Chapter 5 : Magi

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« Lilly.. come to me please. »

A strange smoke surrond Foxy and I. Then Foxy's gone. And Lilly takes her place. A huge tiger is standing beside me and growl. All of the students gasp in fear. But I'm quit sure I say that Lilly was a tiger when I talked about my power yesterday. Then Matt looks at me with a weird look. The kind of « what happening to you » look.

« Each pet gives me their abilities and some physical particularities. "

When Lilly comes to me, I have Tiger's ears, tail and eyes. But also big fangs and claws. I can litteraly tear human's flesh with them. 

«  Lilly if they attack all in same time, I need you behind them. »

« Ok but.. be carefull with the one in blue. I think is pretty dangerous, he seems so angry. What is his power ? »

« I don't really know, I think it's about wind or something like that. »

  Without warning Professor Kraine whistles and some students run to me. Three of them don't have time to attack me, Lilly jumps on them and put them down. The two other try something but I'm so munch faster than them so they finish on the ground too. Then Sam, Ryan and a girl come to me. Sam makes some yellow light and Ryan has an yellow aura around him.

He makes a sword in ice and runs to me while the girl just.. disapeared ? Great she can be invisible. I focus on Sam. I can't deal with a support one and two fighters.

« Lilly ,go find the invisible girl. Your flair is much better than mine ! »

I fight Ryan with all my body. Then my claws break his sword. I take this time to jump on Sam and bite her in her hand. She screams like she was in hell. Sorry not sorry, it's the class. I see Lilly take down the girl who is not invisible anymore. Then I feel something horrible in my stomack. Lilly groan and try to escape something. Blood on the ground and Lilly.

 « So.. if we touch the tiger, we hurt you too ? Seems pretty great. »

I see William with a bow. So Lilly is hurt because of an arrow ? Wind arrow. I groan and run to William who is trying to throw another one on Lilly but I jump in front of her and take this in my hips.

« Don't try to kill her Bastard ! »  

My voice raise up and I see all the students freeze. They can see in my eyes all the lust of killing him right now. All the animal's instinct flooding my body. Like a maternal instinct. Then some flashback come to me. Blood everywhere. Screams. Cries. The fears. All I want is protect my friends. All I want is to kill someone. I panting and some smokes begin to surround me. I can't see. Or all i can see is fire. Blood. Smoke.

« Magi, you need to calm down. You're safe here. »

Professor Kraine. I look up to him. I hiss. Then I try to attack him. All my instinct taking over.

« Magi you don't want this right know.. you don't let me the choice. »  

Before I can reach him he rise his hand and I'm trap in a magic cage. Fuck. I know his power is my weaknesses. I can't do anything here. I'm traped.

« You know it's your choice to wait, so wait. »

« Not my fault! He tried to kill Lilly ! »

« Perhaps but it's to you to keep control. »

I hiss again. I hate that. Then I see Principal Barly coming to us. She seems very happy.

« That was extremly interresting. Magi, do you want to try something ? »

« Try what ? If it's about it, I can't. »

« It's exactly about it. »

All the student surround me. Too curious to see the Principal with us.  

« Is something wrong Miss Barly ? » Ask Matt with a concern voice.

« Maybe. Where is Lewis ? We need him here. »

Lewis. The guys I don't meet yet. All I know about him is his names and he's William's friends.

A boy walks in front of me. A small smile in pitty in his face. He is tall, brown hair, brown eyes. So borring. But I don't know his power yet.

« Lewis , my boy. I need you. »

« Yes Miss Barly ? »

« I need you to look at this picture. You know what to do. »

She gives him a paper. Then it hits me. All the fear takes me. I understand what is the power of this boy. He is a metamorph.

« No ! No ! No ! Please don't do this ! »

Then Professor Kraine unlock the cage. I escape immediatly from my prison and meet Lilly. She take me on her back and try to run but because of her hurt she can't moves with me.

« Fuck.. »

I turn to see the Principal but she has an evil smile. Then I see him. Black hair. Black eyes. Black suit with red tie and red shoes. I know it's not him. It's Lewis. But.. no. Control yourself Magi. Keep breathing.

« Magi , let go. You need to train. » Shout out Miss Barly.

« I don't want to ! I.. I.. they'll be hurt ! »

« No they don't, Cherry will take care of this. » 

« What kind of Principal are you ? »

  I litterally try to not scream it. I panting while I try to walk far enough but my thirst of kill begin to take over.

« I.. need.. to.. escape from..him ! Get out of my sight ! For God sake ! GET OUT ! »

Tears of anger and fear run down my cheek. I can see fear on their faces. I scream in rage. They don't need this right now.

« It's my second day and you really do this to me ! I HATE YOU ! » I let my voice raise up in rage.

« THEY NEED YOU, THEY NEED YOUR PROTECTION MAGI ! » Screams in return Miss Barly, anger in her eyes.


I freeze when I feel a hand on me. I turn and see him.His black eyes lock in mine. Then I can't take it anymore. I pull him away before a screen of smoke surround me.

« Ashe..come to me. »

It's just a whisper but just enough to summon her. To summon my third pet. The one I fear the most. But my most powerfull one. 


Hello guys! How are you today? 

This week is kinda crazy for me but I'm happy to post this chapter today!  Hope you'll like it! 

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