Chapter 3 : The dorms

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At the end of the class, all the classmate leave the room except me. Professor Krain asked me to stay here to talk. So I wait here. He looks like he is relieved to be alone with me. I don't mind it. I'm not really confortable to be around so much people. He closes the door and looks at me with a soft smile. I stand up and run to him. I give him a huge hug before I can feel the tears on my cheek.

"I can't do this. I can't.." I sobbing in his arm for a while.

He holding me like this and scratching my ears to relax me.

"Han-... Magi.. you need to keep going. Your mother didn't send you here to your pleasure but to protect you."

I stop sobbing. I know he was right. But I really can't pretend I'm okay and make new friends.

"How long I need to keep this a secret ?" I asked, my head on his chest.

"Long enough to protect you from them. And protect your news comrade. Here I'm your teacher, I can't hugging you or showing affection for you to comfort you. You need to make new friends for that, and help you."

"Ok but.. what if they discover about me before I talk to them ? Or what if we're under attacked and they'll hurt ?"

"Don't think about it right now. You're almost an adult, take your responsabilities and protect them. It's why you're here. Now go to your dorm. See you tomorrow."

With that he opens the door, I take my stuff and go out. No one was here, and no one shown me the way to the dorm. Great.
Foxy by my side, we search for the dorms before I finally see someone walk to me.  It's Sam. Thank God, it's someone I know.

"Sam ! I'm so glad to see you ! I'm lost and I don't know where are the dorms." I say while I was running to her.

"Magi, sorry if we let you alone. But we have a love emergency !"

"Love ? Who is in love ?" I said with a chukkle.

"Ryan, he's in love with Luna. William's friend. But it's complicated."

We chatted for a moment. Explaining me that Ryan was in love with Luna since last year. But he never makes a single move. But last week Luna confessed to Kat she was in love with someone. And they discovered it was Ryan yesterday. They didn't talk to Ryan about it, but all of them try to let some clues to let him to confess to her in first.

After we crossed a hallway, I look at the door. "Class 2-1"  writing on it with an alpha symbol. I open it and I have no word, it's huge ! All the room are black and red. The walls are red with black windows. The couches are in black leahther with a black cofee table. On the wall I see so much photographies. We can see all the classmates, while festival or in summer break. So much memories are in this room.

Sam shows me the common room, the kitchen and the bathroom.  Everything is just for all of us. Just us. Basically each class have their own dorm. It's so cool ! This place was so huge and I have the « luck » to live here.
Then we are in front two doors. One with a deer on it and one with a rabbit. I look at Sam confused.

"Only one door will be open for you, you need to close your eyes, knock the wall between the door. It's for the affinities, according to the teathers. But we all like each other don't worries." Explains Sam.

"Ok.. creepy. Witch one is your room ?" I say while I look at the rabbit one. Sam looks like a cute rabbit.

"The deer. Ryan and Kat are with me. Matt is a rabbit. William too. Luna is a rabbit and Lewis a deer."

I sigh and close my eyes. I think it's not really important but in my heart it's like a life choice. I knock the wall and the noise of a open door follows. I open one eye slowly. It's the rabbit one.

"The luck ! You're with Matt and Luna. They'll be happy to be with you ! "Cheers Sam with a large smile.

" I don't know Luna yet, but she's like a huge friend of yours ! Why she's not with you at lunch ?" I ask with curiosity.

"She's great I think you'll like her. And she never eats lunch with us but with Lewis and William. Well I let you unpack. If you need help I'll be in the kitchen around 7pm, I'm in charge of diner tonight."

I nod and take my things. Foxy just stays on the couch and sleeps. Lazy pet. I walk on the hallway and find an empty room. I enter and and see a large room. Just enough for the bed, a desk, an armor and a furniture. Maybe I can take a tv stand or a mini frigde.

The walls are also red and the door and window are black. By the window I can see the sport field. Otherwise I have au tiny balcony. Just enough to put a plant or a chair and a little table. But I vote for a plant.

  After an hour unpacking my thing, I feel like home.

"Magi, I need you to come back on common room, there a fight !"

It's rare when Foxy talk to me with this tone. I go out and run to the common room. When I open the door we can see Matt and William fighting against two other boys,one red hair boy and one blond hair. But I didn't know who they are. The boys were so angry, they insult everyone while they fighting.

I look at Foxy and with a nod we jump into the fight together. Matt and William glare at us with an angry and horror look. But I don't care.

With my hand I take one hand and pull away the red hair boys. He is shocked to be in front of a girl that let me the time to punch him in his face. He felt down and Foxy bite him in his arm.

With my foot I hit the second one and William take the adventage of the surprise to knock him of in the stomach.
Everything took 5 second and the fight was over. The boys are on the floor and our girls who was here before the fight come back with professor Kraine.

"Guys, this is the third time this month. Both class need a punishment. I'll talk to Mrs Barly."

He stares at us. Waiting for an answer but no one say anything. He sighs. Then he takes the boys froom the other class and goes out. Suddendly everyone breath.

"Magi what the hell ? Where.. What..Why did you come to the fight ?"

William shout out to me. He grabs my shirt and pushes me on the wall. I whine in shock and Foxy jump to him to bite him on his leg.

"You can just say thank you. I just finish the fight. Why did you fight in first time ? What's wrong with you ?"

"What's wrong with YOU ! You're here for one day and you think you're the queen ? Maybe you are older but you're not with us. ".

I give him a shoot in his head with mine and grab is shirt to push him in the wall, where I standed one second ago.

"Listen you piece of shit. I don't know why you hate everyone but I really refuse bullying. Stop acting like a child, you're here to learn to be a hero. If you don't want to grow up, you'll be in trouble."

I push him againt the wall and turn back. He groans and try to attack me by behind, maybe for revenge. But I'm too fast for him and I take him by surprise and push him down, my foot on his stomach and my hand with my claws grown on his neck. My tail bearing the air in anger.

"I said, stop acting like a child. You can't win against me, I'm stronger and smarter. So calm down."

I let him go and whistle to Foxy, she lets him go too and follow me to my room.

Hello guys !

How are you ? 😊

Today I share you a draw of Magi!
It's a comission from Hawkin_headlines on Instagram, go check her account, she's amazing and so nice with everyone ❤️

Hope you liked this chapter 😘

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