Chapter 15 : Birthday

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We are Saturday again. The all week was so calm. But not in a good way. William avoided me like the plague, Matt acted like nothing happened and the classmate ignored the tension I can see between them. However, I take this opportunity to train with Ashe in the basement.
William never came. In a way, I miss him. Or his training.
I sigh at this thought. This is weird. But now I don’t really care. I need to be stronger. The enemy can be here at any moment. I already improve with Ashe but I can’t control my power yet. Too unpredictable. I hate it.

I get up from my bed and look at Foxy. Standing in front of the window. I crouch to pet her but all I have in response is a growl. Ok that’s weird. I look at her, she’s fixing something behind but I don't really know what. And if it was important, she’s already talk to me. So I let her behind and take my stuff for a shower.

"Do you plan to visit mom?"

Her voice surprise me at first and I look back behind.

" Why not? You know what day is it. If I don’t show up, she’ll be mad at us."

She growls again. Something disturbing her. I can feel it.  With a sigh I go beside her.  Always looking outside. It’s a beautiful day. No cloud in the sky. Birds singing in a love way. It’s almost spring. Trees and flowers growing up, some students already on the grass, playing or talking with each other's.

"Something’s coming. Don’t know what, or who, but you know my instinct. Something’s wrong."

"Foxy, we know we’re not safe here. They’re not safe either. But you can’t just stand here and say that."

"But you need to stay vigilant. If you don’t do it then I will."

I pet her head. I don’t think she’s wrong but I don’t need this. Not today. I can’t deal with the danger and the others. They planned to go to the mall and watch a movie. But first, I need to see my mom.
I take my shower and come back in my room; nobody is awake yet so I walk slowly till my bedroom. In front of my door was a card. A simple one. I turn around but I see no one in the hallway.
I grab it and enter in the room. When I open it I immediately close it. A song cards. Seriously, only my grandma sent me this kind of card. I take a deep breath and open it again. The birthday song fills in the room, Foxy groan, or giggle in her way.

"Dear Magi,

Happy Birthday! 
Eighteen, you grown up so much! Please be  in front of your dorms in an hour.
And wear something good, we’re going out this morning.

Love, Kraine."

Love? LOVE? If he wants to tell our secret to everyone, let this letter on the table in the kitchen! Dumbass.
I try to catch something to wear. Since I’m tired of wearing skirt, I take my favorite black pant, just losing in the leg but tight enough in my waist. I grab my favorite red blouse with long transparent red sleeves. I grab my make-up stuff and do my eyes, just some eyeliner and mascara. Red lipstick and that’s it. Like I said a month ago, I’m not a makeup artist.
I grab my black ankle boots. They have small heels, just enough for me to walk with it without fall on the ground every 5 seconds. I walk until the mirrors on my door. I look great. But all I need to do is to figured out what to do with my hair. Let them straight? Up? Down? I try everything till I give up and make a ponytail and let two lock of hair around my face. Not my prettiest but one of my favorites  when I don’t know what to do.

"You look like you going to a date."

"Shut up Foxy."

I turn to grab my bag with my keys, phone and money. I smile at foxy and laugh with her. We go on the living room as silently as possible but when I open the rabbit door I freeze.
All the comrade are here. Some in pajamas, others wearing cloths but all are surprise to see me.
Especially like this.
I look down to Foxy, who growl in impatience. She knows we can’t let Professor Kraine waiting us. 

I avoid eyes contact and walk across the room. They all look at me silently. Only when I open the door of the dorms I hear some gasps. Even me I stand like I’m seeing a ghost. In front of me, standing like a gorgeous creature, Professor Kraine smiles at me like it was nothing. Are you kidding me? Oh my god. Why me?

"Happy Birthday Princess!" Says the man who gives me a bouquet of flowers.


"Thanks.. Are you idiot or what? What’s your Problem?" I respond angrily. I can hear the other taking back their breaths. Yeah you too are idiots.

"Oh calm down Magi, I know you love that. Plus, we are late, come on."

He grabs my wrist and pull me away. I just take a glance to my friends with a look who, I hope, can tell "It’s not what you think" but the doors close just behind me.

"Are you fucking kidding me Kraine? What the other will think about us now?"

"Oh.. We’re dating maybe? Don’t you think, Miss Kraine?"

I growl but he scratches my ears to relax me.

"Now, call Lily, we need to go fast." He orders to me with a serious look.

"A car is not an better option? You told me to wear something good, not to be carried by a Tiger..." I whine but still call her.  We pet her and Professor Kraine ride her in a first place. Then I take place in front of him.

"Where are we going?" I ask while we let Lily walks until the portal.

"Home." He answers and Lily immediately roar in pleasure.

I smile at the idea. He knew. He knew I want to see my mom. We let Lily run to home. All the passers-by looking at us in fear. Yeah it’s not every day we can see a big tiger and two human riding it. But we didn’t care. When we arrive at my house I jump out to Lily and run to the door. But before I can knock my mom open it and take me in her embrace.

"Mom" I say with a small voice, tears drawing in my cheeks.

"Happy Birthday Honey!" She whispers in my hear.

We stay like that for a moment before she pulls me away and looks at the man standing behind me.

"You don’t come to hug your aunty, little brat?"

"Don’t call me brat, I’m not a child anymore!" Protests Professor Kraine.

"Peter Kraine, you are and always will be my little nephew." Her tone is more like a mother threating her son than a real angry tone.

I giggle at this situation before my mom let us come inside. Nothing really much changed since I leave. It’s almost a month but I really want to nothing changes. I feel in secure here. With my family. I look at Peter who is talking to my mom. He's the only one who helped us to run away, the only one who I really considering like my brother. My cousin is the best. He understands me, listens to me, helps me. Know me better than anyone. Know my family better than anyone. They turn to look at me and I jump between them and hug them very tightly.

"I love you, thank you for being here with me."

They don’t respond but hug me tighter. Lily stays behind, sitting in her basket. Yeah she’s like dog and has her own basket. And if I don’t call back Foxy is because Lily loves being here. With us. And she needs to have some hugs too. Like a normal pet. A friend. A sister.
We chat about school, my progress with Ashe, the faces when I open that damn door earlier. Then noon’s coming and Mom driving us in a restaurant. That’s why Peter told me to dress like that. I smile during the travel. I love my mom. I love my cousin. In a platonic way of course. But looking at Foxy who is in my laps now remind me that we are not safe yet.
We eat like a family, even the waitress sang the birthday song to me. We take some photos. Mom loves taking photos and I never complain. Memories is the best way to learn. My past is behind me, but without it I’ll never be who I am right now. And I love watching videos or photos when I was young. Today is my first birthday in freedom. Without a task. Without creepy present. With the love of a family.

I look at the cake in front of me, with the little candle. Weak flame but strong power of joy. A tear drawn in my cheek when I blow it. I’ll remember this moment. Suddenly two presents are on the table behind the cake. I look at my mom then Peter. Both smiling and encouraging me to open them.
The first one is from Peter. It’s the last video game from a saga I love. But it’s expensive and with these events I don’t have any money to buy it. I jump from my seat and hug him. He’s the best. We laugh and I come back to open the present from my mom. It’s a photography from France. With Sarah and me. And our friends. Together at the beach. Mom took it last year when we invited them for the vacation. I forgot about it.

"Mom.. thank you. I love it."

It’s all I say. Then I cry, hugging the frame on my heart. I miss them so much. And it’s all ly fault. But I loved them and I don’t want to forget about the good moment. Ever.

" I think it’s time to come back at school. Your friends waiting for you."

Peter’s voice is like a murmur to me. I know we shouldn't be here without any protection. And it’s against the rule to be outside the school, even in the weekend. Peter has surely asked a favor to Principal Barly since it’s my birthday and he’s my family.
Mom driving us to the school in a quiet way. We don’t want to say goodbye but time is time. I kiss her and waves at her when I go out the car. Peter taking my waist to prevent me to fall on the ground and cry like a baby. I have the feeling I never see her again every time I say goodbye. Feeling this since I can go to school. Since I know about my family. Since I train.

We walk, hand in hand, crying together in silent. Pretend we don’t know each other, pretend we’re not in danger. Pretend we don’t have blood on our hand. Everything is hard. And for a moment I can say we can be both let our feeling free from guilt.

Before we arrive in front of the dorms, I push Peter on the wall and hide my head in his chest. Hugging him in a desperate way. He scratches my ears and humming a song. Relaxing me while I cry like a baby. I know my makeup is ruined but I don’t care.
Then he takes my hand with his hands and kiss me in my cheeks and let me go. Waving me without turning his head to looking at me.
Without a word.
My cousin is my professor again. I lost him again.

I wipe away my tears and clear my throat. I open the door and walk on the living room. Everyone is here, playing video games, cooking or just chatting. Until someone sees me and they shut all they’re doing.

"You look like shit!" Says William, pointing my face.

"Yeah I know!" I laugh and try to wipe away my mascara on my face but I can’t see me right now.

"Why are you wearing these clothes? Did you go on a date? With... Professor Kraine ?" Asks Sam with a silly tone but everyone tenses up at these words.

"Idiots... He takes me out to see my mother and we went on a restaurant. So I need to dress up! What are you thinking, he’s our teacher dumbass!"

I sigh and take off my heels. Thanks God. I can’t take it anymore. I love them but it’s kind of hurt at the end! I wave at the others and go to my room to change on something comfier.
Blue jean, baskets, t-shirt geek and I take off my makeup and my ponytail. I love dressing up like a girl but I prefer my geek look. More comfortable.

I go out and join the group, leaving Foxy on the couch, ready to take a nap. Lazy pet. Sam, Kat, Ryan and Matt standing in front of the door, waiting for me. I smile at them and we go to the mall. It’s 3 :05 pm already. We go to the café first. I enjoying this moment. All together, laughing and talking about nothing.
I think I can consider them like close friends but what about us? Will I still be their friends when the time will come? When they’ll know my secret and my true identity? I shake my head to push this thought away. I’ll be happy today. It’s my day.

I sit against the window, Matt beside me, Kat and Sam in front of us and Ryan at the end of the table. They order some tea, coffee and biscuits. They said I can’t pay today because it’s a special day. I laugh in my mind. They didn’t wish my birthday yet, but I know they tried to wait tonight. Are they organize a surprise party? Maybe, and that cute but I prefer to shut my mouth down, and I really prefer to not mention that I’m an adult now. Jeez, I’m an adult now! That touch me in my heart. I don’t know why but I feel weird to say in France I can now drive, drink, vote, be a wife. Why am I thinking about that? I know since age 4 that I can’t marry someone. But now? Maybe I can think about it. 

"Magi, what do you want to do today?" Asks Kat, taking a sip from her coffee.

"Don’t we already plan to go to the cinema last week? To see that hero movie?" I answer with a curious look. Are they dumb?

"Ah..hum yes, that true, but don’t you want to do something else before? Shopping or else?" Ryan try to convince me but I don’t know why.

"We can if that you want, but are you planning something right now? You’re acting weird as fuck!" I speak after drinking my black tea.

"No!" They answer all in the same time.

I laugh, idiots, at least try to act normal! I put my hand on my chin, acting like I’m thinking but I know they need me to do what they want.

"Ok, go shopping. But what kind of it? Because we can’t go in lingerie shopping with two guys, or if they want to?" I take a look on them on my left and I smirk, they’re so red!  Blushing just at the thought of them in that kind of shop.

"Guys, we’re not planning to do that, calm down!" Giggles Kat, putting her hand on Ryan’s arm to take him back to the reality.

"Yeah, we can go to that little vintage shop, you now, with that red dress!" Tells Sam to Sam, sparkles on her eyes.

"Yeah, I want to see Magi on that kind of stuff!" Exclaims Ryan.

"Vintage? Dress? Me in a dress? Why that?" I take my defensive but they can see my excitation too.

"Magi, you literally go out today in heels, and you wearing skirt all day, why not dress?"

"My reasons. But I can try... For you."

The last time that I wore a dress I finish in blood. Bad memories. So I promise to not wearing it again. But only the dumb don’t change their mind, right? And I love the vintage stuff. You can see that with my suit. Whatever.
We finish our drinks and meals then we go to the vintage shop. I don’t know who is the most excited. Kat who want to try that red dress or Ryan too see us in dresses.
The girls and Ryan are running in the hallway so Matt and me are alone.  We don’t talk. But on the walk, I decide to punch him on his shoulder. Like a bro. I don’t want to lose him. He’s a precious friend. The way we don’t speak at each other that week hurts me more than I thought.
He looks at me, confused. Then he smiles at me and takes me in a hug. Knowing what I want to say. We stay like that a moment, before he pulls away, I whispering a sentence in his chest. He looks at me and nods. My tail beating the air, I smile and run to the other.

I can’t lie, the showcase makes me drool. Not even the outfits but also the accessories and shoes and hats... Well, all of it. But why there is that kind of shop here?  I don’t care, they can take all my money here! I take a step on the shop when a hand grabs my shirt and drags me inside. Kat on the middle of the shop, enjoying that moment. I try to don’t let my tail beating too much, but look at that black pant! And that blouse! Or this dress. Yes I see a cute little dress. White with black dot, belted at the top and flared at the bottom. Small sleeves, just covering the shoulders. And a black fabric belt on the waist. Ok I’m in love. I take that high waist black pant with a red checked shirt. I take a red headband to go with them. With that I go to the fitting room.

I can see Matt and Ryan sitting in front of them already. Kat is in one of them. I smile, Matt winks at me before I enter in. First I decide to change in pant, it’s more comfortable for me. I take a look in the mirror, I love it. With a good make up I’m in the 50s ! I go out and hear gasp. All of them loving my outfits. But Sam look incredible in that red dress. She wears a red dress like mine, but only on red, with a gold belt. And on the neck, the dress has got a gold bow.  Her dark hair contrast with harmony. She is beautiful. We look at each other with such shock.
She needs to buy this dress, obviously this is the best dress I ever seen! If not, I definitely buy this for me, too bad I’m a red hair, because I think it suits more with dark hair like Sam but never mind. The boys getting up and cheering up us to buy or stuff. I laugh.

"Sam, you need to buy this dress! If not I pay you for it!" I say, grabbing her hand and spin her.

"Magi, you need to buy this stuff too, look at you! The pant suits you perfectly! But where is you tail? In the pant?" She spin me to looking well.

"Yeah, I’m used to hide it, also my ears. It’s not really well seen in my country to be a furry. Mi human -mi animal. I’m the only in my family. My mother can change in animal, like McGonagall in Harry Potter. But me... it’s permanent, and not really appreciate. So people like me hide their appearance." I look down, my ears moving down too.

"Magi... you can be yourself here, no one will judge you because of what you are. We love you and you are beautiful; don’t think we’ll be disgusting around you! You want to go out in pajama? Go ahead! You have ears and tail? Ok that cool! Don’t think about it and just be what you want to be. A girl, a hero, an animal, what the matter? You are stronger, don’t let them putting you down and fight!"

Ok, what Matt said to me makes me tears up. I let my tail out, beating the air in happiness. They smile at me and hug me after that.  I let them and go back to the fitting room. I change for the dress. I love it too, but I think I love more the outfit before. I go out again and see their faces. Their mouths are on O, fucking silly guys.

"What, you just see Sam in a dress, so it’s not the first time you see a girl in that kind of stuff!" I say angrily because they don’t say things.

"But.. We never see YOU in a dress!" Contradicts Kat.

"Yeah, that something I can’t ever imagine in a dream because... Woah! You need to get dressed like that tonight!" Says Ryan in a loud tone.

Matt gives him a punch with his elbow. I don’t know I need to worry for Ryan or laugh at him. 

"Guys, go back in earth ! I prefer the first outfit to be honest. I’m not comfortable in a dress."

They looking at me, again without say anything. Yeah for them I look pretty but I prefer the vintage style with a pant. Plus, Sam look gorgeous in that dress and she needs to show it at the other. I hate have the attention on me.
I go back in the stale and change. I pick the dress and let it to the saleswoman. I keep my outfit on my arms and look at the shoes or belt. Then Kat grabs my stuff and run to the cashier. I can’t go taking back my stuff since the boys keep me here, pushing me outside. I growl and try to debating but their hands hold me tight.

"You idiot! Why doing this ?" I almost scream but I remember they’re some people here.

"It’s a special day, so we can do this. Don’t grumble like an old lady." Giggles Ryan and freeing me from his grip.

"Who’s the old lady?" I grumble in a small voice.

"I think it’s you, especially since today." Answers Matt, winking at me.

"You fucking.."

"Oi oi, calm down ! Don’t get mad just because you turn 18 today!" Says Sam, going out the store.

I pout a little, I don’t want to make a scandal in front of the people here. But seriously, I hate the idea to have gifts. I’m not that kind of person, but to be honest, I’m happy they doing it.
The girls don’t let me take the bag, and push me to the next store. A normal this time. Since I don’t really want some clothes, I let them having fun. Only Ryan sit next to me, texting at someone. The only hint I have is it’s with Luna. Well, I already guess that but he doesn’t let me see what the conversation is about.

I sigh. A small smile on my mouth.



"Everything alright here?"


"That all?"


Tch. They really prepare something right there and Foxy seems to not be cooperative with me. Maybe they promised her a treat if she doesn’t tell me. Smart move.
I turn my head when Ryan stands up, letting me know that the others have finished and we can go. This Time, Ryan try to pull me, his arm around my shoulders. His smile told me that he has something in his mind. Then here we are. In the karaoke place, again.

"Sing for us Magi, you’re so talented!" It’s more like a beg than a demand but Ryan looks like a child.

"Ok ok, what song?"

And then, for almost an hour and half we sang with all our energy. At the middle of the session, a battle against me and Ryan against Sam and Matt begun. Kat only judging and take some photos for remember that day.  Unfortunately, we lost. Almost because of me, even if I know the song, I don’t really know some lyrics by heart, so eventually I can’t sing right. 
Ryan and Kat have a little fight, judging it’s not fair since I’m not an English native and it’s difficult for me, but she said that I can talk perfectly in English and know almost all the song so it’s fair enough. Ryan cry a little but I hug him to letting him know that I don’t care and it’s okay.

At first, they don’t seem to understand why I’m so touchy but knowing that French people are like that, they don’t mind it now. So, he lets him in my embrace and hug me back. In reality I don’t like to be touchy, but I learn to be more friendly in this way in France so maybe I can’t help now.
Matt looks at his watch and told us that it’s time for the movie. So we move to the theater and grab some snacks before taking our sit. Sam at my left, Matt on my right. I decide to be in the middle because Sam has the salt popcorn and Matt has the sweet popcorn. And since I love both, I can steal from both of them.

During the movie, I can’t help but cry when the best character died.  How in earth the main character could die like this? It’s so unfair! And when his friends show their tear, that the end of me. I try to sob as quietly as possible but Matt remark me and drop me a tissue on my thigh without a word. I take it and wipe my tears away. I let my hand on his thigh, searching for some recomfort. He takes my hand in his and squeezes it. Letting me know that is here.

At the end of the movie, he doesn’t let my hand go. And it’s awkward but I don’t mind it right know. I feel safe and happy with it.  We all laugh, talk and comment about the movie on the way back to the dorms. But before I can reach the door, Sam grab my hand and asks me to follow her. I turn my head to see the other enter in the dorms, like nothing. I up my brow in suspicious way but I follow her without a word.
Weirdly, we finish our way on a bathroom and Sam asks me to change in my new outfit. I laugh, asking if she will change as well. But when I go out of the stale, I can see that she did. And now she tends make up. Like a red lipstick and mascara and eyeliner.

"Really Sam, what’s going on?" I finally spoke in a loud voice.

"You’ll see. Do you want me to put this make up or do you do it?" She seems annoyed by the fact I asks a lot of questions.

I let her doing it, I’m not a pro and I know that they need me “pretty” or something. Like that. After all of this, she letting me go to the dorm. I slowly open the door, and like I expected, all the lights were shut. I try to not laugh and faint the grumble, trying to search the switch. But like all my pet I have the nocturn vision. Yes, I can see all of them, hiding on the room. I turn on the light and they all scream:

"Happy Birthday !!!"

"Aww, Thank you guys!" I faint the surprise and smile at them, they are so adorable I don’t want to upset them.

They all hug me when I come on the living room, Sam pushing me to sit down on the table. There is so much food, the iconic red goblet and some juice and soda. We’re still in school and they are minor, so no alcohol here. Does someone have the power to drunk others? That must be awesome and awful at the same time. But why not?
I smell the delicious diner in front of me, there is so much that I don’t know what I want to eat first. All of them are sitting on their seat, ready to eat the food too. I smiled and start the move.

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