Chapter 24 : Family

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Two minutes.

I have less than two minutes. When I open my eyes I was in William’s arms, crying with the babies on me. I lost so much blood that I knew I was dead for him. I look down to my babies who are crying and giggle in my arms. Ashe. My baby was a dragon. A baby dragon. With human form but still.

"Welcome home Ashe." I said softly, putting one hand on her face. William’s head moving on my neck to look at me with shock. "Hello King."

He didn’t have time to responds that I bear my wings and put the babies on his arms. I turn around and look at Sarah. She nods and pointing a direction. I fly straight forward.

One minute.

In five second I was in front of him. I never dream about a perfect timing. My best friends power in my side even if she was controlled by my father. The power of love is so much stronger than the power of blood. I look at him in his eyes. I don’t have my dagger but I don’t need it.

"A la revoyure, Papa."

In an amazing speed, I crack his head by the neck. And the time come back to normal. Screams, power, weapons. Everything came back to live. Except all of the dead. Falling down, dead again.

30 seconds.

I fly back to Sarah. I have time. Enough  to do what I always wish to do one day. I always dream about it. I will be by her side in five second. And at the same time I see it. The body on the ground. Her body.

Kat was dead.

Not enough time. Who ? Kat ? Sarah ? I don’t know.

15 second.

Kat is William’s sister. She was dead to rescue me. But Sarah was my best friends. She saved my babies.

10 second.

Two bodies. One possibility. And not enough time. I rush until I touch her body. Closing my eyes, thinking to the other.

"I’m sorry."I said like a pray for the other while I join my hand on her chest and I push hard to her heart.

She coughed when she take her first breath. She was alive. I sigh in relieved when my wings was fading away. I mentally thank Phoebe for this power. Foxy’s coming beside me silently. Then I heard the cries. I turn back and run to see my babies.

Before I reach them I collapse. Maybe I was alive  but I didn’t have enough strength in my body. I used so much power in no time.

"Hanna !" William’s voice was the last thing I heard before it was dark again.


When I opened my eyes I was in a white room. A small bip noise indicating my heart still beating. I look around. It was the night, and Peter was on a chair beside me, sleeping in a position I didn’t know it was possible to sleep like that. Foxy was sleeping too, on my bed.

I try to sit but I groan in pain. I put my hand on my mouth. I don’t want to awake him. I swallow dry. I don’t know how long I was here but I’m thirsty. I look at the small table beside the bed. A glass fills with water. Perfect. I grab the glass but my hand doesn’t want to cooperate and I drop it. The noise makes Peter to jump out his chair in panic.

"Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up.." I sigh in defeat.

"It’s.. nothing. How do you feel ?" He asks, taking my hand and holding tight.

"Fine, I guess ? I don’t really know. But I’m thirsty."

He laughs and pours me another glass with water. I grab it and drink loudly.

"So.. What happened ? Why am I here ?"

"Well you lost so much blood and then you collapse and.."

"Blood ? But I thought William’s just take my breath away. With that he win the fight this bastard. I didn’t see that coming.."

"The fight. What are you talking about ?"

"The duel with all the students against me. Peter that was your idea."

He gasps in horror. And I don’t really know why. Am I wrong? He runs out of the room and come back with a doctor in the minute.

"Is it bad ? She has a whole month.." Peter asks in fear.

"It can be normal but I can’t tell. Well Hanna, how do you feel dear ?"

Hanna ? How does he know my name ? Why Peter said I had a month. A month to what ?

"Who are you ? How do you know my name ?"

"I’m Doctor Romay, I know your name because it’s in your files. Now, tell me are you in pain somewhere ?"

He’s taking a little torch from his pocket and light my eyes.

"My head hurt like hell. And my.. hum.. belly."

"Anything else darling ?"

"I don’t think so."

"What date is it ?"

"Well I don’t know. March the 4th ?  Or something like that ?"

He only nods and keep going with his test. I heard a baby scream and I don’t know why but I instinctively put my hand on my belly. The guys saw that and look at each other.

"You lost your memory. We are on april. The 18th exactly. It’s been two  weeks you are in coma."

"Foxy.. what happened? Why they didn’t tell me that yet ?"

"I don’t know, maybe because you will not believe them ?"

"Yeah.. Tell me everything please."

She growls and get up. Peter looks at her and try to prevent her to move. But she jumps and scratch the door with a roar. Like it was a code, William step in with two little babies on his arms.

I gasps at the sight.

"For short, you and William had babies. You almost die but Phoebe, your first pet saved you. Ashe almost died too. You gave birth on a battlefield thanks to Sarah's power. Lilly and Ashe souls are on them. You defeat your father too."

"Hanna.. Queenie."

I cry. Why I can’t remember that ? I lost a month. And I did so much. I lost so much.

"She doesn’t remember the battlefield." Said softly Peter as my lack of response.

"But.. her family is here." Said Willy with sadness. The babies are moving like if they knew their mother was here.

"Let me hold them.. please."

My demand is more like a complaint. I need to hold them. Without asking, William and Peter put me the babies on my arms. A boy and a girl. A dragon and a tiger. Ashe and Lilly. Ashe and Leo. Leo. Why did I remember naming him like that ? I caress them with joy. I don’t remember giving birth to them but I love them with all my heart.

"With some time you should have your memory back. In the worst case you never have it back. But I think you are in good hands."

With that the doctor leaves the room. Peter sits on his chair and William on the bed. Foxy join him and lick Ashe’s head with a small purr. Then I see them. The tears on William’s cheeks. I wipe them away with my hand.

"Don’t cry. Maybe I lost my memory, but I gain a family."

"But.. "

"If I had them, that’s mean we made it. That’s mean I love you in way, even if I don’t remember I know me enough to understand that."

I look at them again. Maybe I will not be a good mother but I’ll cherish them with all my love and body. Peter was about to say something when we hear a small knock at the door.

"Sorry to bother, but we heard she was awake." Says Ryan with a childish tone.

"Come in silly!" I say with the same tone.
He walk in and stand beside my right. Then Sam and Matt come too. Smiles on their face to finally see me after a long time for them.

And then.


Her dead body on my arms. Sarah. Sarah was alive. A choice. And the dark. It was like a flash but I knew that was my memory. I saved her. I choose Kat over Sarah. Sarah was my past. Kat was my family.

"You’re alive." Was all I could say.

Everyone hold their breath. Kat cries and fells down on the ground.

"I don’t know why but.. I can remember that. I’m sorry if I don’t remember all of it yet. Everyone I’m happy to see you all here."

Matt helps Kat to get up and they all hug me with so much love. I have so much friends.
I have a family.

"What’s their name ? William’s didn’t want to tell us." Asks Kat, whipping her tears away.

"This is Leo and Ashe." I said when they both giggle in my arms. Ashe wink at me. Maybe she was human, but I know she’s here. With her memories.

"Welcome home." Said William happily.

I look at him in his eyes. He smile at me and with my hand I bring him closer until our lips meet. I kiss him with passion and lust. I need him with me. I don’t know why but I feel it.

"Home." I said when I broke the kiss.

I new start. A new family.



Hello guys ! How are you ?

This is it. It's the end of my story 😱

First of all : Thank you for reading my story until the end ! It's mean a lot for me !

It was really something because it's the first time I post a long story and it's the first time I finish it.
I know my English is bad and I have to edit my story but it's not my first language and in a way I'm proud of it. My first long story in English !

Tell me what you thought about it ! ❤️

Love you guys !

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