Chapter 21: The punishment

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It’s been few days since I came back at home. The family’s doctor checked me up right when I stepped in the house. Taking my blood and my mensuration as well as Foxy before putting me a collar, making me powerless. Like if the playmate was here.

After that someone escort me to my room. It was weird to find my old room. The last time was before my mission in high school. Nothing has really change though. I was lock in my room at the moment I step in but I don’t mind it. The only thing that made it inconvenient was the fact I throw up every day since I came back home. Is that because my body refuse to come back ? Like homesick ? I don’t really now.

I just didn’t eat yet, the smell of food making me sick right away. My brother told me our dad was more tense this days. I know my father would be mad at me and to be honest, I thought my punishment would be worst.

Until now.

He was in my room, standing straight and with a small smirk on his face.

"So, I have a new mission for you. If you don’t complete it, I‘m going to be very sad and you don’t want that, right?"

I only nod. The first thing I saw from the sky when I arrived on my country was the army. After he "conquested" the school I imagine he succeed to turn all of them. So basically, everyone was dead. That my father’s power. He can revive the dead. And control them. It’s the deadliest power in the world. We are known because of him.

And that why I was trained to be an assassin. He wants to conquest the world because of his power. I don't really know why but I hate it. And all the missions he gave to my brother or me was something "easy" for him but when he doesn’t want the people in his army, it’s usually us to do the work.

And now the mission will be the same as I used to do. He gave me the paper with the instructions. And my eyes widen. I have to kill the president? SERIOUSLY??

"If you don’t do that, I’ll kill you, and your power is mine, do you understand?"

I swallow hard. I don’t want him to control me and Ashe. Especially Ashe. In bad hand he can destroy everything. I read the instruction. It’s worse than I thought. I have to wear a front camera? What? Why I have to have that?

"Don’t tell me you want me to record his death?" I asked sternly.

"The world needs to know who will dominate them. Who is the ruler?" He laughs dramatically.

"But... It’s me who will kill him, why do you think they think about you?"

"Because if a little girl can kill a president, they’ll be afraid about her parents. And they already know about me. So, they’ll connect the dots."

I don’t really understand. Why, me killing the president, will be benefic for my father? That don’t make any sense. But before I could ask for some explanation he leaves the room and locked it.

In two days will be a meeting with all the Europe’s chef. All I have to do is to find a way to go on that meeting and kill our president. I read on the tinny line that I can kill all the chefs if I can. Understand that "you have to".

On the second paper he gave me was a map of the building and where the guards will be. In first sight I can tell it will be easy. Foxy and I can go through the ventilations. I can see a room where I can change for Lilly just not so far from the meeting room. If the data are correct, witch are always true, only four guards will be in front of the door. Lilly will distract them and all I have to do is to burst into the room and take an hostage or kill them directly the president if he’s right here.

I sigh. They testing me for my loyalty and proving that I’m a true member of the family. If I want to protect my friends I have to do it. I’m not a loyal to this part of my family and I know, as soon as the world will see my act, William, Peter and the other will hate me. I don’t want that feeling but just that thought makes me want to puke.
I lost so much in High school, I don’t want to lose them again. I don’t want them hurt. And knowing Peter and William, they will be soon here. As much as I want see his blond messy hair, I want to memory our last moment with happiness.

Later that day, someone knock on my door before entering. Tom put my dinner on my desk and give me a backpack. I glare at it.

"All the stuff you need for your mission. You leave tomorrow and spend the night on the ventilation. Well, like we always did it."

"Yeah I know, do you want to come to chaperon me?"

"Don’t need. You will be in live with your camera."

My body tenses up. I hate this idea with all my heart.

"Don’t you dare to screw this."

"Tom I know that. If I don’t, I’m dead."

He took a seat, facing me with a tired look.

"Do you really want this life Tommy?"

"You know we don’t have the choice. We’re lucky that mom couldn’t have more children, you know father wanted one with his power for more domination."

"I know but.. before that mission I thought it was our destiny but now I can see we can choose it. And I don’t want this one."

"Hanna, I see what you try to do with me but I can’t. None of them can save us. We’re trapped here for the rest of our life."

"I prefer to be dead than on his control."

He laugh so much that he took him some time to realize where I want to go.

"Are you talking about suicide mission ?"

His eyes were dead serious, no smile on his face anymore. I only nod lightly. I don’t really want to die because I know if I fail for one second, I’ll be dead and on his all control for the rest of my lifeless life.

"I can’t help you but I will not tell him about that."

He stands up and just before he opens the door he turns around and I can see something I didn’t see in a while in it.


"By the way. You’re pregnant."

The news did the bomb effect on me that I didn’t sleep at all that night. This is bad.

Really really bad.

I will not die if you ask but I can’t use my power correctly. If I want to keep it. When a female on our family is pregnant, she can’t use her power because something usually happened on the fetus. Either it is taking directly the power on the source and she will become powerless at the end, either the fetus died because of the overload on our DNA.

I know I have to use my power. Technically it’s always activated so I can not used it. But maybe, changing my pets will be too much for it. But, did I want to keeping it anyway ? Not really. But the worst part would be its, dragging my power out of my body for it.

Can I use only Foxy for the mission ? Maybe just for distracting the guards but I need Lilly’s force. But. Since we did it with William I have already change my form many time. So maybe.. maybe I can do the same ?

I know I didn’t summon Ashe since I landed on the mansion. I didn’t want father to see her properly. And I can try to do the mission without her, like I used to do. So only Foxy and Lilly will be ok. Right ?


With William’s child.

Do I have to tell him ? Sending a message ? Why tho ? I’m about to go on a suicide plan anyway. But.

But if I don’t make it. Does that mean my father can control the birth after I died ? Is that even possible ? Maybe it’s my chance. Because if he revives me maybe the fetus will also revive and if he’ll use my power I’ll be powerless and all he did have consequence he didn’t want to.

Am I an arm now ? If Tom knows I’m pregnant. That’s mean Father knows too. But if he knows, why throwing me on a mission I need to use my power constantly ? Does he want me to use it to kill the child ? But risking my power ? That doesn’t make sense to me.

I sigh. Maybe I think to much about it. In a way, I don’t have to think about it. I’m going to die anyway. With that I try to search a new plan.

After a night, I got up and take my stuff and change my clothes for my assassin suits. Looking on the mirror, I can see my past self before a mission. The hood hiding my redhair whom are on a high ponytail. The belts on the suits are more loose than before. Well I grown up a bit since 4 years now. The dagger on my right belt. I always wonder why he lets me have it since I’m here but I tried to use it in five days.

Maybe I’m really loyal to him. Disgusting.
A soft knock on my door lets me know that Tom was here. I see him opening the door and entering on my room through the mirror. I didn’t move when he walks toward me and I hear the sound of the keys on my neck.


Slowly my fox’s ears grown up and my tail makes his way from my pant. My eyes being more golden than before. I coughed a little and let my hand brushing my skin. Foxy’s purr on my leg, happy to see me again.
I’m not free.

I’m on mission now. .

I stretch like an animal on the ground and get up. Facing Tom for the first time since the big news. His brown eyes analyzing me aswell. His look has change. He didn’t have this kind of “soldier” look. More like a lost look. My heart try to tell me he wants to change for the better but I know he stills my father toy. What if he told me I was pregnant so my father can control me better ? I shiver at the thought. My father can totally do that.

Without a word I let him put the front camera on my head and put my hood on. I take a slight glance to the food. I didn’t eat yet but my body doesn’t want to again. Maybe I was really pregnant after all.

"Ready to be sent?"

His voice was not as harsh as before. More kind. Like if my older brother was afraid for me. That idea makes me sick again.

"Tom. You are maybe my brother, but your allegiance goes to father. Don’t act like that."

"Maybe I’m loyal to father but I’m your brother, I have the right to be afraid for you. Especially since you told me your true intention."

I growl in anger. I take his hand and pushed him on the wall. At the moment his head hit the wall he fall down, unconscious. I’m only two years younger than him but I know he can’t beat me. He’s still just human after all.

"Too bad for you. Or be glad I didn’t kill you, Tommy."

Hey guys !

We are not so far to the end, so I want to know if you liked this novel so far 😊

I hope everything's ok for you, enjoy your summer but always in a safe way !

Love you guys 😘

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