Chapter 6 : Ashe

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Breath. Take a deep breath Magi. Blood. No , don’t think about this. Fire. Keep control.

" Magi, are you ok ? "

"Ashe.. please.. go away.."

"No Magi, they’re right, you need to train with me."


My head hurts so much. My back hurts like hell too. I feel really dizzy. But I can hear the screams and the panic in the students.

" What the hell is this ?"

William shout out. Follow by some whispers. Only Matt looks at me with wonder in his eyes.
Then we all hear the roaring of Ashe and the ground shaking. I turn around to facing her. My third pet.

My dragon.

I sigh. Ashe is a black dragon with golden eyes. Some smoke get out her mouth. Maybe she wait my order to spit fire but i don’t want to. Yet.
Then I whinne. My head tortures me. That why I don’t want to summon her. I can’t control my dragon instinct. Maybe 10 min before turn into a beast.

The dragon particularities are like.. wild. I really want to fight, to kill or to protect something or someone. I loose my mind perhaps because of my new horns or my wings in my back. I don’t really know since it’s the third time I’m calling her.

"Magi ? Are you alright ?"

" Yeah you don’t look so good.. "

" Maybe you should sit.."

"Wouuaaah a dragon ? Seriously ? That awsome !"

I turn to see Sam, Kat, Ryan and Matt walking to me. I growl in annoyance. Then something caught me up in my right.

That man.

I roar in anger this time and everyone shut up but when I jump to them I fall in something invidible. Great.. I’m trapped in a cage again.

"Magi doesn’t control her power in stage 3." Explain Professor Kraine while i punch the wall.

"If she is in 2-1 it’s because of that. She is more powerfull than all of you but without control she can.. be very wild."

"But Professor.. Why do you force her to do that ? And Who is this guy ?"

Nobody talk. So I do.

"This man killed my bestfriend. And they force me because if I can’t control my power, I can kill someone too. And it’s no very heroic, don’t you think ? "

Then I try someting I really want to. I spit fire. This feeling, all the fire on my mouth but it doesn’t hurt at all. So satisfying !

"Magi, can you say to Ashe to not attack us, for the class ?"

"She can hear you dumbass, go fuck yourself !"

Some classmate gasp at my words. But this will be more and more worst. More I lose control more I’ll curse and be violent.

"What bitches ? You don’t have the power to stop me ? Such losers here.. "

"Oi ! Stupid bitch ! Who are you talking about ? You ? I’m more powerfull than you !"

"Willy.. my poor Willy.. I bet you are so good in bed ! Oh God yes ! But sorry baby, you’re not strong enough to support me !"

"What the.. fuck ?"

"Magi please listen to me.. you need to breath. Or you will regret everything later.."

"What are you saying Ashe ? Help me to kill that bastard who killed her ! That not what you wanted last time ? »

« Magi.. you need to calm down, I’m in your side but he’s not him ! »

I groan in pain and frustation. Why everyone are against me ? Don’t they see the traitor is right here ? In front of me ?

« Lewis, my boy, you can turn back. She’s ready. »

What the hell is going on ? Why the man turn into someone else ? Who is he ? Did he change his power ? Or did he just activate his power ? Raaah i don’t know anymore.
I let a death rattle go out my mouth. I start to punch in the wall. The cage is like a transparent box, just enough to me to be here, i can’t really move. But i can punch with all my force. And i can feel its not this strong.

"Quickly before my cage break up, all of you will fight against her. She will be more violent than earlier. Your task is to put her K.O, for the moment the only way to win is to knock her out." Says Professor Kraine in a concern voice.

"But.. Professor.. the dragon.. we can’t fight against two of them !" Whines Ryan.

"Don’t worry, Ashe knows who we are and where we are. She’s not a monster. Just.. Magi doesn’t know how to control her instinct yet."

"So.. can we hurt her ?" Asks William, suspcious in his tone.

"You must to do it. In two minutes she will loose her mind. She will doesn’t remember who she is, who you are. Maybe she will try to protect one of you or something. "

While they speak each other I succed to break the wall without alarm them. I smirk and walk silently behind them. No one take a damn look on me.
Then I try to process who is my weakness. After a while I think its the shadow guys. Don’t remember his name but..who care ?
I need to take him down quickly. He can hide and I don’t want that.

"Ashe.. can you make something loud to caught their attention please ?"

Without a word Ashe roar and flaps her wings. All of them turn to see her. With one hand I shut the mouth of the guy and with the other I drag him close to me.
With a small laught I start to fly to the top of a cliff. I take a deep breath and look at him.

"Don’t dare to move away. You hear me ?" I angrily say.

"Magi.. are you ok ? You know we can help you with..this."

"Haa ? What are you talking about ?"

He sighs and cross his arms. Then we can hear some voice and scream. He tries to attack me when I was looking down but with one hand I break his leg.

He scream in pain and I like it. I take his other leg while he takes the other to support the pain. I break it. He screams again and I laugh. So enjoyable. Then I can’t hear anything. It’s like a slowmotion. But I know. I know I can’t keep it. I lost control. And like everytime. I fall in a blakout. I fall in madness. Dragon taking me over.

Hey Guys !

I know, it's a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway !

Love you all, take care of you and stay home ❤️

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