Chapter 20 : You're my Hero

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I wake up, wind on my face and fur. I open my eyes with difficult, I don’t know if I’m dreaming or conscious but when I open them, I can see Lily’s fur, and the wind is because she running in a monster speed.

"Don’t move, we’re almost there."

Lily’s voice is full of fear. Deeply. I can feel it. She's terrified. But I don’t know why. All I know is that I'm cold. I want to sleep. I feel weak. For the first time in my life I’m in peace. My body letting go, following Lilly's movement.
I close my eyes. I hear her roaring. Not a simple roar. The kind of rallying one. The kind who you make you shit in your pant. That’s my girl. Then I remember something. She's not supposed to be here. I was fighting the spiders. They're more I have to get up and save the city. I have to kill them.

I try to move but my body wont. The only things I feel was a hard pain in my chest. And I can’t breathe. I literally can’t breathe. I start to panic and fall down. I don’t know how.

I woke up again with a large breath, hearing someone sobbing and other screaming. I don’t get it. Where am I ? Why people are crying their shit ? I try to stand up but my chest told me either way. I hiss in pain but I get up anyway. The world turning like I was drunk. Maybe I lost to much blood. I remember what happened but not how I went here. Until I see Lilly, trapped in Peter’s cage. What the fuck ?

"Lilly, are you alright ?" I asked in my mind.

"Thank god you’re awake!" I can feel her worriedness in her voice.

"Why are you here ?"

"You tried to come back in fight and.. I lose my temper. I hurt someone while I was protecting you so.. Peter thought it was better for me to stay here."

"Hum.. thanks.. I guess."

Hopefully no one seems to looking at me so I walk as silently as possible. I grab my dagger who was on the table. I know them. They’re heroes or training heroes. They can’t let me go on the battlefield because I’m injured. I know they will try to change my mind, telling they need me after but I need some rest. I already know that. But I can’t let three spiders running on the city and killed people.

Ok I’m an assassin. But at least, I kill my target. Here the target was me. And innocents people will die for me ? Never in front on me. I rather die eight now than let this happen. I take a deep breath and hold it. Tip toes, I walk slowly until the street corner. Then I break it. I run like my life depending it. Or at least I walk faster. My ankles still hurts but I know it’s healed.

"Hanna, you need to know something."

Lilly’s voice was full of fear and regret. But I don’t respond. Only my tail bearing the air.

"They know about you. Peter and William told them. About everything."

I stopped my track. What did she say ?

"They asked Peter why you knew what to do about the playmates. Why in first place you were locked in the basement. Why they let you go alone against them. And how the dagger can kill them since their no magic here."

"Wh..What did they say when they knew?" My voice cracks. I didn’t want it like that. I wanted to tell them personally.

"They were shocked in first place, then angry. Kat even tried to stop Cherry to heal you, screaming you needed to die. But William took your defense. They insulted him because he knew too and say nothing to them."

"I.. I didn’t want that to happen."

"But you knew they won't really accept you after hearing the truth.."

"You are right. But it’s hurt to not even been here to speak to them."

"You are followed by the way. Everyone know you left. They want to know what you.. well Tom is here."

I knew I was followed. They’re not really discreet but I didn’t mind it until now. My brother is really here. And now they want to know if I’ll kill him or be killed. But I have another plan in my mind. Maybe it’s for the best if they already know who I am. With that they don’t follow me at the end. It’s my fight, not their.

I run until I found the spiders again. I take a quick glance behind me. They’re just there, looking at me with fear, angry, love. They didn’t try to hide. Just standing here, at the end of the street. I turn to face the monsters. Think quick Magi. They’re three. You are technically alone and still injured. First thing. I need to keep the spiders away from the others. Even if then want to look at my beautiful assassin technical, they need to be safe. I can’t protect I only know how to destroy everything.

I begin to move when I heard it. The small and muffle scream. My head turn in an instant to the right. The building next to me was partially on fire. Not really destroyed but enough to know that, a little girl was stuck here. Why only a little girl by the way ? At first I thought about Tom. But I know one thing. As long as the spider are here, he can’t do anything. But what if.. In three years he improve his power, his potential ? I begin to freaking out. Was it a real girl up there or an evil trick ?

Fuck it. I jump on the gutter and climb to the window where the scream are intensified. I sigh in relieve when I saw her. A little blond girl, coughing because of the smoke.

"I saw monsters by the windows. Mom let me here!"

She’s crying and try to hug me. What can I do ? I never meet children in my life. Only my brother but I grow up with him and he was older ! I try to pat her back when the building trembling. It’s ready to collapse.

"Ok sweetie, I need you to hold me tight and never let go. Do you understand me ?"

She nods and climb on my chest like a Koala, her tinny legs around my waist.

"I need you to be brave, the monsters are still here and I’m the only one who can defeat them and I can’t take you somewhere else. Do you understand?"

"Ma’am, you are my hero, I’ll close my eyes and do all you want me to do."

My heart skip a beat. She’s only.. 7-8 ? And she called me her hero ? She’s smart, she know the danger and my responsibilities. I don’t respond. I close my eyes to, trying to spot something. The first spider was just below the window. How was the probates about that ? I don’t know but I gain momentum and run. The girl scream in fear and the spiders all look at me.

My feet landing on her head. In a second I take my dagger and killed her. I jump by the window and run to go downstairs . We can hear the wall cracking and the celling falling. Like in the movie, we were go out with an exploding and we were covered with smoke. I don’t like that kind of action movies. I don’t feel badass. I can feel her trembling but she’s not crying. Her eyes still close.

I cough a little and I know this will make me dead. A spider just landing above us, obligate me to crouch down to not me hurt more than now. The girl whine briefly but I put my hand on her mouth. Dammit. How am I supposed to be silent as an assassin with a girl on me ? I can’t let her go and run to the other. First because I can’t see. Second, she can out run the spiders. Three, I don’t want her dead.

I can feel the heat from the spider’s legs. It’s like I was trapped again in a flame cage. I walk where I think was the head. But the spiders keep turning around me, knowing perfectly what she was doing. Fuck dammit.  I can’t do this. The second spider makes a noise and I heard some scream. Then the ground trembling. Like if something big fallen. Is it the building next to us? No, not that big. But then the spider who trapped us goes away with a lament. What the.. What just happen ? I don’t care.

I run to go out from the smog and face with horror to the two spiders. Dead. An arrow between their eyes, just on the spot. I froze. And the girl has to notice because she opened her eyes to look at me . I didn’t dare to look at her. Just in front of me was the sign of my final phase of my plan. I gain back my ears and my tail. I try to locate him. My instinct was still here and I dodge the arrow just in time. I look up to the roof of the building in my left. Ollie was here. And little by little, all his army was here too.

Tom can control animals. And his arrow can paralyze like my dagger but I can do magic. I let you make the dot. I was surrounded by a thousand of bird, wolf, bears and insects. I have to escape for the girl. But I don’t want that. I let her go out of me and crouch to look deep in her eyes. She’s afraid but strong.

"Ok sweetheart. The monsters are gone but the villain is still here. I’ll try to let you free, and when I’ll give you the signal, I want you to run until you found my classmate." She nods but I put both my hands on her shoulders. "I want you to tell them to do not following me or trying to save me. Exactly these words. Understand?"

She nods again and I get up, giving me hand to her. I call Ashe in a murmur.  Going back to focus on Tom. Ashe’s roaring makes his army flinching. I smirk. Yep. I’m the boss here! But Tom don’t make a move, his eyes are focusing the little girl. Is he hesitating to attack me because of her? I smile at the idea. Maybe he has a heart too. But I hold the girl’s hand tighter and protect her with my body. I glance over on my left; they’re freaking out Ii can smell their fear.

"Hanna, you can’t run away, you need to follow me." Tom’s voice was intimidating but my growl makes him to shut up.

"I know that already Tom, but we both know that if I don’t want to follow you, you’re dead. So, don’t push me too much, would you?"

Everyone tenses up, especially the students. I think they understood my plan now. I’ll follow him in France if I want to kill my father. And if I want them safe, I need them to not make a single move. For that I thank the little girl to be here, they know they can’t move or she’ll died.

I don’t have many times. I have to do something quick before the other tried to stop me. They all have their power back. And I need to escape before someone trap me. I push the little girl and spread my wings to make sure I have the space for me. I stare at her, running with her little legs. Ashe’s roaring before she blocked the passage for the other to move. I fly with all my heart as far as I could before I can see William following me.

"I’m sorry.." I whisper before nodding to Tom.

With a tinny arrow, I heard William’s scream before being shoot and fell from his position. Ashe took him in a second in her mouth before landing him on the ground and flying back to Tom who Sit down on her and we all fly to our destination.

The Molly's Mansion.

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