Yang-RJP Group of Companies CEO-- Arthit Rojnapat

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"Oh my! Oh my! Come here come here!" madam Li Hua raised both of her arms to Arthit and that made Arthit smile as he carefully placed their 10 month old child in his grandmother's lap. They have finally travelled to China and have their son meet his great grandparents. They wanted to come earlier but this seemed to be the best time.

"Oh look at him Jian Gou! He really looks like our Wei Yang." Grandma cannot help but coo over her great grandson who is obviously observing the people and the new surroundings.

He was surprisingly calm during the plane take off but was making a fuss while they were on air. Kong tried to coax him but he kept on crying. Nana Godji tried too but failed. Arthit had to stop his talk with Dae and Maprang and stood up to coax their son who finally calmed down in his arms. This made Kong roll his eyes at him after Arthit gave him a playful smirk.

"Hello, Wei Shi." Master Jian Gou carefully placed his wrinkled palm on top of the head of his great grandson and the people around them cannot help but smile seeing the little lion smile at him. His big eyes are staring directly into Master Jian Gou's soft eyes. Now, he only looks at three persons with soft eyes – his wife, little Meilin and now, little Wei Shi. (Wei- remarkable, Shi- Lion)

It was Kong who chose his Chinese name and Arthit's parents have majority of the Chinese blood in the family approved to call their grandson a remarkable lion – a remarkable king of the jungle.

"Thank you Wei Yang, Kongpob, thank you." Grandma looked up to Kong and Arthit who are standing beside her as she smiled at them warmly, her great grandson still in her lap. She even carefully washed her hands in front of Sandra and insisted for her husband to do the same to ensure that they are both clean before they hold the 10 month old baby. Little Meilin even sang happy birthday while they washed their hands that it made the entire scene comical for her great grandparents.

That day, little lion and little Meilin were the center of the attention of the family in the huge mansion. It's really true that children lightens up a house brighter than any light could.

"Look at him, he looks tired but he won't stop playing." Kong cannot help but mutter as he leans on Arthit's shoulder who automatically circled his arm around him, both smiling satisfyingly at the sight. Their son is currently playing with Aor in the play mat inside the baby room that Meilin uses. Little Meilin is currently sleeping in her parents' room after tiring herself out running all over the place. Aor is lying on the play mat with little Singto playing all over him. He is currently seated on Aor's stomach while playing as Aor kept on making faces on his grandson.

"Dad really likes kids, I wonder whose energy get used up first." Arthit chuckled at his own words making Kong slap his chest.

"It's your dad. I am telling you, it's your dad." Sandra suddenly showed up inside the room, her voice is filled with exasperation as she rolled her eyes at the sight of her husband making the two laugh.

"Lăogōng (husband) let the little lion take his nap before you get too worn out. You're not on your early 30s playing with Arthit anymore. That's your grandson." Sandra reprimanded his husband earning snickers from the couple.

"Lăopó(wife) how can I do that? He looks exactly like our Arthit when he was a baby." Aor replied as he stood up and carried the little lion in his arms. Little Singto then started to poke his grandfather's cheek. The scene brought smile to his parents and grandmother.

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