Chapter 12 : Singing!

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It’s been two weeks since the battle against the class 2-2 and everyone is just fine. Today is Friday, and since it’s my first weekend without a training with William, Sam and the others want me to go to the tiny mall in the campus. So Here I am. Ryan, Kat, Matt and Sam chatting while we all walking to the mall.

The mall is an open place, they’re no roof and I like the idea.
It’s not as huge as a real one, just a couple of café places, some shops, a supermarket, a cinema and a karaoke place. Seriously? A karaoke? I never been in this kind of place before, sounds funny to test.  Sam seems to notice my eyes when I saw it because she says that we will going tonight!

We go to a café first, chatting about the class and the exams in the end of March. Actually, it’s already the beginning of the month and I feel not that happy. My birthday is the next week and I don’t mention it. Turning 18 is something in my country, becoming an adult and pro hero at this age. But here it’s not the same, yeah, we become pro Hero too but the majority here is at 21 and I don’t want to tell that I’m an adult already. 

Matt looks at me and his smile drops out, he takes my hand and asks me if I’m ok. Without a warning I feel some tears in my cheeks. I whip them away and tell him that I’m fine but he doesn’t let my hand go. Rubbing hit with some circle to relaxing me without a word, going back to the conversation with the others.  I sigh and watch the students outside. They don’t know what is in the shadow, waiting for them. I really hope I can have fun and finish my year without an incident. But I don’t feel like that. Something is hiding, I feel it. I shake my head and return in the conversation with my friends.

"What about the cinema tonight?" Asks Kat. "They have the new hero movie that I waiting for!"

"Why not, it’s been a while since the last time we went to the cinema!" Says Ryan, considering the idea.

"Hum.. I think Magi would like to go to the Karaoke, she smiled like a child when she saw the place!" Sam's voice was louder.

All the looks are on me. I look down in shame, not knowing what to say. I really want to go to that place but I also want to see that movie.

"What about that... We go to the karaoke tonight and last week we go to see the movie?" Says Matt in a serious tone.

"Yeah, great idea, with that we have plan for last week already!" Cheers Ryan with a happy face.

I say nothing. I don’t want to do something in my birthday but if I keep my mouth shut, they will not know and it will be a normal day. Then my phone ringing out of nowhere. Unknown number again. I sigh and refuse the call. Foxy on my laps she wakes up and yawns.

"Maybe you should answer, it’s the third time today. It could be important." She says, standing up in my laps, looking outside.

I don’t respond. I have all the numbers I want. My mom, Professor Kraine and Principal Barly and the comrade. If it’s an unknown number, it’s not important. Or they could let a message in my voice mail, no?  I pet her head and looking outside again. Some blue birds, more than I want, just sitting on the edge of the shops.

"They’re beautiful, I never see them before!" Says Sam looking at the same spot than mine.

"Maybe it’s the spring fever. They migrated for the season?" Asks Matt.

I hummed and look back to my tea. Thinking about these birds. Why they inspire me some joy but also some fear? They’re just birds. But I saw them a lot recently. And more I see them, more I think they’re not American bird. But I'm not a scientist. I drop the idea and asks for going to the shops. I need some air.
After hours of shopping we go to the Karaoke place. It’s more like a Japanese place, with stale for each group. I think an American karaoke is a place for everyone can see the singer, here it’s more like for only the friends can hear you. Great, I’m not comfortable to sing in front of unknown. We pay for the night and we choose a stale.

Directly Ryan start the machine and sing some song from different artist. Billie Eilish to John Legend. Kat and Sam singing the choirs behind. I laugh at the sight. It something I only see in movies and this time it’s real, I see my friends singing with all their heart and it’s beautiful.

"I’m... Done...!" Says Ryan, panting after all his session. "Who’s next?"

"Magi, it’s your turn! It’s for you if we’re here!" Says cheerfully Matt, pushing me to stand up.

" I can’t sing!" I try to avoid eyes contact and sitting again.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Says Matt in a shock tone. "I already heard you singing in the shower, you have a good voice!"

I freeze. That was him the last time? Fuck it. I turn to face him and am about to reply but Sam take my wrist and pull me in front of the machine. I look at it without seeing it. What I’m supposed to do? A French song? An English one? What about a Spanish one? I love Shakira. Or what about all the three? I start with an easy one, in English. To see if they really enjoy to hear me or not. If not, I stop it instantly.
I choose a Lady gaga one, famous, great singer and everyone knows her. After few second, I melt into it, I sing with all my heart, my back facing the others and only looking the screen. I don’t want to see their face. I know I'm not that good. At the end of the song they are blank. I slowly turn around and Sam jumps in me, hugging me with tears. Telling I was handsome. I laugh and thanks her. Ryan pick up the second song. A Disney one, wanting me to hear me to doing the Moana one. I shyly looking down. I don’t really know the lyrics in English.

"I used to watch the Disney movies in French, I don't really know the lyrics..." I say in a small voice.

"Not a problem, we can listen your version, I’m sure it’ll be great!" Says Kat, encouraging me to keep going.

I start the song and close my eyes. If I see the English lyrics I’ll be so confuse. Hard to sing a song you don’t listen for a while but I try to doing it. With some fails I finish the song and I’m not satisfy about this. But without thinking I pick up the next one, I pick up the Mulan one. Be a man. But this time I facing the group. I sing like I used to do in front of my best friend. Smiling and doing the imitation. Everyone laugh and then I see Matt filming me with his phone. I don’t do anything against that but I need to tell him to delete it. I finish the song and before I can reach Matt, Sam and Ryan jump on me, wanting to sing with me some English song.

We enjoy the night until the place close up. We laughing and keep singing while we walk to the dorms. Right after we cross the door, we see all the other in the living room, watching a movie. We shut our mouth and I walk in the kitchen. I grab a glass and pour some water. Kat and Sam going to bed directly while Ryan go to the couch next to Luna, cuddling. I smile a the sight. Matt still with me, drinking too. Then without a warning he takes my hand pulling me to the rabbit hallway. In our way I cross William’s eyes. I don’t have time to see him much longer but I think he doesn’t like what he sees.

In the Hallway Matt pushes me in the wall and looking at me. His blue eyes deep in mine. I don’t move. I know what he wants. But do I want it too? Slowly he moving to me, his eyes always lock in mine. I can feel his breath in my face, our lips are only an inch apart. My heart beating like crazy. I close my eyes, ready to the impact. Then I hear the door swing open with force. I quickly open my eyes and turn my head to see William standing right there.

What the fuck?

But nothing else happen. Matt and William just staring at each other. What is going on right now? Foxy enter in the hallway, growling to the two of them. Ok that enough. I stand in the middle and tell them to stop that tension. William groan in answers, leaving the room and go back to the movie. Matt avoiding eyes contact with me.

"Hum.. It's pretty late, I should go to bed. Good night Magi!"

That... Unexpected. I say good night and watch him going to his room without another word. What. What I’m supposed to do now? He just tried to kiss me, and without William that what we’ll supposed to do. But in a certain way, I mentally thank William to doing it. Am I ready for this kind of relation with Matt? And Why William came in first place?

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