you need to breath. I enter in the class. Looking down and avoiding eyes contact. But I can hear some gasped and the students whispering at others. My ears moving slowly behind me when Professor Kraine moves toward me.

« Magi, welcome in class 2-1. You can introduce yourself. »

I look up at him. He has no smile, a little beard, red hair and blue eyes. He looks like a professor who doesn't want to be here but love his job because he takes care of him, he wears a nice suit that suits him perfectly. He has like 30 years old, good looking.

I smile a little and got my attention back to the class. I swear I'm not ready to do this. I was about to talk when my eyes locked at someone. The blond guy is here. I choke myself. I knew that I'm so fucked up...

« Hello guys... so I'm Magi. Just Magi. I'm 17, soon 18. I'm from France but I can speak English. I move here two weeks age. Hum.. »

I shut myself when I see all the looks on me. One hand rises up. It's a boy who looks pretty, he has black hair and blue eyes, so hot. And he has that smile who can melt all the girls' heart. I don't know what to say so I look at the professor.

« Yes, Matt? » He said with a monotone tone.

« Why are you in the second year if you are 17 years old? Don't you supposed to be in third years? » He asked seriously.

« Well, miss Magi had a little problem in her third year in France, and since it February already, we thought it was wise to send her in second year so she can get used to school and our way of doing things. » Answered Miss Barly. After that she got a phone call and left the class.

I was about to take my stuff when I see a girl in the first line rise up her hand. I smile shily at her to encourage her to ask something.

« What is your power? »

« I call my power Animagi. As you can see, I have fox ears, tail and eyes. I have a pet too; her name is Foxy. She is like a friend for me. If she gets hurt I can feel it. We can also communicate by mind; she understands our language so if you talk to her she can body respond to you. »

« Wouah, so cool! But why she's not here with you? »

At that moment, Foxy enter in the classroom. Immediately my stress was out. I crouch to pet her.

« Foxy is not my only pet. I also have a tiger; her name is Lily. But I'm not allow to show her in class. So you need to wait fighting class. »

« Fine, that's it for now, Magi take the desk beside the window, behind Sam. »

Professor Kraine shows me the desk. Sam smiling at me. She has  dark hair with green eyes. She has a mole in the left cheek, red lips and a natural make up. I love makeup but I'm not really good at this. When I try to do this, it's so horrible so I quit the idea of this but I always admire the girls who can do this type of art. I take my stuff and passed throw the hot blond guy. I can hear him giggle. I decided to not paying attention but suddenly I can feel like the wind around me, I turn around to see my suitcase flying above our heads. All the students laugh or tell him to stop.

« William stop it, let her breath. It's her first day. »

The tone freezes all of us. My suitcase back down and without a glance I go to my seat. I don't know if the Professor had already raised his voice in class but I really don't want to hear it again.

After hours of class, the bell rings for lunch. Foxy, who slept on my laps during class, jump down and stretched with a small noise. Sam stands up facing me, always smiling at me.

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