Chapter 18 : Take a break

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Five days.

I need to be here for five more days.

I lose control so many times but I don’t care anymore, I’m more powerful when I let my anger go. In a weird way, now I know and still conscious when I’m on a Beast mode. It’s just like if my true feelings are free and I can be myself. My thirst of revenge, my anger, my fear. All these emotions drowning me inside and I can finally breath.

I have a plan, a controversial one. I train all days, all nights. I only took break when I need to eat. I think I not really sleep properly since the night with William. I can’t tell why but the adrenaline pushes me to be out of my limits.

I am ready to meet Tom. I thought a lot about that. Since he didn’t mention where we will meet, it means that he will come here. So I need to be train Ashe in rescue missions. We all know something will show up. When? Where? With who? I don’t know yet, but I have the feeling. Someone will be hurt.

After week of training alone, in case I don’t need her, we started two days ago to pairing up. Flying with her, flying on her, making some combo moves. Still, it’s not perfect.

“Fuck Ashe! It’s not that hard to catch me in fly!” I scream frustrated.

I try again with a sigh. After the fourth day, she stopped talking to me. At first it was great, because I can focus on my task. But now I miss her. But I don’t say out loud. Even with that, she still happy to train with me, her tail beating the air happily each time I call her name.

I fly until my wings touch the ceiling. Ashe at the end of the room, waiting for me. I close my eyes and stop breathing and let me take a let me go. Ashe has 3 seconds to fly to me, catch me and rescue me before I crash on the floor. It’s like the trust exercise but.. Level expert. And for now, it’s not working.


She can do it.


She is the faster being alive in the world.


Or not.

I open my eyes just before my body touches the ground. I hiss when I try to stand up. Maybe I twisted my ankle. Fucking great!  What’s wrong with her? She is faster than me, why in hell she can’t catch me, it’s not that hard! I let a huge growl escapes from my mouth. She looks down, then I saw it. A broken wing.

“ASHE KRAINE!” I scream while I getting up and run to her furious. “Stop act like a child and talk to me! Why didn’t you tell me that you have a broken wing?”

I sigh, passing my hand on my forehead, wiping away some sweat. I knew something was wrong with her speed. But that. I need to call Cherry. I fly toward my phone when the door opens. Lunch? Already? Or dinner? I don’t really care, I’m not hungry. I grab my phone and dial the nurse.
Pick up, pick up..

“Hello?” Sweet voice with concern tone. Like all the nurse in the world.

“Ashe needs healing, she broke her wing. Need you right now.”

It’s all I say before hanging off. I can feel the stare from William on me with my plate on his hand.

“What you want Willy?”


Since the last time we barely spoke to each other. I’m more a bitch than normally. I understand his coldness.

“Don’t hungry.” I say lower than I thought.

He puts the plate on the ground right next to me and sit down. He knows he can’t stay in that room with me when I work out, but I know why he doing it. And Ashe needs a break. I sigh and sit next to him. But I don’t touch the food. I’m really not hungry.

Maybe I need a shower but not food.

“How is the training?” He grumbles softly.

“I don’t know, how does it look?” I respond nodding to Ashe who try to beat her wing with pain.

“You are pushing too hard Hanna. You need a mental break.”

I snort. I can’t defeat my father with a break. I can’t protect you with a break. I need to train, that all. He’s really stupid sometimes. I was about to say something when the door opens to let Cherry in. I get up and grab her wrist to walk with her to Ashe.

“Take care of her.” She gives me a reproving look but I show my fangs in dominance. I don’t let her tell me something about my behavior.

I turn back to watch to William. He did the same and now we are analyzing each other. He has some bruises and scratch in all the skin I can see. I don't know what happen up there but I think the teachers are began a good training. William is hard to catch, if he had bruises that means something happened.

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