Ten Weeks

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When Kong woke up, he was welcomed by Aim glaring at him. He didn't bother to talk as he broke the eye contact. He looked around and found Arthit standing by the door, his arms crossed in his chest, expression unreadable and Kong knows, he's doomed.

"Did you know?" Aim asked calmly but Kong just looked at the empty white wall.

"Kong I am asking you, did you know?" this time, he raised his voice little. Kong tried to control himself but a tear escaped from his eye.

"You knew and you never told me?! You never had yourself checked? Kong I know you're better than this!" Aim was burst.

He was shocked when he was suddenly called in the private ER to find Kong unconscious. Nurse Prae explained the situation and how she found Kong passed out in the corridor.

The ER doctor pointed at the ultrasound machine which suddenly sent cold sweat on Aim. He doesn't remember Kong mentioning anything but he knows what the doctor meant. "I checked his pulse and his blood test. You may confirm it." he said and Aim was shaking while he did the ultrasound and there he saw the tiny little one in the womb of his best friend.

"Since when Kong? Since when?" Aim asked after calming down as he saw Kong's tears. Kong is still looking at the wall, not answering.

"The baby has been with you for 10 weeks. It has been there for 10 weeks Kong." Aim tried to drill the information to his best friend. "10 weeks. It has been 10 weeks... it must have really been conceived on that night... stupid Kong. Stupid." Kong gulped in his thoughts.

"You've been drinking alcohol, caffeine and even energy drink. You've been drinking medicine for headache and God knows what other medicines. You even travelled. You have been walking around the hospital without vitamins and supplements for your and the baby's immune system. I have checked, you had 16 surgeries, major and general surgeries combined in the past 10 weeks. You are underweight and borderline anaemic." Aim is spitting words like fire while explaining his situation and Kong's tears just kept on falling, no sound coming out from him.

"Do you want this baby? Because Kong, I am trying to control every fiber in my body not to get mad at you." Aim continued. Kong feels bad. He knows how much Aim hates miscarriages and abortion. He hates to see a fetus die even if it is needed to happen depending on a situation.

Fifteen minutes of silence enveloped the room as Aim took a deep breath to calm himself. He knows he will not be getting any response from Kong. The door opened revealing Tew, panting as he came from an emergency surgery himself. He looks dishevelled as he looked at Kong, Aim and then Arthit, finally feeling the atmosphere of the room, he chose not to talk.

"Arthit already signed me as your OB and even if you refuse, I am going to push myself in the situation. I am keeping you for the night and you may be discharged tomorrow. I have already given the pharmacy the medicine and vitamins you need to ensure yours and the baby's safety. I filed three days sick leave for you. Get your strength back and take good care of yourself. Wad has forwarded a meal plan for you and it was also provided to Arthit. We have to do something with your weight." Aim started to talk again as he scribbled something on Kong's chart.

"No surgeries for now Kong, and I mean it." that made Kong's head finally snap to make his eyes meet his best friend.

"How can I call myself a surgeon if I don't perform a surgery?" Kong suddenly asked, one of his fear dawning into him again. He knows the risk of pregnant doctor being in surgeries but he cannot imagine himself not doing it for the following months.

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