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1. I do not own anything aside from the plot. Characters are owned by Bittersweet <3

2. English is not my first language and I just whisked this up without caring over grammar, spellings, punctuation and every single English language rule. If you are very particular on this, I sincerely request for you to not read it anymore (:

3. All details here are based on my research, little knowledge about the subject and mixed with fictional things.Take everything with a grain of salt. Won't explain things further unless needed *winks*

4. This fic contains M-preg, arrange marriage and more. Please read at your own risk

5. Please be advised: long chapters ahead

6. I only write for fun, that's it *winks again*

If you're fine with the things mentioned above, please enjoy reading. hehe.


Centuries ago, the population of the world has been depleting faster than anyone can think of. Countries has been alerting each other of how the population growth wasn't even improving despite how the government has been trying to do damage control. Men and women has learned to value other things more than consummation. Some countries even records higher number of deaths than births per year. The number of male births was higher than female births which causes lesser chance of having women to carry a child for the next generation. This caused a lot of uproar as it was foreseen that if this continues, no one may see what the next century will be.

This caused a number of scientists and doctors to start more than just test tube experimentation. With the pressure being given by different governing bodies, they were on their feet to find a solution to the problem the society was facing. It was few years later that they have finally tried their first ever womb transplant. It was risky and has less than 10% success rate but they had to give it a try. First few tries failed and some considered as guinea pigs or those chosen to carry on the experiment died on the surgery table. A lot of movements were raised calling the action inhumane but the scientists and doctors continued to do the experiment with the hope that the success will come soon. They had to make sure that the male bodies are well taken care of, healthy and they were doing it knowing the possible results. Few years later, after a lot of attempts, the first baby was born by a man through his transplanted womb.

It wasn't immediately accepted by the society but seeing how it has showed positive results, some has finally accepted and went through it. It caused women to be free from the responsibility to be the only to carry a child. It has also made male couples to conceive for their own. Females were later on given a chance to have their own child through In vitro fertilization using both of their eggs and will be planted on the partner who would want to carry for nine months. This has given a chance for both females to conceive a child of their own. Equality has seen the light on everyone's eyes.

Maybe it was science or maybe the heavens above has granted the humans a gift after seeing how they wanted to keep people see the future generation that something happened like a blessing. Male children were starting to be born with a natural womb. Scientists and doctors has started to research about it again and science explained that it must be with the genes. A lot of children were born with natural womb after being born with male parents. It was something new but it was surprisingly accepted by the society. Thing is, not everyone with natural womb can carry a baby, some were too weak for it or some reproductive organs were not fully developed to carry one but medicine has been discovered to have these organs develop while there are still so-called 'normal' ones who are born without it.

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