Chapter 22 : face to face

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Maybe I didn’t sleep last night but I made a plan. My true mission was to be free, knock out the person who put off the collard and go killed my father. On live with the camera.

Right now, I’m on the mansion, Foxy by my side and we try to walk as silent as possible. We didn’t see anyone by now and I was grateful. I’m on the North. I remember my father aisle was on the West. But there will be two playmates, guarding the door since I killed the other. Or.. maybe not. Why in hell I still have my power by the way ?

The mansion is not that big, so if it’s guarding, why not my father private aisle ? I stopped in my track. This is too easy. It can’t be all my successed. Someone has sent Tom because he’s weaker than me. And I have my dagger all the time with me so I could do something before. But I was sick and I wait to know the true punishment.
No guards. Nobody on the hallways. Not a tinny noise.

"I heard something.. but it’s far away, I can’t tell exactly what is it."

It’s the first time in a while I can hear Foxy’s voice and now I wish it was for something else.

"What do you think, I call Lilly ?"

"I’m more discreet. But she’s stronger. Maybe I can be sneaky enough to walk where is the noise and I’ll tell you what I have. You, keep going. We need to put that bastard down."

I agreed. I have more agility with Foxy, so if I’m in danger I can move faster. And then I can call Lilly for help. Let’s do this. I nod and we run in opposite directions. I walk tip toes when I reach the big wood door. My heart beat speeded up incredibly. My hand took the dagger, shaking with fear.
You can do it Magi. You are almost there.
With the other hand I push the door quickly, taking a glance at the room.

Nobody’s here. The room was like a throne room. A large red carpet on the ground with a gold big chair at the end. Normally there is some guard here with torchlight on the wall and my father sitting with dominance. But nothing. No life soul here. And no torch.
That was before I saw her. On the ground. Just behind the chair.

My mother.

Her body.

With blood everywhere and Ollie on her. I feel like I wanted to puke. That was my punishement ? Killing my mom because she help me to escape the first time ? I cry a lot and with an extreme rage I jump on that damn bird. Ollie try to escape or fight back but I kill it with no regret. A life for a life.

"Hannah, they’re here ! All. And I smell blood. So much blood! Call Ashe!"

Her voice. Her voice was hurry and with so much fear. And if she wants me to call Ashe, this is very bad. I run until I reach the closest window. 

"Foxy, are you ok ?"

I ask when I feel her be hurt on the right leg. I tried to not scream but I growl loudly.

"South. Hurry, playmate!"

Then I feel a big pain on my neck. I call Ashe immediately and the pain goes away. I jump on Ashe’s back and we fly to the last direction we known. Since Foxy told me about the playmate we stay away and land to run on the city.

The blood was intoxicate for both of us. Noise of battle was intense. Suddenly I was alone, running on the city, searching for the monsters. I run until I found the first Elk. Without thinking twice I jump and killed it with the dagger. I keep running to the noises but I saw no one again. Why I can heard them but not see them? If there was an Elk here, there should have been people here.


I stopped my track. Looking around me. Blood everywhere. Clothes. Even some. Members. I gasps immediately. They died. All of them here are dead.

I fall down, tears on my cheeks. How many ? Why are they fighting for ? I need to stop them before my father killed them all. I get up and run faster this time. And when I turn around the last corner I froze.

The last Elk, with my father on it, attacking all the pro heroes, classmate, professor in front of him with his crossbow. One by one they falling down, and I can see some of them stand up right away to be in his army. His army of dead. Miss barely wzs one on them. Two student from class 2. Some pro Hero I didn’t met. Tears are rolling down my cheek in rage when I look at my father. He didn’t see me yet but I can see the blood, the tired and horrific look on the human face.

Then I see him. William. In the crow. Blood running on his forehead but determination in his eyes. Like a small reflex I put my hand on my belly. I need to protect it. I think it wasn’t a lie. I feel it. I’m pregnant.
But if I can save him from the worst death, then I need to go. I enter in the building and open a window. I need to jump on it but with my father, that will be dangerous. Nevermind. I need to same them. I hold my breath and jump on the back on the Elk, just in front of my father a plant the dagger deep down.

Everything in front of me was like in the slow-motion. My father looking at me with surprise but his smile growing until his ears. My wings growing up and Ashe making her appearance. The elk falling down in the ground.

I tried to take back my dagger but I saw it on his hand. The crossbow pointing just in front of me. I froze a little when I saw the arrow slowly making its way. But I didn’t move when I realized that he missed me.

But he never miss. Never.

And then the time come back in the real speed. I heard a loud scream and I take some times before I understand that was me. I feel the pain in my belly and I look down. Nothing. But the pain was real. Too real. Quickly I turn around and see it. The arrow, on Ashe’s belly. Slowly she is fading away with a growl. I cry harder and I try to jump to her but my father grip my hand on his. The pain was so hard that I started to see some stars. I close my eyes for a second and my leg broke. I can’t stand anymore. My life, my pet was dying in front of me.

"Lily comes to me."

I try to call someone else but no one are coming. My wings fading slowly. My energy was drained by something. The lost of my pets was exhausting. I can’t do this.

"So, I thought killing the dragon with it will be enough but.. no. Too bad."

He said with a pity tone. I never lose eyes contact with my dragon. Like I never heard him. He killed her on purpose. That was the plan. He waits for the Americans to follow me and free me just in time to called Ashe. And trying to get her on his army.

"Ashe! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!"

"Hanna, I love you. I love you!"

And she was gone. Like dust in the wind. I cry and scream harder. I take my dagger and try to stab my father but. Nothing. My hand didn’t move. My body didn’t respond at all. I’m tired. I want to sleep.

The baby.

The baby is making me powerless. Because I called and lost Ashe. He’s draining all my energy! Not now, not before I can kill him. Ashe needs revenge. I don’t want to live without even try.

I look up to him. Smirking like the devil, he’s pointing his crossbow between my eyes. Winning. And I lost. I’m defeated. I closed my eyes without a word. No more cry. No more pain. Waiting my destiny.
Waiting my death.

He never missed. Never. But this time the arrow never touch my skin. Again. I heard the noise of the arrow , quitting the crossbow and the little wind on my face but nothing. I open my eyes to see it, floating just between my eyes. 

"Don’t touch her bastard !" Shouts out William with defiance.

With his power he makes my father flying away. I scream to not do that. Never letting him escaped! And then the zombies invade us. I try to get up again but nothing. I call Foxy but nothing again. It can’t be real.

I panic. I can’t have lost Ashe and now Lilly and Foxy. My babies are gone. What have I done? I thought taking down the Elk first will be the right things to do. With that all of my allies taking back their power and we all can put down my father or something but.. Selfish. I should have been selfish for once and killed my father. Even if he killed me right after, someone could take my dagger and finished the Elk.

"Magi." her voice.

I look up to the sweet voice. My heart melt at the view. My Sarah. She was alive again.  The time around us stopped. She had activated her power. Time’s running. She can slow down or accelerate the time. On everything. She crouch down, facing me.

Face to face.

Then she kissed me. Like a cursed true loved kiss. My pain on my belly was amplified but she prevent me to move. I cried in silence. My body was in pain. But more she kissed me, more my belly’s growing. At the moment I didn’t understand why she’s doing it. Until she unfroze William with her hand. I can’t see him but I heard him gasp when he understand what happened and called me.

"Over here little thing. Hurry or she’ll die." She broke our kiss to speak loudly to him to find us. "Don’t try to do something on me, I’m the only one who keep her alive right now."

I heard him running toward us, gasping at my view. I was now nine months pregnant. At the edge to giving birth. I’m so tired. I feel my blood and power be more drained than before. But something wrong. My back hurting me like hell too. I feel like if I have my wings growing up again. I look at William with fear when he stands beside Sarah. Two person I never thought to see together one day.

"What did you do to her bitch !" His voice was like a yell-whisper.

"Trying to save her life." She responded like if it was obvious.

"But.. her body, what.. what happened ?" He asked, anger in his eyes.

I look away. I’m disgusting. He will never be with me again. My first.. my first what by the way ? Boyfriend ? We never talk since..

"Congratulation, you will be a father!"

More tears drawing down my cheeks. I didn’t want him to know that like this. I gasp a little when the water broke. They look at me intensely. Sarah smirking a little. I don’t want him to hear the next news I know will end him.

"I’m.. Oh my.."

"Now, you need to choose. Her. Or her babies."

Hey how are you my friends ? :)

the story is almost done, two more chapters ! What do you think ? Will she die ? Do you think she will kill her father before the end ? :O

Have a nice weekend ! 😘

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