Little Lion

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Perhaps... drink some water before reading? hihi.

It's a long  chapter,so yeah, water. *sweats*


Arthit listened to three rings until the line got answered.

"Hi bǎobèi, how are you?" Arthit immediately asked.

"Hmmm...." The sound from the other line sounded pained that it made Arthit's eyes widen.

"Kong what's going on? Are you okay? Where are you?!" Arthit started to feel worried and panicked as he heard another series of pained hums on the other line.

"Kong, bǎobèi, please answer me..." he is starting to pace around his room while hearing incoherent and pained noises from the other line.

"Arthit its Braxton." His breathing hitched when he heard Rome's voice.

"Phi..." Arthit paused to try to calm his breathing but his heart is beating so fast, different scenarios running inside his head.

" is Kong?" Arthit managed to ask.

"Arthit... please... continue speaking. The little lion must be missing you." this time he heard Kong's weak voice. Arthit bit his lower lip as he can only imagine the pain Kong is going through right now.

"Hey little lion... how are you? Papa misses you too." Arthit tried to steady his breathing as he started to speak in Chinese.

"I can't wait to see you too but please don't give your dad so much pain... I'm sorry that I'm not there." Arthit continued speaking, he can still hear small humming from Kong on the other line.

"I'll make sure to be with you and your dad once I return so please don't give your dad so much pain... it pains me to know that I'm not there." Arthit tries his best not to choke on his own tears. A week has passed of not being in Thailand is killing him already and knowing that Kong has been experiencing Braxton hicks while he is not there is making him worry more. He can only imagine how many times Kong has been undergoing these false contractions but he doesn't tell him over the phone.

"I love you little lion... bǎobèi I love you..." Arthit continued to speak in a soft voice, hoping that even just through his voice, he can sooth the pain his husband is experiencing even if they're miles away.

Arthit continued to say sweet nothings, not even bothered by the fact that his brother-in-law is in the same room with Kong, probably helping him through the pain since he has undergone this twice already.

"P'Rome, I think it's gone." Arthit can hear Kong's voice, a little stronger this time. He can hear sound of water on the other line but he cannot find words to ask what is going on now.

"Are you sure?" Rome asked.

"Yes phi, no more." Kong's voice sounded like he was assuring Rome.

"Okay, drink some water first." And Arthit continued to listen.

"Do you want to get up now or do you want to stay?"

"I want to stay for five minutes more phi."

"Okay... uhm... I'll go to your closet and get you some clothes. I'll be in your bed, call me if it's time to get up so I can help you okay?" Rome instructed and he left after Kong gave his words some acknowledgement. As much as he wants to stay, he knows that Arthit would like to have some time to talk with his husband alone.

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