We're fine, Arthit

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Few days has passed and Kong is trying his best to really get himself together. He has been on bed rest the moment they arrived home and Arthit barely made him leave the bed unless it's for bathroom breaks and showers. Kong knows that his fear is still there and he hopes he can help him get over it soon. He started to try walking after refusing Arthit to continue carrying him around.

"Seriously Arthit, I can do this." Kong said but his actions says the opposite as he gripped into Arthit's hands with each step that he is taking. His legs are shaky and unstable because he has been on the bed for almost three weeks.

"Let me hold you like this bǎobèi, I'll let go when your legs stop shaking okay?" Arthit assured him which only made him nod. He feels like a baby learning to walk but he can clearly understand his situation. Most of his patients that stays on bed rest after operations often needs to undergo muscle exercises and treatments before they can steadily walk again.

"There. We have arrived." Kong took a deep breath of relief as he looked at himself in the mirror of their bathroom, hands resting on the edge of the sink counter. He just finished walking from their bed to their bathroom and he feels accomplished. He must say that got him tired but he's happy that he is starting to walk again.

Kong is too deep in thoughts that he didn't notice that Arthit is standing behind him, holding his arms and planting a long kiss on his shoulder blade.

"You did great bǎobèi." and that sent an overwhelming feeling all over Kong's body.

"Thank you Arthit. Really, thank you." If Arthit is someone who constantly apologizes, Kong feels like he is someone who has been expressing so much gratitude these days but he believes that it is the best thing he can do with his situation.

"Anything for you bǎobèi, anything." And Arthit looked up to meet his eyes through the mirror. Kong can feel his heart melt with the way Arthit is looking at him and he can feel butterflies in his stomach. Arthit really has his way in looking at him that overwhelms Kong.

"I... hm..."

"Want to go back to the bed now?" Arthit asked when he noticed the little panic on Kong's expression.

"Yeah... let's go back." Kong replied and Arthit nodded before standing in front of him again, holding both of his hands.

"In two days, I'm sure that I can walk by myself already." Kong said as they started to walk back to the bed, legs still shaky.

"Don't strain yourself too much, you'll be able to do it soon." Arthit smiled at him and Kong can only smile back.

The moment they settled in the bed, Arthit helped him to sit comfortably and placed pillow on his back. Just like how they did yesterday, Kong can't help but just stare at Arthit as he started to apply some oil on Kong's legs and started to softly massage it.

"Arthit, you don't have to."

"But I want to." And there goes his dimple showing smile again and Kong knows better than to try to stop him again.

Arthit's pretty good in massaging and Kong learned that he learned it from his grandma Meixiang. Arthit's soothing caress on his legs made Kong close his eyes and eventually fell asleep in the process. When Arthit noticed it, a smile formed on his lips. He slowly stood up and gently placed Kong's legs on the bed. He then tucked Kong under the blanket and planted a kiss on his temple.

"Sleep well bǎobèi, I love you." he whispered in Chinese and left the room to finish some work in his study, completely missing the small smile forming on Kong's lips.

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