Chapter 19: Playmates

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I woke up with an bad feeling. I look around but none’s here. Even Ashe. And that’s really weird because I’m sure I don’t sent back yesterday night. My eyes widen at the thought about what I did last night. Did I really say that I love him ? What was I thinking seriously ? And why in hell he’s not here ?

I breath in the prevent me to panic and look at me while I breath out. I don’t have my particularities. And only one thing can do that except my dagger. And it’s not a good sign. I rush to the top of the stair but it’s lock. I have any power. Only my human strength. They can’t beat the playmates. And it’s too early to be here anyway. Tom is really a bastard. Sending them before the end of the month, it’s unfair.

I try to call Lily but nothing. Stupid playmates. I create them with Tom and now I think it’s the worst idea in my life. They’re capable of cancelling every power in a radius of 6 miles. It was for learning and train to fight against without or power. As an assassin I wanted to perfect my moves and my abilities to survive without power and only our weapons can defeat them. Their only power if fire or ice. For a powerless it’s the worst things we thought will be annoying. But we had our weapons.
But now, I’m lock in a room, everyone here has no power. Maybe they try to fight them but how long they’ll know nothing will touch and hurt them ? I scream in frustration. No power, so no Foxy or Lily or even Ashe to calming me down. What if they all will die? They can burn by heat or cold. I hit the door harder. I need to go out. They need me. Miss Barly was right. They need me to protect them.

But if I have told them the truth about me, about the letter, about the reason I was sent here, maybe they have never been in danger. Fuck Magi. All the sign was here. All the reason to tell the truth. And all the past is repeating again. I’ll lose my friends again. Tears are rolling on my cheeks when I heard something. It’s light. Footsteps. I let some space when the door crack open quickly. It’s Kat. KAT?

“Magi..” She has hard to speak, panting like she ran like life depending. “ Professor Kraine and Will told me to find you. We’re under attack.”

I dash out the room and try to find some clothes. I’m still naked from last night and I don’t have some change. I thought someone, like William, will come with it or something the next day but no. It’s hard to walk without my tail. Or hear without my animal’s ears. It’s been so long since I train with playmates. God. I feel her stare on me.

“That what you look like without your power ?” she asked more for her than me.

“ Yeah.”

I ran on the dorms and take the first thing I found. My assassin suit. Great. But not time to grumble. I dress in a minute, put my dagger at her place, on my belt. Damn I don’t want to say it but it feels so good to wear that again. I’m feeling safer than before. I turn to face Kat who glare at me with sparkle in her eyes.

“Stop dreaming Kat, show me the way, right now.”

She shakes her head and take my hand. She’s trembling. It feel her hand. Cold. She fought again one. While we ran to the fight I analyzing her. Some blood on her body, her suit is tear apart on her shoulder and legs. Her nose is broke and some dry blood on her lips. His body is shaking too. But no sign of ice on her.

We run in town for like ten minutes before joining Professor Kraine. I can see in his eyes some relieve. He seems tired and out of energy. Everyone who’s here are the same. I can see other teachers, Pro Hero and healers, trying to do something. Planning something. Or waiting with hope. Waiting for what ? Me? Hell yeah. I’m your hope. I grind a little before standing right in front of Peter.

“You should told me about the powers. Why didn’t you think about it? Are you really in iur side Hanna ?” he slaps me.

All the students and adult gasp in shock. A teacher slapping his student. I should know this will be a hard time for me.

“Peter, I told you about the letter. And..”

“No, you text me about the letter but you never told us about their power.”

“I thought I still had time for that, you’re the one who trapped me in the basement for training. You’re the one who want these secret ! Do you really want them to die? If they knew about everything, they’ll be prepared about it!”

I sigh. I need to calm down. I can hear the city being destroyed by them. Screaming. The ground trembling. I need to move right now.

“How many of each ?” I ask dead serious.
“ 3 ice 5 fire. Do you need help ?” He responded with calm and hope. Like nothing happened.

“Just rescue the people. I can’t deal with them at the same time.”

He nods and points me a direction, I follow his finger and turn my head to see William, laying on a stretcher. His should was dislocated, and he’s bleeding from his stomach. I look down to see an ice block with blood. I run to him. He’s unconscious. Fuck. Why him ? He knew he didn’t have any power. I turn to inspect the other. All hurt. Great heroes.

I take his hand and kiss his forehead. I need to out them down quickly so the healers can do their jobs. We can’t take him to the hospital, we don’t know how he’ll react when his power will return in his body when he’s unconscious.

I sigh and look back to Peter. We nod in understanding. At the end of this, the school will know. But for that, I need to do my jobs. I put my hood and jump on the gutter silently to have a good spot on the roof. I heard the student screaming my name, begging me to come back or to be safe. I let them scream and only focus on the streets. Eight. Why so much of them? Does that mean Father let the castle without protection? They left only two out there. And just the ice.

If each of them can cancelled 6 miles, why did they needed to be 8 since Tom know where I am? Or maybe... He’s here too. He wants to kill some people and see how I can deal with it. Son of bitch. Magi focus. I need to focus. I scan the city. I can see two ice makers not far away from North. One fire with two ice at East and all the left at the South. I need to take down the closest. They need the healers. I jump from roof to roof until I see one of them.

They don’t look so ugly; they look like Elks. Since Tom and me have power with animals, we create them like animal. Why not human since we’re assassin? Well, because when we were younger, we both have enough to kill human, we wanted something new. I’m not a good person. I didn’t say that. Never. But when we created them, we styled them with our least favorite animal. Tom was Elks. I don’t know why I think they looks life goofy. And mine. Geez. I can’t say it.. Mine are spider. But don’t think they looks like tinny spiders. No. I create them with all the fear I can create.
Both are as big as a tank. The spider is bigger with her legs.

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