Chapter 17 : Basement

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I wake up this morning with sore in all my body. I groan then I open my eyes to make contact with William’s. I jolt up, sitting down and looking at the room. We’re still in the basement, Lilly sleeping not so far of us.

“Morning Queenie.” Yawns William, staring at me.

“Morning.” I stay sit, processing what happened last night and why in hell I slept on him.

“Don’t panic because you fall asleep on me. In defense I was too tired to carry you.”

I only nod and get up, I whine instantly. My back hurt a lot. I try to look at it but I only saw a huge scar. I remember last night. Fighting again and again, training against the blond guy until we were too tired to move.

Lilly’s head get up suddenly when we hear the door being open by someone. I follow her and look at Peter, he seems to not have enough sleep and worry on his eyes. At first, he looks at William curiously, wondering why he’s here with me. Well to me it’s normal since he’s my partner. Then he turns back his eyes on me, looking up and down.

“Are you talk about why you here or no?” I ask with annoyance. I don’t like that look on me.

“Sorry. Well, since your text last night, our decision was very hard.” He begins, sitting on the bench toward us. He look more tired as I thought. “You need to keep your third form for two weeks.”

“What? What the hell is this?” I exclaim in anger.

“No contact with other, you’ll stay here and train intensely to defeat...”

“Her father.” Finishes King boy. “What kind of training? Why alone?”

“I see, you told him? Everything?” Asks gently Peter, not looking at me.

“He guesses mostly everything. My... true identity. I thought that what the school wanted since you pick him to be my sidekick.” I answer in defy.

“True, but we thought you’ll talk to him with me in the room. But you’re not a child, you make your own decision.” He sighs and looks state at me. “Well, you need that training alone because we don’t know how you’ll be after being in your third form so long. And because Miss Barly decided to open you the extra room for you.”

He takes a pause and get up to walk behind the bench. He touches the wall and a screen appeared. He enters a password and a large door open just beside. I look at William who do it the same. Peter smile and take a new stair to go in the new room. I gaps when I follow him. If you think the previous room was huge enough to summon Ashe, this one is... unbelievable.

Empty like the other, this one is like three, no four soccer land. White walls, black ground. This time two cameras are on the cell.  Talking about the cell. In this room Ashe will fly easily! Are they really build all of this for me? Why? Then, in the end of the room I see them. More robot than I wish facing us, not activate yet but I can see some difference between them, blue, red, yellow. All of them are colored. I turn back and see beside the stair a small toilet and a bathroom sink. But nothing hide it. So if I want to pee, everyone who is here can see me? Great! Wait.

“I will stay here for two weeks?” My voice crack in panic.

“Yes. No one must know who you are. Will keep you secret until the school decided they’re ready.”

“But I already know Professor, are you keeping me here too?” Tease William but I can see his fear of being in cage like me.

“No don’t worry. I trust you to not spoil the truth. Maybe you know and accept who really Magi is, but we can’t be so sure about the others. We need to train them harder and after we will talk to them.”

“But, what will you say about my leaving? And how I’ll eat?” I ask, nodding in direction of the “bathroom”.

“Me, Miss Barly, Cherry or William can penetrate this room and feed you two meals a day. And don’t worry about, just focus on your training.”

I was about to say something when Lilly enters in the room with my dagger in her mouth. She sits beside Peter, looking at me with a stern look.
“Wait. Is it a assassin training? Because for a hero school it’s not-”
“Yes, it is. You know our family. We can’t proceed about an arrest. They will find a way to free your father. “ Cut me off Peter with a serious tone.
“Our?” Asks William.
“Don’t tell me you are so dumb and don’t understand we are in the same family.” I talk incredibly.
“I thought you were married, actually.” He says in a childish tone.

I laugh so hard that even Peter join me.
“Don’t say such things! He’s my cousin by my mother.” I say between two laugh.  “Married? Seriously? I’m only 18 and still in school dumbass!”
“Yeah but I know in you kind of family you process with arranged weeding, for the power. And since you say your name “Molly-Kraine” It’s more like a married names! “

I try hard to keep my composure and look seriously at him.
“Molly is my father name, but I keep my mother name because I’m on a run.”
I walked toward the robots, analyzing carefully each one.

“How many?” I ask without looking to Peter.

“Two thousand. You want more?"

“Double.” I tell coming back to the boys.

I know by the look that William doesn’t approve what I’ll be doing here. I nod him to go back upstairs, summoning Ashe in the same time. He grabs my arm before I can move to take my dagger. He pulled me into a hug.

Come back to us stronger, Queenie.”

I only nod in his chest. It's the first time I note that he’s really taller than me, he can put his head on mine easily. That was weird to feel his heart beat like that, so speedy. I tighten the hug to feel his muscles, really a handsome man. In a sense I feel safe in his arms. He’s warmer up than he looks like in the first sight. He’s more open with me, he can say whatever he wants in front of me.

I look up to see his face with his blond messy hair from our training last night and his tired brown eyes. Even with all of that he’s so HOT. Magi you need to calm down, if not you’ll be all red. But I can’t do that because he kissed me in my forehead before pull me away with a soft smile and go upstairs without another word.

“How in earth can you have this kind off a relationship with this guy?” Asks suddenly Peter with sarcasm.

“What are you talking about?” I don't want that conversation already.

“Look, he knows you, your strength, your past, your statue, what you will doing soon and he still here, encouraging you. If it’s not love I don’t know what is it.”

I crouch to grab my dagger; what Peter said is true. In my entire life I never have this kind of relation with someone who truly knows me. He was mad at me first, but then why train with me if he really hated me? Or he did it because he’s afraid of me? Am I the only one who think we’re friends? Did he just hang out with me because he knew something is wrong with me? Keep your friends close but your enemy closer. Did he think I’m going to kill him because he knew my secret?

Omg stop thinking. My head pounding like hell, I’m losing control of Ashe already. Breathe, deeply. Magi, you need to calm down your brain. But What if my father think we are in a relationship? Even if not? William will be in danger. Can I keep him alive till the end? He’s my sidekick, he would never leave me take care of him if he’s a target.

“HANNA BREATH!” Peter scream while pushing me with both hand on my shoulder.

I look at him with anger, no, with fear. I don’t know why but everything is wrong. Why Am I here? Tom will come too take me to father. Maybe I can..

“MAGI!” He slaps me on my cheek.

I growl, not because of the hit, but because now I know what to do. My wings bearing up the air, I wave at him to go away, I need to be alone and train.

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