You're pregnant aren't you?

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On their way out of the house, the little lion is too excited that he is busy running around. They let him be so he can be tired and just sleep it off during the flight.

"Daddy carry!" Kong's eyes widen as little Singto raised both of his hands to him. Ever since Kong found out he's pregnant, he has not carried Singto at all. The little boy is a growing toddler and he knows the risk of carrying him especially on his first trimester. Instead of carrying him, Kong has settled into having the little lion in his lap and even having him sleep in his lap before moving him to his makeshift bed.

Kong gulped but before he can reply, Godji suddenly came and carried Singto and started playing super hero where they'll act as if Singto's flying. The act made the little boy completely forget about his earlier request as his laughter and giggles echoes around the garage. Kong had to silently thank Godji as he unconsciously caressed his lower abdomen, silently talking to the little one.

"Bǎobèi, all good?" Arthit arrived to the garage after answering last minute work phone call. Kong turned and smiled at him before nodding.

"Okay-okay little lion time to get in the car. Your welcoming committee in China is way too excited to see you." Arthit said while laughing as Godji handed the giggling toddler to him. Kong cannot help but laugh knowing that Arthit is talking about his grandparents. Singto's great grandparents adores him so much, especially that the toddler can handle little conversation in Chinese.

The plane ride was a little bit of a challenge to Kong as he can feel his stomach churning especially when they ascended. He's glad that Arthit is busy attending to Singto's fascination to the clouds on the window.

"I'll go to the toilet." Kong said as he stood up, biting his lower lip. Arthit looked at him and nodded. He watched Kong until he exited the curtain that leads the way to the toilet inside their private plane.

He didn't even notice that Godji followed Kong as Singto suddenly started asking about cloud shapes "Papa that looks like a fried chicken" and Arthit knew that he needs to have his imagination work extra hard now.

Kong heaved his heart out in the toilet bowl, emptying his breakfast out. He spend some time to calm himself before he washed up and cleaned the toilet. When he deemed that he was fine, he came out to see Godji outside.

"Are you okay sir?" Godji asked with concern in her eyes making Kong smile and nod.

"Water." Godji handed him the bottle as he thanked her before drinking.

"I got this so you can reason it out for what took you so long." Godji said as he handed a plate of croissant making Kong chuckle.

"Thank you Godji." Kong said with a smile and it made his son's nanny smile as well.

"I'll do a QC here first." Godji said as he pointed at the toilet making Kong chuckle and nod as he returned to their seat.

Just like what Godji said, he placed the plate of croissant on the table and when Singto saw it he squealed. Their little boy started liking the food. Kong sliced it out to bits and Arthit held the little lion on his lap while he started eating using his own utensils that Godji also prepared.

"Why is there no clouds in pie shape, papa?" Singto asked as he ate another slice, the question made Kong and Arthit laugh.

"Maybe you haven't seen it yet little lion. It's out there though." Arthit playfully replied as he even pointed at the window and Kong had to stop himself from face palming. It's always such a sight for him to see his husband and their little lion interact like this. Their little Singto talking in his limited vocabulary and stumbling on some words and then there's Arthit who will try to adjust his voice and vocabulary to talk to their little one. The similarities is uncanny – facial features, attitude, little details in their expressions, when Kong looks at their little lion, he feels like he's already looking at his husband.

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