Chapter 8 : Duel ?

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He looks terrible. A huge black eye, his lips are bruises. All his body is covered with bandage.. I think i broke his ribs or something.

"I’m.." I try to say.

" Don’t talk to me freak. " He interrupts me.

"Shut up William ! I try to apology here !" I say angrily !

"William ? So you finally call me by my name ? Tsk.."

"I.. called you by something else ?"

" You don’t remember ?"

"Not really.. " I look down in defeat.

"So you don’t remember trying to murder my bestfriends ?"

"No.. "

"So do not talk to me ever again."

With that he lets me alone on the hallway. His room is just beside mine on the left. I turn to face Sam who looks at me with a weird look. We go to the kitchen and try to cook something for everyone. Since I’m not that hurt , I need to do something for them.

When the diner is ready, I call everyone. Some of them come to eat but some others don’t want to eat or are still in convalescence. We chat a little but with that training everyone go to bed early.

The tomorrow morning is still hard. Maybe a little too hard. All the students in this school look at us. Since all of us are hurts, with bandages or crutches, we can’t be invisible. I can hear all the whispers and I can tell it’s not compliment.

I look down when we walk close by the doors of the others classrooms. I know everyone talk about me. All the looks are for me. I’m the one who did that.
When we arrived to our classroom, no one says anything. Professor Kraine do his lesson but I don’t listening. I try to remember something about yesterday. I know I did something to Lewis, something serious because he isn’t here today. Maybe for the rest of the week.

William doesn’t look at me, like I was nerver be here. Luna try to smile but I can tell she’s mad at me aswell. Great day for a new student. Third day in this school and everyone know me, everyone know my power and I think the majority is mad at me or fear me.

Maybe I can take that for an advantage. If they fear me, maybe they can listen to me and with that I can protect them. Maybe I can take the throne of King William. Ahah. No. I’m not that type of girl. Maybe ?

"Magi.. Magi ? Are you there ? "Asks Sam when she snap her finger in front of my head.

"Hu ? Oh yes.. sorry ! What’s up ? "
"It’s lunch time, you didn’t hear the bell ?"

"No I was lost in my mind. Let’s go eat someting, I’m so hungry !"

When we arrive at the cafeteria, I’m feeling unconfortable. Someone is watching me. Who ? I don’t know. But I can feel him. Foxy too because she growls behind me. Kat, Sam and Matt take their food and take place in a table in the center. Ryan Luna and William are in the table beside us. Ryan try to convince them to eat with us but Luna doesn’t want to let William alone since he hates me.

I take a seat and try to eat but I can feel the eyes on me. I turn around but all the students look at me. Then three guys and a girl come to us. Or rather come to me. Two of them are the boys into the fight two day ago.

"How people like you can be friends with this monster ? Don’t you afraid to be killed by this.. thing ?" Says one of them.

"She’s not a monster ! And we can improve our power because of her !" Exlaims Kat with a loud voice.

"Oh great.. you think you can learn something with her ? Maybe you are as insane as this freak !" Says the second guy.

"Stop calling Magi like that. We all know she doesn’t want to hurt us !" Defends Matt.

"Oh yes ? That why all your class was in the infirmary and pretty bad looking ?"

"Well at least, we know how to fight against a real opponent ! " Keeps going Sam.

"Please don’t make me laugh. Our teachers are here to be our opponent, we don’t need something like her !" Says the girl with a giggle.

They chat a little about me, my incapacities to keep control or not, making fun of me. Litterally bullying me in front of me. Little by little we can see some smokes surronding me. I say nothing but my power speaking for me. In my previous school I was also bullying for my power, so I know I don’t have to react. But my instincts try to do something. They attact me, my new friends. I know class 2-2 is in war with my class. But What can I do ? Tell me. What ? I don’t know yet. But I want to protect them right now.

But before I call Lilly or even Ashe, a hand in my shoulder wake me up before I do something I will regret. I look up to see William ? What ?

"Maybe this freak is dangerous but even your class can’t beat her ! You’re such a loser Dean !" William's voice is soft, but loud enough to taunt them in front of all the cafet.

"Oh King dumb take care of his subject now ? Lovely." Says one boy.

"All king need a beauty queen, don’t you think William ?" Tries to seduce the girl, showing her cleavage in front of him.

I sigh, maybe Sir William doesn’t want me to fight but I can defend myself.

"Can you stop doing this shit all of you ? Thanks guys to try to defend my honor or something but I’m used to it. And you, class 2-2. I don’t know why you hate my class, but I understand why you hate me. If you want a fight against me, maybe we can go outside ? Now ?" I challenge them but in reality I don't want to fight so soon after yesterday.

"Pff like we can do that. " Says one guy, but I can feel something strange.. He’s intimidated ?

"Coward. " I say with a smirk.

"Magi stop that. He’s right, we can’t fight, not right now." Tells me William in a groan.

"Oh now you talk to me ? Didn’t know we moved on !"

"Shut up freak ! We’re not friends, don’t talk to me."

"But you respond to me, so maybe one day you will swallow your pride and come to us ! King."

I chukkle a little and go back to the guys from the other class. Foxy beside me, showing her fangs.

"So, you already know Foxy, since last time. But if you want , you can personnaly meet my other friends. I understand all this school know my true power now. Don’t you want to try it ?"

All the cafeteria is silent now, waiting for an answer. They don’t know if I’m serious or not. I’m pretty pissed off but in general I’m not the fighting girl. I’m more agressive since.. that moment. I can’t trust anyone here. Not so soon.

"You're kiding right ? We can beat you, we’re not like your stupid classmate." Laugh the girl.

"Really ? So if I fight all of you versus me in one fight, you defeat me ?" I ask with confident.

"Yeah for sure ! We’re stronger than them !" She seems pretty sure of that but her eyes told me something else. Fear.

"You know.. we fought her in duel, like you just propose right now.. If the Principal wasn’t here.. maybe we’ll be all dead."

After saying that, Sam stand up, arms crossed and a deadly look in here eyes. Then we all here footstep behind us. I turn around to see Principal Barly.

"She’s more powerfull than all of you here. Even the third years. She has the experience, the power, and allies. Even Proffessor Kraine can’t keep up locker with his power. "

I gasp at the end of her sentence. I really broke his cage ? He try to trap me but failed ? I didn’t know that. I always though he can keep me safe ?

"But if you want to try to fight her.. why not ? All class 2-1 and 2-2 against her. Maybe this time someone will be strong enough to catch her."

"What ? " I say immediatly. "Me against all of them ? But class 2-1 is not ready yet ! Look at them !"

"Not today. Monday. You have training tomorrow and the weekend to practice your moves. And you Magi, you have 4 day to, maybe, control it ?"

Without another word, she walks away and the bell rings. Both class know what was that. Their punishment from the other day. Fight together against me. Be a team. Neither of them want this. So in one look we can see a silent promess. A duel. The first class who beat me win everything.

Even me.

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