Day After

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The next day, Arthit woke up to find his husband sleeping peacefully like a baby in his arms. Arthit can't help but smile and wanting to kiss him again but he knows better, Kong needs to rest after last night. It was good that it is Saturday and Kong's day off. He admired his beauty for more than thirty minutes, just staring, no touching.

"I must have fell so hard that I don't even know how to get up now. What do I do bǎobèi? I'm a fool I know."

After thirty minutes, Arthit slowly let Kong rest his head on the pillow, his arms missing the warmth his husband gave. He stood up to pick up their clothes on the floor and fixed it on the edge of the bed. He already cleaned Kong last night, after two more rounds, Kong gave in to exhaustion and fell asleep.

He carefully cleaned him up before wrapping both of them in a new blanket he got from one of the cabinets. He proceeded to shower, determined to take good care of Kong the whole day.

He doesn't know how painful it will be but he can't help but smile recalling last night's activity. It will forever be in his heart.

Arthit proceeded to get their breakfast from downstairs and prepared a bed table-- a breakfast in bed. He also got their medicine bag and got a pain medicine. From the secret cabinet in the bathroom where he hid the lube bottle, he got an after-sex ointment for Kong. He really did think about this. He wanted to be ready for whatever and whenever Kong will be ready for it.

When he asked for three years, he was ready to celibate for three years. Even the after-sex ointment's expiration date is for next five years. He prepared everything on the bed side. He then sat on Kong's bedside. He wanted to let him sleep for more but it was past 10am and he needs to eat.

"Bǎobèi, wake up." Arthit tried waking him up. He watches Kong stir and the moment he opened his eyes and met his, a visible blush came out of the doctor's cheeks and he knows that he is just mirroring him right now.

Arthit can't help but chuckle as he touched Kong's cheek.

"Good morning bǎobèi. Do you feel any pain?" Arthit asked. Kong gulped as he felt the pain the moment he moved his legs but he's got other matters at hand right now.

"Arthit, can you get me my bag please?" Arthit did so after helping him sit on the bed and rest his head on the pillows that Arthit stacked on his back. The young CEO did not miss the wince on his husband's face because of that small movement.

Kong opened his bag, got a pouch and got a blister pack of pills. Arthit didn't even wait for Kong to instruct as he stood up to get the water. He waited for him to get one tablet, drink it and handed him the water.

Arthit smiled as he ruffled Kong's hair who was still blushing.

"Let's eat breakfast now." Arthit said as he returned to the table and lifted the bed table and settled it in the bed. Arthit sat on Kong's bedside as he adjusted the plates on the bed table to have one in front of Kong and one in front of him.

They silently ate their breakfast with occasional stealing of glances here and there, no one dared to open up about the topic last night.

After eating, Arthit handed him the pain medicine as he can see how uncomfortable Kong is.

"What's this?" Kong asked upon seeing the tube at the bed side table. Visible blush came out again upon seeing what it is.

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