Those three words

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Before you read... uhm... maybe you'll need some... water? maybe a kitkat too? uhm.... *starts to sweat*


Weekend passed uneventful as the two didn't really exchange words except for the basic 'do you want to eat?' 'are you finish?' 'I'll be in the study' after Kong was sure that Arthit was fine the night he arrived home from work. They went back to square one again, walking on egg shells around each other. And that frustrated Ple and the helpers again. Arthit spent most of his time in the study while Kong was either sleeping or was staying in the garden patio, looking at nothing in particular.

"Until when are they going to be like this?" Ple cannot help but ask Tum who is standing by the kitchen counter with his cup of coffee.

"It has been going on for more than a week now. It doesn't seem like it will be over soon." Tum muttered and that made Ple take a deep sigh.

"Sir Kong is not faring well with the situation... I worry for him and the baby." Drake joined in the conversation. The couple has just finished eating their lunch and they saw Arthit enter his study while Kong made his way to the garden patio.

"They are both suffering in a situation that we can only guess the reason why they are like this. I just hope that things get better soon. I cannot watch them like this." Ple who treats the two like her younger siblings feels like she is seeing them silently separate and she don't think she can take that.

Kong feels like his nausea has a switch button on its own that it comes and goes anytime that he feels like a crap. He hasn't been productive this weekend as all he does is stare at nothing in their garden patio but he still feels tired doing that.

He tried to work on the examination he has been doing for the finals but his head feels so light. Part of him feels like the letters are dancing in front of his eyes. He continued to try working in the dining table without knowing that Arthit has been watching him from the dining entrance, leaning on the wall.

Arthit immediately soothed his back the moment he saw Kongpob ran to the kitchen sink to vomit. It took some time for Kong to calm down, all the meal he tried to eat the whole day vanished like that. Ple has come out to see what was going on, she already prepared a water for Kong. Arthit wiped away the tears and Kong's sweat after he drank water. He also handed him paper towel to clean himself up.

"Just now, please stop. It's obvious that you can't finish what you're doing." Arthit quietly said as he fixed Kong's sweat-damped hair, brushing it away from his forehead. His other hand is holding Kong's elbow knowing that his husband needs some support in standing up after using up his energy with his earlier activity.

Kong didn't complain as he said okay. His head is aching and he can barely read words in his books and laptop.

He doesn't know but he felt like crying the moment his eyes met Arthit. The genuine concern is overflowing that Kong feels like he is being choked by guilt again and again.

He wanted to hug him but before he can do so, Arthit pulled him into his embrace.

"You're doing well bǎobèi, you're doing really well and I'm proud of you." Arthit whispered in Chinese which made Kong let his tears go. He knows that it is hormones working but he just let it out and Arthit let him. Arthit whispered white noises in his ear while soothing his back. The scene made Ple smile as she wiped little tears that came from her eyes, she then silently left the kitchen to let the two have some privacy.

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