Chapter 7 : Forgive

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A body.

Dead body.

A dead body in my arms.

Why her ? Why Sarah ? What did she do ? Why murdered her ?

Then I see him. I can’t understand. The man standing in front of the door. In my school. He’s not supposed to be here.

"Why are you here ?"

No response. Then i see the knife in his hand. Covered by blood. Her blood.

" way ! Not you ! "

Then I scream in rage. A deadly scream.

I wake up in wet. Again that nightmare.  Where am I ? I pant a little while i scan the room. I sigh in relieve when i understand i’m at the nurse.
My head is a little dizzy and i can see bandage in my left leg. No one in sight. Neither Foxy or… FUCK ! Ashe is here, I can feel her mind.

" Foxy come to me !"

When Foxy comes on the bed like nothing, I’m feeling more alive than ever. If Ashe was here, that mean I summon her while I’m sleeping ? I didn’t know I can do that.
I try to stand up but my leg doesn’t want to cooperate. Then  there is a little knock in the door. I hum in response. Then I see Sam with bandage in her head and arms. I gasp, knowing it’s my fault if she is like that.

"I am so sorry about that.. I really doesn’t control my power and.. "

"I know, I know. Sincerly it was my best training ever. We have never the chance to fight against someone with so much force."

"Sam.. I don’t think that a good things to.. "

"Magi, it’s ok. We all know that it’s not your fault. Beside, thanks to you, William got a good beating !"

I groan, not knowing if I should be happy or angry about my behavior.

"Sam.. how are they ? Did I.. did I hurt someone ?"

"Well.. I think Lewis is in bad condition, i heard Cherry say that he need a week to come back in class. But mostly everyone had little injuries."

I nodd and try to stand up again. With Sam’s help I succed and we walk to the door. I need to see them and apology. But when I open it, I can see all of them, without Lewis and William, in the hall, waiting for me.

" Magi ! Are you ok ?"

"Thank God she’s fine. "

"You are so cool, Ashe’s cool too !"

" I can’t wait to fight you again ! "

All the voice in same time give me a headhack.

"Can you shut the fuck up ? God.. you’re so loud !"

Some of them giggle at my voice. I take a deep breath and look at them one by one.

" Listen.. I’m sorry for all of that. I can’t control myself and it’s my fault to hurt all of you. I know i’m the new girl here and I completely understand if you don’t want to be friends with me anymore. "

The sound of crutches takes my attention and I turn around to see Matt walking to me.

" You fool, why do you think we don’t want to be friends with you ? You’re already in our band ! "

"But.. I hurt you and.. "

"We forgive you Magi. Professor Krain told us that you didn’t want to train because you wanted to protect us from you. We don’t know from what but we can see all the concern about you from the Professor and the Principal. "Say Matt with a small smile.

"Yeah.. I’m sure one day you will talk to us about what happen to you but take your time. And we need you, you’re so awsome and fight against you was so amazing ! " Continue Ryan while he hug Luna by behind.

"Un jour vous ne direz pas ça…" I say when I look down.

"What was that ? What did you say ? " Ask Sam in concern tone.

"She said one day you will not say that. "

All the students, including me, turn to look at Professor Kraine who just comes in. No smile, just a serious look in his eyes.

" Magi, you did great, but you didn’t keep control. "

" I know, i’m sorry.. "

" Well. Next time we’ll see another method. Get rest all of you. "

Then he turn his heels and goes back like he went. I sigh and look at the other.

"Well.. maybe I should go in my room, I don’t feel that great.. "

"Magi.. you’re not alone here, you know ? " Say Sam, her hand gripping mine.

"Sam.. All of you.. Thank you. "

I stare at them. Matt has a broken hand, Kat a huge scar on her neck to her shoulder. Ryan has a broken leg, like me. Luna seems ok.

" I’m sorry again. I didn’t mean to hurt you."

They laugh and help me to go to the dorms.  We talk in our way, Sam always on my arm. I feel safe with her. She is the first to be friends with me since.. weeks. And i need that.

"Sam.. can you go in my room with me ? I need to talk."

" Yeah sure ! "

When we make it i sit down on the floor and let Sam to go on the bed.

"I need to know.. how does it look ? What did I do in that room ?"

"Hum.. Honestly  you almost kill Lewis at the end. "

"I knew it.. but why all of you were so happy then ?"

"Because here we never fight against someone else than our teachers.. it’s the first time and it’s like we were fighting for our life, to save Lewis’ life."

"But.. I almost killed one of you ! I don’t understand. I need you to blame me, to hate me, to punch me !"

She chukles and punches me with her fingers. I fake to fall on the floor and chukkling too. Then I cry. Without a word she humming me a song to confort me.
We stay like that a little bit longer, me crying on her shoulder. Foxy sleeping on my laps. I pet her, knowing it’s the only way to calm down since I’m a little girl.

" You know, if you want to tell me your story I’ll keep it for me. "

" Sam.. "

"We all saw the look you made when Lewis want to really kill him. "

"I can’t tell why right now.. It will be dangerous for you."

"I see.. maybe one day you will trust us."

She smiles and stand up with a little difficult. I do the same and wipes my tears away. Foxy streches her up and ask to go out. When I open the door I facing to William. Oh fuck..

Hello guys !

How are you today ? Here I'm fine, but the quarantine begin to drive me crazy lately !

Hope you like this chapter 😊

Have a nice week 😘

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