Chapter 13 : Online

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The morning is hard, I can barely talk since yesterday night. Remind me to drink more water for the next time. I come to the kitchen, always in pajama and foxy on my side. I grab a bowl and some cereal. Ryan and Sam are already eating. I join them in the table and eat my breakfast. Suddenly Ryan shows me something with such a joy in his eyes that I look at his phone.

I choke and spit my food on the table. It's a video of me, singing a Disney song. It became viral since there is a million likes and billion views. What happening? I.. I can't be on social media! I can't... They can see me! They can find me! I start to panic and a loud growl can be heard in all the dorms. Suddenly some smoke surrounds me. Foxy tries to bite me to keep control my mind but I slap her in her face. She groans at me. Then all the students come in the kitchens, I glare at them with a deadly stare but also all the fear I can feel.

"Kraine." It's all I can say before I turn out in my dragon form. Foxy isn't here anymore and we can hear outside Ashe, Whimper in fear. Something's wrong.

I then turn my head to Matt. He's the one who take the video, he must posts it! He tries to take a step back but with a unbelievable speed I reach to him and push him in the wall, the sound of something broken can be heard.

"Why have you post this video?" I say in a such angry tone that all of my friends froze. "Answer me!"

"Because I thought you have a good voice and I had right!"

I slap his face and he collapses immediately. Sam and Kat run to him, trying to waking him up. I hiss but let them go. I turn to jump by the window when I can feel all my breath shut down. Before I can say something, I collapse too.

I woke up on the couches, Professor Kraine just next to me, holding my hand. I squeeze it with a smile. But I remember the video and I stand up, panicking again. A growl on my throat. Professor Kraine awared that I'm going to panicking casts his spell and I'm trap in his cage. Like if its intentional, I scream all my fear and tears of rage comes up. I'm like a beat in killing spree. I can't control myself and I punch the walls. All the students looking at me in fear. Only Matt and Kat aren't here.

"Magi calm down. They are nothing to be scared." Professor Kraine trying to reassuring me with a soft voice but I can't.

I keep breaking the cage. Luna and Ryan taking a step aback. William standing right in front of me, next to the teacher. I stop my hand in motion and stare at him. He has the power to stopping me, taking away my air in my body. A loud growl escapes to my mouth. I don't want him so close to me. Then the cage breakdown. And before I jump in him, strong arms pulling me away and my head touch a large chest. I smell a good thing. Like vanilla. I close my eyes and melt into the embrace. I hear some students gasp at the sight of me, hugging Professor Kraine.

I call Foxy to come while I can keep control of myself during this moment. Then all of the sudden I purr like a cat. The teacher scratches my ears and pet my back. All of this attention relaxes me. I need this.

"Ok now you are calm, tell me why are you this scared, what happened?" He asks me, always petting me.

"I... Matt... He posted a video." I feel him tenses up a little.

"But that not a reason to freaking up, right?" Asks Sam innocently.

Professor Kraine takes my head in his hands, looking deeply in my eyes. He knows. I'm in trouble. I avoid his eyes for some second and they lock in William's. He tenses up too. He can feels my fear. And He knows why too. I'm on the run. If they know where I am, they can come here. He crosses his arms and I can say he's thinking about a solution. I look to the teacher one more time before he stands up.

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