Happy Birthday

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Kong woke up past 6 in the morning and he's surprised to see that no one is sleveping beside him. He felt the bed cold so he checked on the digital clock again thinking if Arthit has left so early. When Kong finally sat down, trying to gather his thoughts to start the day, completely trying to push the incident last night at the back of his mind, his eyes darted on the sleeping figure on the couch inside the room.

He suddenly felt bad seeing Young Master Arthit crump up on the couch. The couch wasn't small, it fit him perfectly but that doesn't mean it was comfortable for someone who is used to sleep in a king size bed. Kong stood up after making sure that he was ready to face the day before approaching Arthit's sleeping features.

He looks peaceful, his white cheeks naturally blushing, his lips flushed pink, his perfect nose, his lashes – everything is just too perfect for the man sleeping in front of him. Kong spent at least five minutes sitting on the center table while watching his husband sleep. He can't help but wonder if how would they be if they met on a different situation, if they weren't bonded by a marriage through arrangement, if he wasn't here to be his baby maker, he wonders... and he can only wonder.

Five more minutes later, Kong woke him up. He watched him stir in his sleep and when he opened his eyes, he just stared at Kong blankly.

"Why did you did you sleep there?" Kong asked but Arthit didn't reply. The blank stare from his husband made him chuckle. He looks disoriented. He just let Kong drag him to the bed and made him lie down to sleep more. Arthit didn't utter any work as he closed his eyes to sleep again.

Kong can't help but think about how tired he must be. With last glance, Kong proceeded to take a shower and prepared himself before waking Arthit up. He recalled Mook saying that breakfast is by 9am so they still have time to explore the mansion more.

"Arthit wake up." He tried waking him up again. The moment Arthit opened his eyes, a smile is now plastered on his face, a pretty different Arthit from the disoriented Arthit earlier making Kong stop himself from laughing.

"Good morning." He greeted with a hint of blush in his face. Kong knew the reason behind it and he doesn't want to think about last night's happenings in their room so he told Arthit about his plans.

"Can we have a tour in the garden before breakfast?" he asked and Arthit immediately nodded.

"Okay. I'll be quick." And Arthit proceeded to the bathroom, getting reminded of the reason why he ended up sleeping in the couch instead of sleeping beside his husband after his cold shower.

Kong proceeded to fix the bed as he waits. He can't think of what else will they see around.

They were out by 7:30am and servants were already all over the place, preparing for the party tonight. Kong thought that they would be walking around but someone suddenly stopped a golf cart in front of them and handed Arthit the key.

"We can't walk around. We'll both faint of tiredness and hunger in the middle of the walk." Arthit said which made Kong laugh as he rode alongside him. They drove around and Kong got really impressed again. Well maintained grass field, bonsais, flower garden, healthy trees, it really is a mansion.

They circled on an oval and followed a road until Kong can see another huge fountain, but a bit smaller than the one in the front entrance. Kong can see people setting up. Chairs, tables, stage, sound system and more.

"The party is going to be held here." Arthit said and now Kong figured out why he did not hear any noises from these people preparing since Sandra mentioned them during lunch yesterday. Kong thought that the house is too big that's why he couldn't hear them, he didn't realize that the garden is this huge so of course, the garden where they drank tea last night is different from the garden for the party.

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